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Chap 1

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chapter one

Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics

Introduction about computer graphics

Brief history of computer graphics

3D Graphics Techniques and Terminology

Common uses of Computer Graphics

Examples of Application Areas

Introduction about CG

 Generation (from models) and manipulation of images

using a computer as a rendering tool is called computer
 An image can be defined as a two-dimensional function,
f(x, y), where x and y are spatial(plane) coordinates and
the value of f at any coordinate(x, y) is called intensity.
 When x, y and the value of f is finite(discrete) quantities
the image is known as Digital Image.
 Pixel:-the building block of an image. f(x, y) where x=0 to
M-1 and y=0 to N-1. 2
Introduction about CG
 By convention, the origin of the image is located at the
top-left most corner i.e f(0, 0).
 The center of the image is at f ((M-1)/2, (N-1)/2)

Types of computer graphics

 Based on user interaction

 Interactive CG :- games
 Non-interactive CG:- screen saver, wallpaper
 Based on image format
 Raster CG
 Vector CG
 Based on dimension
 2D
 3D
History of Computer
 First Generation (1951 - 1959)
 UNIVAC (1951)

 Crude hardcopy devices (line printer pictures)

 Data was displayed on printers or hardcopy plotters

 Computers were “number crunchers”; hardware was
 First computer-driven display (Late 50s and early 60s)
 attached to MIT’s Whirlwind I computer

 display was CRT similar to one used in TV sets

Computer Graphics History
 SAGE air-defense
system (mid 50s) used
command & control
 used CRT display
consoles on which
operators identified
targets with light

Computer Graphics History
 Beginnings of modern interactive graphics
attributed to Ivan Sutherland’s doctoral
 presented work at Spring Joint Computer
Conference in 1963 in the form of a movie.
 He developed the Sketchpad drawing system

Sutherland’s work continued

 the system included interactive techniques that

used the keyboard and light pen for making
choices, pointing, and drawing
 He formulated the ideas of
 display primitives (lines, polygons, arcs, characters)
 constraints on primitives
 developed algorithms for dragging, clipping,
transforming (rotating, scaling, translating)
 introduced data structures for storing hierarchies built up
via easy replication of standard components

More Sutherland

 He is considered to be the founder of the computer

graphics field
 Because of his work, CAD & CAM became attractive
 By the mid-sixties, much research was being done

Computer Graphics of the 60’s
 Hardware expensive
 large scale, expensive computing resources
 About 1965, IBM brought out the first widely
available interactive computer graphics terminal
 vector graphics display
 sold for more than $100,000
 only elite designers could use the display system

More Developments
 The next landmark was a special type of CRT
produced by Tektronix - the direct-view storage
tube (DVST)
 Introduced in 1968
 complete with keyboard, mouse, simple
computer interface for $15,000
 made interactive computer graphics affordable

Where did graphics go next?
 By late 60’s many researchers were concerned with
dynamic graphics.
 Realistic flight simulation applications were needed
 To make them realistic, solid colored surfaces were
needed (not wireframe)
 TV raster displays were used to create such images

Raster Graphics continued

 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed a new graphics-

based personal minicomputer called the Alto
 Design was based on:
 cost of computing falling - every “knowledge worker” should have
a personal computer
 Alto computers should be connected for communication &
 interface between user & computer should be graphical
 graphics display should be based on raster-graphics technology

Xerox Alto

More hardware development’s
 PC’s in the 80’s
 costs decrease drastically
 built-in raster displays

 bitmap graphics used

Software Developments

 Sketchpad graphics
 Early days software was non transportable at the
assembly language level
 Push in 70’s for high-level, machine- and device-
independent graphics subroutine packages
 The awareness of the need for standards culminated in
 specification of the 3D Core Graphics System
 produced by an ACM SIGGRAPH Committee in late 70’s
 used as input to official standards projects within both ANSI and

Software continued
 First graphics standard was GKS (1985)
 like Core but 2D
 PHIGS (Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics
System) was a 3D extension of GKS became an ANSI
standard in 1988
 OpenGL was introduced by SGI in 1992
 has portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications

 low-level, vendor-neutral software interface

 broad platform accessibility in the industry

 Sun formally announced Java in 1995
 Developed by James Gosling (originally called Oak)

 Considered to be a software development platform--

includes graphics & windowing capabilities
• Java AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)
• Java 2D
• Java 3D

3D Graphics techniques and
 Modeling = representing 3D objects(polygons, quads, etc.)
 Rendering = constructing 2D images from 3D models
 Texture mapping:- covering a geometry using images.
 Morphing :-shifting pixels from one location to another.
 Rasterization:- geometry to pixels
 Transformation( translation, rotation, scaling, shearing)
 Animation = simulating changes over time
3d graphics techniques and
terminology cont’d
 Shading:-modeling light interaction with 3D objects.
 Hidden surface removal:-display only visible part of an
 Vertex:- point in 3D
 Edge:-line in 3D connecting two vertices
 Polygon/Face/Facet:-arbitrary shape formed by
connected vertices, fundamental unit of 3D computer
 Mesh :-set of connected polygons forming a surface (or
3d graphics techniques and
terminology cont’d
 Aliasing: distortion object produced when representing a high-resolution signal at a
lower resolution.
 Anti-aliasing:- a technique used to remove aliasing.

CG uses and application
 Entertainment:- games, movies, special effects
 Computer-aided design:- design bridge, dam, machines
 Scientific visualization:- how our body works
 Training:-flight, driving simulation.
 Education:- to teach anatomy.
 E-commerce:- virtual phone store.
 Computer art:- drawing monuments, palaces and church
 Question and answer?

End of chapter!!


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