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Volumetric and Material Balance

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MSc Petroleum Engineering

School of Engineering

Recovery Mechanisms and Material Balance in Reservoir


Contact hours: 33 hours

Credit unit: 15
Staff contact info: Dr Roozbeh Rafati

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 1 www.abdn.ac.uk

List of figures:
• Figure 1. Volumetric representation of a reservoir (Ahmed, 2013) 16
• Figure 2. Plotting F vs Eo 39

• Figure 3: Plotting F vs Eo+Ef,w


• Figure 4. Plotting F vs Eo+mEg


• Figure 5. Plotting F/Eo vs We/Eo


• Figure 6. plot of p/z vs Gp 60

• Figure 7. plot of F/Eg vs Gp 65

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 2 www.abdn.ac.uk

List of tables:
• Table 1. Typical oil products from a distillation tower (Ahmed, 2006) 20

• Table 2- Components of typical petroleum gases (Ahmed, 2006) 23

• Table 3- Gas from a well which also is producing petroleum liquid (Ahmed,
2006) 24

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 3 www.abdn.ac.uk

List of abbreviations:
• N Initial reservoir oil, STB

• Initial oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB

• Cumulative produced oil, STB

• oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB

• G Initial reservoir gas, SCF

• Initial gas formation volume factor, bbl/SCF

• Amount of free gas in the reservoir, SCF

• Initial solution gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB

• Cumulative produced gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB

• Solution gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 4 www.abdn.ac.uk

List of abbreviations:
• Gas formation volume factor, bbl/SCF

• W Initial reservoir water, bbl

• Cumulative produced water, STB

• Water formation volume factor, bbl/STB

• Water influx into reservoir, bbl

• Water isothermal compressibility,

• Change in average reservoir pressure, psia

• Initial water saturation

• Initial void space, bbl

• Formation isothermal compressibility, psi

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 5 www.abdn.ac.uk

Natural Drive Mechanisms

• Water Drive (70 to 80%)

• Solution gas drive (10 to 30%)
• Gas Cap Drive
• Gravity Drainage
• Fluid and Rock Expansion

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 6 www.abdn.ac.uk

Material Balance – What is it?
• The Material Balance method is a fundamental tool for the RE to
• Estimate hydrocarbon fluids in place (OIIP and GIIP)

• Predict future production and associated pressure performance of a


• Estimate recovery factor based upon understanding of the recovery


Schilthuis (1941)

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 7 www.abdn.ac.uk

Standard Terms in the Material Balance Equations
N Initial reservoir oil, STB
Initial oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Cumulative produced oil, STB
oil formation volume factor, bbl/STB
G Initial reservoir gas, SCF These are standard
Initial gas formation volume factor, bbl/SCF
Amount of free gas in the reservoir, SCF terms which you
Initial solution gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB should become
Cumulative produced gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB familiar with
Solution gas-oil ratio, SCF/STB
Gas formation volume factor, bbl/SCF
W Initial reservoir water, bbl
Cumulative produced water, STB
Water formation volume factor, bbl/STB
Water influx into reservoir, bbl
Water isothermal compressibility,
Change in average reservoir pressure, psia
Initial water saturation
Initial void space, bbl
Formation isothermal compressibility, psi

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 8 www.abdn.ac.uk

Reservoir Volume

initial volume of gas cap GBgi

m 
volume of oil initially in place NBoi

initial volume of gas cap  GBgi  mNBoi

The total volume of the system then is:

initial oil volume  initial gas cap volume  PV(1  S wc )

NBoi  mNBoi  PV(1  S wc ) or

NBoi( 1  m)
PV 
1  S wc

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 9 www.abdn.ac.uk

Material Balance – Fundamentals

• The model shown on the next slide represents:

1. Initial Pressure
Gas cap gas volume mNBoi (expressed as reservoir barrels, rb)
Oil volume NBoi (rb)

2. Reduced Pressure
The reduced volume results from production from the reservoir
If the surface production is represented at reservoir conditions at
the lower pressure, p, then the volumes should fit into A+B+C+D
which is the total volume change of the original hydrocarbon pore
volume (HCPV)

