CH 06new Service Development
CH 06new Service Development
CH 06new Service Development
nt e n a
Co i za t i o of new services
objective / strategy
• Idea generation
• Service design
and screening
and testing
• Concept
• Process and system
development and
design and testing Product
• Marketing program testing
design and testing
• Personnel training Technology Systems
• Service testing and
pilot run
• Test marketing Tools
Design Analysis
• Business analysis
• Project authorization
Service Blueprinting
When a building is designed, the design is captured
on architectural drawings called blue prints, as the
reproduction is done on special paper creating blue
These blueprints show what the product should look
like and all the specifications needed for its
G Lynn Shostack proposed that a service delivery
system also can be captured in a visual diagram (a
service blueprint) and used in a similar manner for
the design of services.
It is a map or flowchart of all the transactions
constituting the service delivery process.
Service Blueprint for Coffee Shop
Fail Point (coffee, flavours,
milk, cups etc)
Line of visibility
Prepare Order
Mixes Supplies
Financial Planner
Low High
(Standardized) Real Estate
Life Insurance
Structural Alternatives for a Restaurant
Limit to Four Choices Entree (15 choices) Expand to 20 Choices: Add Flaming Dishes;
Bone Fish at Table; Prepare Sauces at Table
Sundae Bar: Self-service Dessert (6 choices) Expand to 12 Choices
Coffee, Tea, Milk only Beverage (6 choices) Add Exotic Coffees; Sherbet between
Serve Salad & Entree Together: SERVE ORDERS Courses; Hand Grind Pepper
Bill and Beverage Together
Cash only: Pay when Leaving COLLECT PAYMENT Choice of Payment. Including House Accounts:
Serve Mints
Service Process Design
Degree of divergence – A standardized service with
low divergence is designed for high volumes with a
narrowly defined and focused service. Tasks are
routine and workforce requires low levels of skills.
Object of the Service Process – If processing on
customer’s property (laundry), property must be
secured. Processing people involves physical
changes (haircut/surgical operation) or geographical
changes (bus ride). Due to high touch nature, the
workers must possess interpersonal as well as
technical skills and attention needs to be paid to the
service facility design and location as the customer is
physically present in the system. Processing
information can be front office or back office activity.
Service Process Design
Type of customer contact
1. Physical presence and direct interaction
2. Indirect contact via electronic media from
the customer’s home or office.
3. Activities with no customer contact.