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Unit-3 UI Design

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User Interface
Unit – 3: User Interface Design

User interface design:

• The Golden rules
• User interface analysis and design
• Interface analysis
• Interface design steps
• Design evaluation

3.1 Introduction
• Any computer based system requires two things i.e.
computational ability and functionality.
• As computer based system is used by casual users, the purpose
of user interface design is to have effective communication
medium between the computerized system and user.
• This kind of interface design is necessary because of many
reasons such as:
• Software is difficult to use
• The use of software forces the users to make mistakes due to lack
of understanding about the system.
• While designing the user interface the very first step is to identify
user, tasks and environmental techniques.
• Based on user tasks, user scenarios are prepared which help to
define user interface objects and corresponding actions.
• This set of objects and actions help in deciding the screen layout.
• Once such layout has been prepared, appropriate icons, screen
text and menu items can be placed at respective positions.

3.2 Concepts of UI
• Thao Mandel has proposed three Golden Rules for UI design:
1. Place the user in control
2. Reduce the user’s memory load
3. Make the interface consistent
• While analysing any requirement during requirement analysis the
user often demands for the system which will satisfy user
requirements and help him to get the things done. Following are
some design principles that allow user to control system:
a. Define the interaction mode in such a way that user will be
restricted from doing unnecessary actions
3.2.1 Place the user in control
• While analysing any requirement during requirement analysis the user
often demands for the system which will satisfy user requirements
and help him to get the things done.
• Following are some design principles that allow user to control system:
a. Define the interaction mode in such a way that user will be
restricted from doing unnecessary actions
• Interaction mode means the current state in which user is working and
being such a mode user is supposed to do the related tasks only if the user
has perform unnecessary actions at such time then the GUI becomes
b. Provide the facility of ‘undo’ or ‘interruption’ in user interaction
• This is the feature which allows the user to correct himself whenever
necessary without losing his previous work. E.g. in the “Paint” software
one can draw objects and perform ‘redo’ or ‘undo’ operations to get
desired drawing.
c. Allow user to customize the interaction
• It is observed that while handling user interface certain actions need
to be done repeatedly. It saves the time if these actions are collected
in a macro.
d. Hide technical details from the user
• This feature is essential for casual user. User should not be aware of
system commands, operating system or file management functions.
E.g. showing icons of print, open, save etc. in place of commands.
e. The objects appearing on the screen should be interactive with
the user
• It means that user should be in position to adjust the object
appearing on the screen. E.g. In ‘Paint’ one should be able to stretch
the oval or edit the text written in the object. 7
3.2.2 Reduce the User’s Memory Load
• If the user interface is good then user has to remember very less.
• The design should be such that the system remembers more for the
user and ultimately it assists user to handle computer based system.
• Following are some principals to reduce memory load of user:
a. Do not force user to have short term memory
• When user is involved in complex task then he has to remember more.
The user interface should be such that the user need not have to
remember past action and results. This can be achieve by proper visual
b. Establish meaningful defaults
• Meaningful default options should be available to user. E.g. In the
Microsoft word user can set default font size as per choice. There should
be reset option available to the user in order to get back the original 8
c. Use intuitive shortcuts
• For quick handling of system such shortcuts are required in user interface.
E.g. ‘control + s’ is used to save the file in all office products. Hence, use of
meaningful mnemonics is necessary while designing in interface.
d. The visual layout of interface should be realistic
• When certain feature of system needs to be highlighted then use if
proper visual layout helps casual user to handle the system with ease. E.g.
in an online purchase pictures of visa cards are given then it guides user
to understand payment process.
e. Disclose the information gradually
• There should not be bombarding of information on user. It should be
presented to user in systematic manner. Fro instance, one can organize
the information in hierarchical manner and narrate it to user. At the top
level of such hierarchical structure the information should be in abstract 9
form and in bottom more detailed description is given.
3.2.3 Make the Interface Consistent
• The user interface should be consistent. This consistency is
maintained at three levels such as follow:
• The visual information should be consistent throughout and it should
be as per design standards.
• There should be limited set of input holding non conflicting
• The information flow from one task to another should be consistent.
• Following are some principals for consistent interface design:
a. Allow user direct the current task into meaningful manner
• This principal suggests that create a user interface with proper
indicators on it so that user can understand his current task and how
to proceed for new task.
b. Maintain consistence across family of product
• If an application come in a packaged manner then every product of that
application family should posses the consistent user interface. E.g.
Microsoft Office family products has several applications such as MS
word, MS excel and so on. The interface of each of this product is
consistent. That means there is title bar, menu bar having menus like
File, Edit, View etc. on every product’s interface. Then tool bar and then
design layouts are placed on interface.
c. If certain standards are maintained in previous model of
application do not change it until and unless it is necessary
• Certain sequence of operation becomes a standard for the user, then do
not change these standards because user becomes habitual with such
practices. For instance, control + s is for saving the file then it has
become a standard rule. Now, if any other shortcut key is allowed for 11
save or control + s used for some other purpose then it becomes
annoying for customer.
User Interface Analysis and

3.3 Interface Design Model
• User interface analysis and design can be done with the help of
following steps:
• Create different models for system functions
• In order to perform these functions identify the human-computer
interface tasks
• Prepare all interface designs by solving various design issues
• Apply modern tools and techniques to prototype the design
• Implement design model
• Evaluate the design from end user to bring quality in it
• These steps can be broadly categorized in two classes
• Interface analysis and design models
• The process
3.3.1 Interface Analysis & Design Model
• There are four types of models that can be prepared in interface
analysis and design.
User model Design model Mental model (System Perception) Implementation model
• User Model
• To design any user interface it is a must to understand the user who is
using the system. Hence, in this model the profile of user is prepared by
considering age, education and cultural background. The software
engineer prepares user model. There are three kinds of users
User Description
Novice User with little knowledge of computer who simply knows semantics
of system & doesn’t know implementation of such system

Knowledge & User having knowledge about the semantics of system as well as
intermittent having little knowledge of syntactic of system
Knowledge & The user with good semantic as well as good syntactic knowledge of
Frequent the system
• Design Model
• It consists of data, architectural interface and procedural representation
of software. While preparing this model requirement specification must
be used properly to set the constraints. Software engineer prepares the
design model of the interface.
• Mental Model (System Perception)
• User model is representation of what user thinks about system. Any user
interface design is heavily dependant on description obtained from user
about his needs. If the user is knowledgeable then more complete
description of system can be obtained by novice user.
• Implementation Model
• This model generates the look and feel of interface. This model describes
the system’s semantic and syntax. It is very necessary to match the
implementation model with the user’s mental model then only user can
feel comfortable with developed system.
• The interface designer has to resolve differences within these
models. The principal followed by interface analysis and design
3.3.2 The Process
• The user interface analysis and design process can be implemented using
interactive spiral model. As shown in figure each task can be performed
more than once. At each pass around the system more requirements can
be elaborated and detailed design can be performed.

• It consists of four framework activities.
1. Environment analysis and modelling
• In this phase, major factors are focused i.e. user, task and environment.
First, the user profile is analysed to understand the user and to elicit
the requirements, then the tasks that are required to carry out desired
functionality are identified and analysed.
• The analysis is made on user environment which involves physical
work environment. Finally analysis model created for the interface. This
model serves as a basis for the design of user interface.

2. Interface design
• The interface design is a phase in which all the interface objects and
corresponding actions of each task are defined.

• It consists of four framework activities.
3. Implementation
• The implementation phase involves creation of prototype using which
the interface scenarios can be evaluated.
• To accomplish the construction of user interface some automated tools
can be used.
4. Interface validation
• The goal of validation is to validate the interface for its correct
• During validation it is tested whether all the user requirements get
satisfied or not.
• The purpose of validation is also to check whether the interface is easy
to learn and to use.
Interface Analysis

Interface Analysis
A key tenet of all software engineering process models is this:
understand the problem before you attempt to design a solution. In the
case of user interface design, understanding the problem means

(1) The people (end users) who will interact with the system through
the interface. [User Analysis]
(2) The tasks that end users must perform to do their work. [Task
Analysis and Modeling]
(3) The content that is presented as part of the interface. [Analysis of
Display Content]
(4) The environment in which these tasks will be conducted. [Analysis 20
of the Work Environment]
(1) User Analysis
The phrase user interface is probably all the justification needed to spend some
time understanding the user before worrying about technical matters. The
following set of questions will help you to better understand the users of a
• Are users trained professionals, technicians, clerical, or manufacturing workers?
• What level of formal education does the average user have?
• Are the users capable of learning from written materials or have they expressed a desire for
classroom training?
• Are users expert typists or keyboard phobic?
• What is the age range of the user community?
• Will the users be represented predominately by one gender?
• How are users compensated for the work they perform?
• Do users work normal office hours or do they work until the job is done?
• Is the software to be an integral part of the work users do or will it be used only occasionally?
• What is the primary spoken language among users?
• What are the consequences if a user makes a mistake using the system?
• Are users experts in the subject matter that is addressed by the system? 21
• Do users want to know about the technology that sits behind the interface?
(2) Task Analysis and Modeling
The goal of task analysis is to answer the following questions:
• What work will the user perform in specific circumstances?
• What tasks and subtasks will be performed as the user does the work?
• What specific problem domain objects will the user manipulate as work is
• What is the sequence of work tasks—the workflow?
• What is the hierarchy of tasks?