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 10 www.abdn.ac.uk

Figure 1. Volumetric representation of a reservoir (Ahmed, 2013)
reservoir condition after
Initial reservoir

Pore volume occupied by the remaining oil at p (N  N p )B o

+ mNB oi
Pore volume occupied by the gas in the gas cap at p ( )B g
NB oi B gi
Pore volume occupied by the evolved solution gas at p  NR si  N p R p  (N  N p )R s  B g
Pore volume occupied by the oil initially in place at pi +
Pore volume occupied by the gas in the gas cap at pi
= Pore volume occupied by the net water influx at p W e W p Bw
mNB oi Change in pore volume due to connate water expansion and pore
 S c  cf 
Volume reduction due to rock expansion NB oi (1  m)  wi w  p
+  1  S wi 
Pore volume occupied by the injected gas at p
+ G inj B ginj W inj Bw
Pore volume occupied by the injected water at p

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 11 www.abdn.ac.uk

Material Balance – Generalised
Generalised form of the material balance:

1. Pore volume occupied by OIIP at pi +

2. Pore volume occupied by gas cap at pi

4. Pore volume occupied by remaining oil at p +
5. Pore volume occupied by the gas in the gas cap at p +
6. Pore volume occupied by the evolved solution gas at p +
7. Pore volume occupied by the net water influx at p +
Change in pore volume due to connate-water expansion
8. and pore volume reduction due to rock expansion +
9. Pore volume occupied by the injected gas at p +
Pore volume occupied by the injected water at p

Above are the 9 terms which comprise the MBE

We will consider them one at a time
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 12 www.abdn.ac.uk
1. Pore volume occupied by OIIP at pi

Volume occupied by the oil initially in place at pi

 NBoi

N = oil initially in place, STB

Boi = oil formation volume factor at initial reservoir
pressure pi, bbl/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 13 www.abdn.ac.uk

2. Pore volume occupied by gas cap at pi

Volume occupied by the gas cap gas (free gas) initially at pi

 mNBoi

m = ratio of initial gas cap volume to initial oil volume (m is

N = oil initially in place, STB
Boi = oil formation volume factor at initial reservoir
pressure pi, bbl/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 14 www.abdn.ac.uk

3. Pore volume occupied by remaining oil at p

Volume occupied by the remaining oil at pressure p

 ( N  N p )Bo

Np = cumulative oil production, STB

N = oil initially in place, STB
Bo = oil formation volume factor at reduced reservoir
pressure p, bbl/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 15 www.abdn.ac.uk

4. Pore volume occupied by the gas in the gas cap at p

As the pressure drops, the gas cap will expand to occupy a

larger volume. If there is no production of gas cap gas from
the reservoir then the volume occupied by the gas in the gas
cap at pressure p

 mNBoi 
  Bg
 B 
 gi 
Bgi = gas formation volume factor at initial pressure pi,
Bgi = gas formation volume factor at reduced pressure p,

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 16 www.abdn.ac.uk

5. Pore volume occupied by the evolved solution gas at p

At initial conditions the reservoir oil contains dissolved gas, denoted by the
formation GOR, Rsi . The total dissolved gas is NRsi . Any produced oil
contains gas (possibly with different GOR – see Primary recovery lecture

The volume of the evolved solution gas

 NRsi  N p R p  N  N p Rs Bg 
Term 1: Initial dissolved Term 2: Gas Term 3: Gas which Expressed at
gas at pressure pi produced remains in solution at reservoir conditions
reduced pressure, p

Np = cumulative oil production, STB
Rp = net cumulative produced GOR, scf/STB
Rs = solution GOR at reduced pressure p, scf/STB
Bg = gas formation volume factor at reduced pressure p, bbl/scf
Rsi = solution GOR at initial reservoir pressure, scf/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 17 www.abdn.ac.uk

6. Pore volume occupied by the net water influx at p

Net water influx (difference between water in and water


 We  W p Bw

We = cumulative water influx, bbl

Wp = cumulative water production at surface conditions,
Bw = water formation volume factor, bbl/STB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 18 www.abdn.ac.uk

7. Change in pore volume due to connate-water expansion and pore
volume reduction due to rock expansion

Recall that typical compressibility values may be:

co = 15 x 10-6/psi
cw = 3 x 10-6/psi
cg = 500 x 10-6/psi, so gas compressibility dominates

In a reservoir where there is significant free gas, this component of the MBE
can often be neglected. This is not the case in under-saturated reservoirs
where the term must be included.

