Introduction To JavaScript ES6
Introduction To JavaScript ES6
Introduction To JavaScript ES6
JavaScript ES6
JavaScript ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, introduced several powerful
new features that enhance the language's functionality and readability. These
features make JavaScript more expressive, concise, and easier to work with,
helping developers write more efficient and maintainable code.
by Sahil Kshirsagar
Let and Const
1 let 2 const
Replaces the old var keyword and Declares a constant value that cannot be
provides block-level scoping, allowing for reassigned, helping to prevent accidental
more controlled variable usage. changes and improve code clarity.
Arrow Functions
Syntax Lexical Binding Implicit Returns
Arrow functions use a concise Arrow functions inherit the For single-line arrow
syntax, omitting the this value from the functions, the return keyword
function keyword and using enclosing scope, eliminating can be omitted, making the
the => syntax. the need for bind() or var code more succinct.
self = this;.
Template Literals
1 String Interpolation 2 Multiline Strings
Template literals allow you to easily Template literals preserve whitespace
insert variables and expressions into and newlines, making it easier to work
strings using the ${} syntax. with long strings or code blocks.
3 Tagged Templates
Template literals can be "tagged" with a function, allowing for advanced string
manipulation and formatting.
Array Destructuring Object Destructuring Default Values
2 Inheritance
Classes support inheritance, allowing you to create subclasses that inherit
properties and methods from a parent class.
3 Static Methods
Classes can have static methods, which are called on the class itself rather than on
instances of the class.
Promises and Async/Await