Theory of Production
Theory of Production
Theory of Production
• The production function expresses a
functional relationship between physical
inputs and physical outputs of a firm at
any particular time period.
• The output is thus a function of inputs.
• Mathematically production function can
be written as
Q= f (L, L, C, O)
• Where “Q” stands for the quantity of
output and L, L, C, O are various input
factors such as land, labour, capital and
• Here output is the function of inputs.
Hence output becomes the dependent
variable and inputs are the independent
• The above function does not state by
how much the output of “Q” changes as
a consequence of change of variable
• In order to express the quantitative
relationship between inputs and output,
Production function has been expressed
in a precise mathematical equation i.e.
Y= a+b(x)
Which shows that there is a constant
relationship between applications of input
(the only factor input ‘X’ in this case) and
the amount of output (y) produced.
• Importance:
• When inputs are specified in physical units, production
function helps to estimate the level of production.
• It becomes is equates when different combinations of
inputs yield the same level of output.
• It indicates the manner in which the firm can
substitute on input for another without altering the
total output.
• When price is taken into consideration, the production
function helps to select the least combination of
inputs for the desired output.
• It considers two types’ input-output relationships
namely ‘law of variable proportions’ and ‘law of
returns to scale’.
• Law of variable propositions explains the pattern of
output in the short-run as the units of variable
inputs are increased to increase the output.
• On the other hand law of returns to scale explains
the pattern of output in the long run as all the units
of inputs are increased.
• The production function explains the
maximum quantity of output, which can be
produced, from any chosen quantities of
various inputs or the minimum quantities of
various inputs that are required to produce a
given quantity of output.
• Production function can be fitted the
particular firm or industry or for the economy
as whole. Production function will change
with an improvement in technology.
• Assumptions:
• Production function has the following assumptions.
• The production function is related to a particular
period of time.
• There is no change in technology.
• The producer is using the best techniques available.
• The factors of production are divisible.
• Production function can be fitted to a short run or
to long run.
• The term Isoquants is derived from the words
‘iso’ and ‘quant’ – ‘Iso’ means equal and
‘quent’ implies quantity.
• Isoquant therefore, means equal quantity.
• A family of iso -product curves or isoquants or
production difference curves can represent a
production function with two variable inputs,
which are substitutable for one another
within limits.
• Isoquants are the curves, which represent
the different combinations of inputs
producing a particular quantity of output.
• Any combination on the isoquant represents
the some level of output.
• For a given output level firm’s production
Q= f (L, K )
• Where ‘Q’, the units of output is a function
• Thus an isoquant shows all possible
combinations of two inputs, which are
capable of producing equal or a given level of
• Since each combination yields same output,
the producer becomes indifferent towards
these combinations.
• There are only two factors of
production, viz. labour and capital.
• The two factors can substitute each
other up to certain limit
• The shape of the isoquant depends
upon the extent of substitutability of
the two inputs.
• The technology is given over a period.
isoquant may be explained with the help of an
arithmetical example.
Combinations Labour (units) Capital (Units) Output (units)
A 1 20 20000
B 2 15 20000
C 3 11 20000
D 4 8 20000
E 5 6 20000
f 6 5 20000
• Combination ‘A’ represent 1 unit of labour and 20
units of capital and produces ‘20000’ units of a
product all other combinations in the table are
assumed to yield the same given output of a
product say ‘20000’ units by employing any one of
the alternative combinations of the two factors
labour and capital.
Y= (AK L )
X 1-x
A, ∞=positive constant
• Assumptions:
It has the following assumptions
• The function assumes that output is
the function of two factors viz. capital
and labour.
• It is a linear homogenous production
function of the first degree
• The function assumes that the logarithm of
the total output of the economy is a linear
function of the logarithms of the labour
force and capital stock.
• There are constant returns to scale
• All inputs are homogenous
• There is perfect competition
• There is no change in technology