In general terms, recall that volume expansion in a compressible system is

given by:

V  cVp
Change in volume compressibility Change in pressure

Initial volume

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 19 www.abdn.ac.uk

Reservoir Volume

initial volume of gas cap GBgi

m 
volume of oil initially in place NBoi

initial volume of gas cap  GBgi  mNBoi

The total volume of the system then is:

initial oil volume  initial gas cap volume  PV(1  S wc )

NBoi  mNBoi  PV(1  S wc ) or

NBoi( 1  m)
PV 
1  S wc

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 20 www.abdn.ac.uk

7. Change in pore volume due to connate-water expansion and pore volume
reduction due to rock expansion (cont)

Connate water expansion

 PV. S wc cw p
Pore volume Change in pressure

Initial water
saturation Water

NBoi( 1  m)
 S wc cw p
1  S wc
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 21 www.abdn.ac.uk
7. Change in pore volume due to connate water expansion and pore volume
reduction due to rock expansion (cont)

And the reduction in the pore volume due to the expansion of the
reservoir rock
NBoi( 1  m)
 c f p
1  S wc
Formation compressibility

So the total change in the pore volume

 S wc cw  c f 
 NBoi( 1  m) p
 1  S wc 

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 22 www.abdn.ac.uk

8. & 9. Pore volume occupied by the injected gas and water at p

If volumes of gas and/or water are injected as part of a

pressure maintenance or secondary recovery process then the
pore volume which they occupy

 Ginj Bginj  Winj Bwinj

Ginj = cumulative gas injected, scf
Bginj = injected gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
Winj = cumulative water injected, STB
Bwinj = injected water formation volume factor, bbl/STB

We generally assume that Bwinj = Bw i.e. the FVF of the

injected water is the same as that of the formation water

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 23 www.abdn.ac.uk

Complete form of the MBE – Combined terms

LHS: Initial Conditions RHS: At reduced pressure p after production

NBoi  mNBoi  ( N  N p )Bo

Volume occupied by
remaining oil

 mNBoi 
  Bg Volume occupied by gas
cap gas
 B 
Initial PV occupied by oil
and free gas
 gi  Volume

 NRsi  N p R p  N  N p Rs Bg 
occupied by
evolved solution

Volume occupied by
 We  W p Bw natural water influx

 S wc cw  c f 
 NBoi( 1  m) p Connate water and
rock expansion

 1  S wc 
 Ginj Bginj  Winj Bwinj
Injected gas and

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 24 www.abdn.ac.uk

Full form of the MBE – Rearranged

Rearranging the MBE gives:

N p Bo  (G p  N p Rs )Bg  (We  W p Bw )  Ginj Bginj  Winj Bwinj

 Bg   S wc cw  c f 
( Bo  Boi )  ( Rsi  Rs )Bg  mBoi  
 1  Boi (1  m) p
B 
 gi   1  S wc 
which looks complicated but can be simplified in many circumstances. If
we define the cumulative produced gas-oil ratio as R p then

Gp  Rp N p and if we define a total two-phase formation volume factor

Bt  Bo  ( Rsi  Rs )Bg then we can rewrite the MBE as

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 25 www.abdn.ac.uk

Full form of the MBE – Simplified

 
N p Bt  ( R p  Rsi )Bg  (We  W p Bw )
 Bg   S wc cw  c f 
( Bt  Bti )  mBti  
 1  Bti (1  m) p
B 
 gi   1  S wc 

for the primary depletion case, where there is no gas or water injection.

