Computer Networks: Data Link Layer
Computer Networks: Data Link Layer
Computer Networks: Data Link Layer
In the osi model, the data link layer is a 4 th layer from top and 2nd layer from the bottom
The data link layer is located between the physical and the network layer
The data link provides services to network layer and recive services from the physical layer.
It is responsible for moving data(frames) from one node to another node
Services of Data
Link Layer
Reliable Delivery
Flow Control
Error Detection
Error Correction
Datalink layer provides a reliable delivery services i.e they transmit the
network layer datagram without any error.
The data link layer manages the flow of data between two connected
devices, preventing a fast sender from overwhelming a slower receiver.
In a Full-Duplex mode, both the nodes can transmit the data at the same
In a Half-Duplex mode, only one node can transmit the data at the same
Types Of Errors
•Types of Errors:
1.Single -Bit Error
The only one bit of a given data unit is changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.
Single-Bit Error does not appear more likely in Serial Data Transmission. It mainly
occurs in Parallel Data Transmission.
2.Burst Error: