Week 11-Ch.10
Week 11-Ch.10
Week 11-Ch.10
2 2 2
Chapter 10: Acquiring Information
Systems Through Projects
3 3 3
Q1. How Can Information Systems
be Acquired?
4 4 4
New Software Must Be Integrated into
Existing Systems
5 5 5
Q2. What Are IT Projects, and What
Does PMBOK Mean?
6 6 6
7 7 7
IT Projects
8 8 8
Information Technology Project
Management (ITPM)
9 9 9
Q3: What Should You Know About IT
Operations and IT Projects?
10 10 10
IT Operations and IT Projects
11 11 11
IT Operations and IT Projects (cont’d)
12 12 12
IT Operations and IT Projects (cont’d)
13 13 13
Information Technology Infrastructure
Library (ITIL)
14 14 14
What the IT Department Does
15 15 15
What About the Web?
16 16 16
Q4. Why Are IT Projects so Risky?
•All projects, no matter how small or how well defined, face risks
•The Standish Group (www.standishgroup.com), suggests that
only 16 percent of IT projects were delivered on time, on budget,
and on scope, whereas more than 30 percent of IT projects were
cancelled before delivering any benefits
17 17 17
What Makes IT Projects So Risky
18 18 18
Some Risks Inherent in IT Projects
19 19 19
Q5: What Is a SDLC?
20 20 20
21 21 21
Phases in the SDLC
22 22 22
Phase 1: Defining Systems
23 23 23
Phase 1: Defining Systems
24 24 24
Phase 2: Requirements Analysis
25 25 25
Q6: How Are Information Systems
Designed, Implemented, and
•Five ways to acquire information systems:
1. Buy it
Match requirements with
2. Buy it and customize it the capabilities of the
3. Rent or lease it available software
4. Build it yourself application
5. Outsource it
26 26 26
Matching Organizational Needs and
COTS Software Capabilities
shelf (COTS) Software
27 27 27
Phase 3: Component Design
28 28 28
Phase 3: Component Design
29 29 29
Procedures to Be Designed
30 30 30
Phase 4: Implementation
31 31 31
Systems Testing
•Test plan
◦ Sequences of actions that users take when employing system
◦ Both normal and incorrect actions should be considered
◦ Labour intensive
•Testing also called Product quality assurance (PQA)
◦ PQA test engineers perform testing and supervise users’ test activity
•Beta testing
◦ Future system users try out system on their own
32 32 32
System Conversion
33 33 33
System Conversion
2. Phased
◦ New system installed in phases
◦ Tested after each phase
◦ Continues until installed at entire organization
◦ Can’t be used in tightly integrated systems
34 34 34
System Conversion
3. Parallel
◦ New system runs in parallel with old system during testing
◦ Expensive and time consuming
◦ Data must be entered twice
◦ Provides easy fallback position
4. Plunge
◦ Direct or cut over installation
◦ Install new system and discontinue old
◦ There is no backup position
35 35 35
Design and Implementation for the
Five Components
36 36 36
Phase 5: Maintenance
37 37 37
SDLC: System Maintenance Phase
38 38 38
Problems with SDLC
39 39 39
Agile vs Waterfall
40 https://youtu.be/e1_eD-5zkGY
40 40
SCRUM Approach
41 https://youtu.be/2Vt7Ik8Ublw
41 41
Q7: What Is Outsourcing, and What
Are Application Service Providers?
42 42 42
Outsourcing Risks
43 43 43
Application Service Providers
44 44 44