Bt  Bo  ( Rsi  Rs )Bg

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 26 www.abdn.ac.uk


A nameless field is a combination drive reservoir. The current reservoir pressure is

estimated at 2500 psia. The reservoir production data and PVT information are given
Initial Reservoir Current Reservoir
Condition Condition
p, psia 3000 2500
Bo, bbl/STB 1.35 1.33
Rs, scf/STB 600 500
Np, MMSTB 0.0 5.0
Gp, MMMscf 0.0 5.5
Bw, bbl/STB 1.0 1.0
We, MMbbl 0.0 3.0
Wp, MMbbl 0.0 0.20
Bg, bbl/scf 0.0011 0.0015
cf, cw, psi-1 0.0 0.0

The following additional information is available:

Volume of bulk oil zone = 100000 ac-ft
Volume of bulk gas zone = 20000 ac-ft
Calculate the initial oil in place.

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 27 www.abdn.ac.uk

Step 1. Assuming the same porosity and connate water for the oil and gas zones, calculate m:
20, 000
m  0.2
100, 000
Step 2. Calculate the cumulative gas-oil ratio Rp:

5.5 ×10
𝑅 𝑝= 6
=1100 𝑠𝑐 𝑓 / 𝑆 𝑇𝐵
5 ×10

Step 3. Solve for the initial oil-in-place by applying material balance equation:

N p  B t  (R p  R si )B g   (W e W p Bw )
N  &
B   S c  cf 
(B o  B oi )  (R si  R s ) Bg  mB ti  g  1   B ti (1  m )  wc w  p
B 
 gi   1  S wc 
Bt  Bo  ( Rsi  Rs )Bg

5 106 1.33  (1100  500)0.0015  (3 106  0.2 10 6 )

N 
 0.0015 
(1.35  1.33)  (600  500) *0.0015  (0.2)(1.35)   1
 0.0011 
 31.14MMSTB

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 28 www.abdn.ac.uk

Straight line Analysis

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 29 www.abdn.ac.uk

Full form of the MBE

The full form of the material balance equation can be expressed as:
Oil and gas production Net water influx Cumulative fluid injection

 
N p Bo  R p  Rs Bg  (We  W p Bw )  Ginj Bginj  Winj Bwinj 
 Bg   S wc cw  c f 
( Bo  Boi )  ( Rsi  Rs )Bg  mBoi   1  Boi (1  m) p
B 
 gi   1  S wc 
Net gas cap expansion
There are three unknowns in the MBE:
N the original oil in place, or STOIIP
m the ratio of the gas cap to original oil volume
We the cumulative water influx into the reservoir

Typically, we would like to determine N from the available data

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 30 www.abdn.ac.uk

Straight line representation of the MBE

For the primary depletion case i.e. No water or gas injection, Havlena and
Odeh (1963, 1964) wrote the MBE as:

F the underground withdrawal

N p [B o   R p  R s  B g ] W p B w W e
N 
 Bg   S wc cw  c f 
(B o  B oi )  (R si  R s )B g  mB oi   1  B oi (1  m )   p
B 
 gi   1  S wc 

Eo the expansion of oil

Eg the expansion of Ef,w the expansion of
and dissolved gas
gas cap gas initial water and the
reduction in pore volume

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 31 www.abdn.ac.uk

Straight line representation of the MBE

Where we have defined the terms:

F the underground withdrawal

F  N p Bo  R p  Rs Bg  W p Bw Eo the expansion of oil
Eo  Bo  Boi   Rsi  Rs Bg and dissolved gas

 Bg  Eg the expansion of
E g  Boi   1
B  gas cap gas
 gi 
 S wc cw  c f 
E f ,w  Boi 1  m  p Ef,w the expansion of
 1  S wc  initial water and the
reduction in pore volume

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 32 www.abdn.ac.uk

Straight line representation of the MBE

So that we can write the MBE as:

F  N Eo  mEg  E f ,w   We
Remember: this equation is valid only for the natural depletion case
where there is no gas or water injection into the reservoir

We can now use this formulation of the MBE to plot variables together, in
order to give us estimates of the unknown quantities and gain insights into
the natural reservoir depletion processes.

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 33 www.abdn.ac.uk

No gas cap or water influx

For example, in the case where there is no initial gas cap (m=0), no water
influx (We=0) and where the water and formation compressibilities can be
neglected (cw=0, cf=0) then we can write:

F  NEo
So that if we plot data point of F against Eo we should see a straight line,
with a slope which is equal to the STOIIP, N


Figure 2. Plotting F vs Eo Eo
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 34 www.abdn.ac.uk
Straight Line Solutions of the MBE

Application of the MBE to the following depletion types:

1. Volumetric Under-saturated Reservoir

2. Volumetric Saturated Reservoir

3. Gas Cap Drive Reservoir

4. Water Drive Reservoir

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 35 www.abdn.ac.uk

1. Volumetric Undersaturated Reservoir

a. Undersaturated conditions (above bubble point)

m=0 (no initial gas cap)

Rs = Rsi = Rp (all gas is dissolved in the oil)
Wp = 0 (there is no water production)
We = 0 (there is no water influx)

F  N Eo  mE g  E f , w  We

F  N Eo  E f ,w 
So we can write:

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 36 www.abdn.ac.uk

1. Volumetric Undersaturated Reservoir

Where N is initial oil in place, stb, and

F  N p Bo  W p Bw
Eo  Bo  Boi
 cw S w  c f 
E f ,w  Boi  p
 1  S wi 
The first task is to define whether the reservoir is indeed
behaving as a volumetric reservoir i.e. No additional influx
into the reservoir – all drive energy comes from the
original oil, connate water and rock expansion

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 37 www.abdn.ac.uk

1. Volumetric Undersaturated Reservoir

we can plot F against Eo + Ef,w. If behaviour is volumetric then we

should see the points plot through the origin with slope N:

Figure 3: Plotting F vs Eo+Ef,w
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 38 www.abdn.ac.uk
2. Volumetric Saturated Reservoir

Saturated conditions (below bubble point pressure)

• Gas is liberated in the reservoir
• There is a free gas phase when Sg>Sgc which will result in Rp>Rs

m=0 (no initial gas cap)

Wp = 0(there is no water production)
We = 0(there is no water influx)
 cw S w  c f 
E f ,w  Boi  p
the term  1  S wi  can be ignored as

cg dominates because there is a free and highly-compressible

gas phase in the reservoir so that we can write:

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 39 www.abdn.ac.uk

2. Volumetric Saturated Reservoir

F  N  E o  mE g  E f ,w  W e
F  NEo

F  N p Bo  R p  Rs Bg 
Eo  Bo  Boi   Rsi  Rs Bg

so a plot of F against Eo should give a
straight line with slope N

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 40 www.abdn.ac.uk

3. Gas Cap Drive Reservoir

• Further pressure drop in reservoir gives rise to expansion of

the overlying gas cap and expansion of the evolving solution
gas which drives oil production


Wp = 0 (there is no water production)

We = 0 (there is no water influx)

co and cw can be ignored, so that:

F  N  E o  mE g  E f ,w  W e
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 41 www.abdn.ac.uk
3. Gas Cap Drive Reservoir

Or, using Havlena & Odeh’s method we can write:

F  N Eo  mEg 

 Bg 
E g  Boi   1
B 
 gi 

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 42 www.abdn.ac.uk

3. Gas Cap Drive Reservoir

This situation is complicated as typically we have two

unknowns, m and N.

However, if one of these values is known then we can

reformulate the MBE in different ways to provide values of the
other unknown:

a. N unknown, m known

Plot of F against (Eo+mEg) gives Slope = N

straight line through origin with F
slope N

Figure 4. Plotting F vs Eo+mEg
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 43 www.abdn.ac.uk
3. Gas Cap Drive Reservoir
b. N known, m unknown

Plot of (F/N-Eo) against Eg gives Slope = m

straight line through origin with F/N-Eo
slope m

c. N unknown, m unknown Eg
F  Eg 
We can write E  N  mN  E 
o  o Slope = mN
So that a plot of F/Eo against F/Eo
Eg/Eo gives a straight line with
slope mN and intercept N N-
Eg /Eo

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 44 www.abdn.ac.uk

4. Water Drive Reservoir

Ef,w can often be neglected as formation and water

compressibilities are generally small and because water influx
helps to minimise Δp. If, additionally, the reservoir has no
gas cap then:
F  NEo W e
We is fundamentally difficult to determine as it requires
detailed knowledge of the aquifer geometry and response

F  N Eo  mEg  E f ,w   We

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 45 www.abdn.ac.uk

4. Water Drive Reservoir

Plot of (F-We) against Eo gives

straight line through origin with
slope N

F -We


Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 46 www.abdn.ac.uk

4. Water Drive Reservoir

Figure 5. Plotting F/Eo vs We/Eo

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 47 www.abdn.ac.uk
Material Balance for Gas Reservoirs

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 48 www.abdn.ac.uk

Volumetric Gas In Place Calculation
The volumetric equation is useful in reserve work for estimating
gas in place at any stage of depletion. During the development
period before reservoir limits have been accurately defined, it is
convenient to calculate gas in place per acre-foot of bulk reservoir

𝐺 =¿ ¿
Gas produced = Initial gas – Remaining gas

where G = gas-in-place, scf
A = area of reservoir, acres
h = average reservoir thickness, ft
= porosity
S = water saturation, and

B = gas formation volume factor,ft3/scf


Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 49 www.abdn.ac.uk


A gas reservoir has the following characteristics:

A = 3000 acres h = 30 ft = 0.15 S = 20%


T = 150°F p = 2600 psi


p z
2600 0.82
1000 0.88
400 0.92

Calculate cumulative gas production and recovery factor at 1,000 and 400

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 50 www.abdn.ac.uk

Step 1. Calculate the reservoir pore volume P.V.

P.V = 43,560 Ah
P.V = 43,560 (3000) (30) (0.15) = 588.06 MMft3

Step 2. Calculate Bg at every given pressure by using equation below.

p sc zT zT p z Bg, ft3/scf
Bg   0.02827 2600 0.82 0.0054
T sc p p
1000 0.88 0.0152
400 0.92 0.0397

Step 3. Calculate initial gas-in-place at 2,600 psi.

G = 588.06 (106) (1 − 0.2)/0.0054 = 87.12 MMMscf

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 51 www.abdn.ac.uk

Step 4. Since the reservoir is assumed volumetric, calculate the remaining gas at 1,000
and 400 psi.

• Remaining gas at 1,000 psi

= 588.06(106) (1 − 0.2)/0.0152 = 30.95 MMMscf

• Remaining gas at 400 psi

= 588.06(106) (1 − 0.2)/0.0397 = 11.95 MMMscf

Step 5. Calculate cumulative gas production Gp and the recovery factor RF at 1,000 and
400 psi.

• At 1,000 psi:
Gp = (87.12 − 30.95) × 109 = 56.17 MMM scf

• At 400 psi:
Gp = (87.12 − 11.95) × 109 = 75.17 MMMscf

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General Material Balance Method for Gas Reservoirs

𝑃 𝑠𝑐 𝐺𝑃 𝑃 𝑖 𝑉 𝑃 [𝑉 −(𝑊 ¿ ¿ 𝑒 −𝑊 𝑃 𝐵𝑤 )]
= − ¿
𝑅𝑇 𝑠𝑐 𝑍 𝑖 𝑅𝑇 𝑍𝑅𝑇

This equation can be expressed in numerous

forms depending on the type of the application
and the driving mechanism.

In general, dry gas reservoirs can be classified

into two categories:
• Volumetric gas reservoirs
• Water-drive gas reservoirs

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 53 www.abdn.ac.uk

Volumetric Dry Gas Reservoirs
𝑃 𝑠𝑐 𝐺𝑃 𝑃 𝑖 𝑉 𝑃 [𝑉 −(𝑊 ¿ ¿ 𝑒 −𝑊 𝑃 𝐵𝑤 )] If there is no water influx
= − ¿
𝑅𝑇 𝑠𝑐 𝑍 𝑖 𝑅𝑇 𝑍𝑅𝑇
For a volumetric reservoir and assuming no water production, above equation is
reduced to:

p scG p  pi   p 
  V  V
T sc  z iT   zT 

Commonly expressed in the following two forms:

Form 1. In terms of p/z

Form 2. In terms of Bg

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 54 www.abdn.ac.uk

Form 1. In terms of p/z
Rearranging Previous Equation
and solving for p/z gives:

p p i  p scT  p scG p  pi
  p 
  G p  V  V
z z i  T scV T sc  z iT   zT 

• Intercept at G = 0 gives p /z
p i i

• Intercept at p/z = 0 gives the gas initially in place

G in scf
• Cumulative gas production or gas recovery at any

p scT
slope 
T scV

Figure 6. plot of p/z vs Gp

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 55 www.abdn.ac.uk
Water Encroachment Recognition
The initial reservoir gas volume V can be expressed in terms of the volume of
gas at standard conditions by:

p zT 
V  B g G   sc i G
 T sc p i
p p i  p scT 
 
 𝑃 𝑃𝑖
𝑍 𝑍𝑖

𝑃𝑖 1
𝑍𝑖 𝐺
G p
z z i  T scV 

𝑃𝑖 1
𝑍𝑖 𝐺 ( )
𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑡 :

Figure 6. plot of p/z vs Gp

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 56 www.abdn.ac.uk
Energy Plot for water influx detection

Log Scale
𝑃 𝑃𝑖
𝑍 𝑍𝑖

𝑃𝑖 1
𝑍𝑖 𝐺 (
𝐺𝑃 )  z p
log 1  i   log G p  log G
 pi z 

An extrapolation to one on the

vertical axis (p = 0) yields a value
for initial gas in place, G.

An increasing slope can only

occur as a result of either
gas leaking from the
reservoir or bad data

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 57 www.abdn.ac.uk

Form 2. In terms of Bg

From the definition of the gas formation volume factor

B gi 
G 1
p zT
B g  sc
T sc p where V = volume of gas originally in place, ft 3

G = volume of gas originally in place, scf

p = original reservoir pressure

z = gas compressibility factor at p

i i

p sc z iT V
 1
T sc p i G GpBg
p scG p  pi   p  B g  B gi
 V   V
T sc  z iT   zT 

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 58 www.abdn.ac.uk

Water-Drive Gas Reservoirs
Underground Gas Water expansion/ Water
withdrawal = Expansion + pore compaction + influx

(cw S wi  c f )
G p B g W p Bw  G  B g  B gi   GB gi p W e
1  S wi

• Underground fluid withdrawal F:

• Gas expansion : Negligible

• Water and rock expansion, :

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 59 www.abdn.ac.uk

Gas Material Balance Equation as a Straight Line (1)

Dividing both sides of the previous equation by Eg gives:

F We
G 
Eg Eg

Figure 7. plot of F/Eg vs Gp
Defining the reservoir-driving mechanism
Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 60 www.abdn.ac.uk
List of References (Harvard format):
• Ahmed, T., 2009. Working guide to reservoir rock properties and
fluid flow. Gulf Professional Publishing.
• Ahmed, T., 2013. Equations of state and PVT analysis. Elsevier.
• Amyx, J.W., Bass, D.M. and Whiting, R.L., 1960. Petroleum
reservoir engineering: physical properties (Vol. 1). McGraw-Hill
• Ahmed, T., 2006. Reservoir engineering handbook. Gulf
Professional Publishing.
• Dake, L.P., 2001. The practice of reservoir engineering (revised
edition) (Vol. 36). Elsevier.
• Craft, B.C., 1962. Well design: drilling and production. Prentice Hall.

Roozbeh Rafati, PhD Page 61 www.abdn.ac.uk

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