To answer these questions, the following techniques are applied to the user
(a) Use Cases
(b) Task Elaboration
(c) Object Elaboration
(d) Workflow Analysis
(d) Workflow Analysis
When a number of different users, each playing different roles, makes use of a
user interface, it is sometimes necessary to go beyond task analysis and object
elaboration and apply workflow analysis.

Workflow can be represented effectively with a UML Swimlane diagram

(a variation on the activity diagram).

Swimlane Diagram
• In a business model, it is often useful to know which human
department is responsible for an activity.
• When design of the system is complete, the activity will be
assigned to a person/department, but at a high level it is sufficient
to partition the activities among departments.
• You can show such a partitioning with an activity diagram by
dividing in to columns and lines.
• Each column is called swim-lane by analogy to a swimming pool.
• Placing an activity within a particular swim-lane indicates that is
performed by a person/ department.
• Lines across swim-lane boundaries indicate interaction among
different person/department. 24
How to Draw a Swimlane Diagram

• Step 1: Identify the various activities and actions your business

process or system
• Step 2: Figure out which person/departments are responsible
for the competition of activity.
• Step 3: Figure out in which order the actions are processed.
• Step 4: Figured out who is responsible for each action and
assign them a swimlane and group each action they are
responsible for under them

Swimlane Diagram for Book Issue
Check availability book
[book not available] Alert “Book not
[book available] available”

Validate Member

[unauthorized user]
Alert “not a valid
[authorized user] member”

No. of books issued to member

[max limit] Alert “No more book
[else] can be issued”

Add book issue details to transaction

Update no of book issued to Update book

member status 26

(3) Analysis of Display Content

During this interface analysis step, the format and aesthetics of the content (as it is
displayed by the interface) are considered. Among the questions that are asked and
answered are:

• Are different types of data assigned to consistent geographic locations on the screen
(e.g., photos always appear in the upper right-hand corner)?
• Can the user customize the screen location for content?
• Is proper on-screen identification assigned to all content?
• If a large report is to be presented, how should it be partitioned for ease of
• Will mechanisms be available for moving directly to summary information for large
collections of data?
• Will graphical output be scaled to fi t within the bounds of the display device that is
• How will color be used to enhance understanding?
• How will error messages and warnings be presented to the user?
The answers to these (and other) questions will help you to establish requirements
for content presentation.

(4) Analysis of the Work Environment

“People do not perform their work in isolation. They are influenced by the activity around
them, the physical characteristics of the workplace, the type of equipment they are using,
and the work relationships they have with other people.”
In some applications the user interface for a computer-based system is placed in a “user-
friendly location” (e.g., proper lighting, good display height, easy keyboard access), but in
others (e.g., a factory floor or an airplane cockpit), lighting may be suboptimal, noise may
be a factor, a keyboard or mouse or touch screen may not be an option, display placement
may be less than ideal.

Interface Design Steps

Interface Design Steps
Many different user interface design models have been proposed, all suggest some
combination of the following steps:
a) Define interface objects and actions (operations)
b) Identify events (user actions) that will cause the state of the user interface to change
c) Depict the representation of each state
d) Indicate how the user interprets each state from information provided through the

(1)Applying Interface Design Steps

(2)User Interface Design Patterns
(3)Design Issues 30

(1)Applying Interface Design Steps

The definition of interface objects and the actions that are applied to them is an important
step in interface design. A use case is written. Nouns (objects) and verbs (actions) are
isolated to create a list of objects and actions.
Example: SafeHome system
Preliminary use case: I want to gain access to my SafeHome system from any remote
location via the Internet. Using browser software operating on my notebook computer (while
I’m at work or traveling), I can determine the status of the alarm system, arm or disarm the
system, reconfigure security zones, and view different rooms within the house via
preinstalled video cameras.


(1)Applying Interface Design Steps

Based on this use case, the following homeowner tasks, objects, and data
items are identified:

• Accesses the SafeHome system

• Enters an ID and password to allow remote access
• Checks system status
• Arms or disarms SafeHome system
• Displays floor plan and sensor locations
• Displays zones on floor plan
• Changes zones on floor plan
• Displays video camera locations on floor plan
• Selects video camera for viewing
• Views video images (four frames per second)
• Pans or zooms the video camera
Objects (boldface) and actions (italics) are extracted from this list of
homeowner tasks.


(2) User Interface Design Patterns

Graphical user interfaces have become so common that a wide variety of user
interface design patterns has emerged. A design pattern is an abstraction that
prescribes a design solution to a specific, well-bounded design problem.

Laakso [Laa00] suggests a pattern called CalendarStrip that produces a

continuous, scrollable calendar in which the current date is highlighted and future
dates may be selected by picking them from the calendar. The calendar metaphor
is well known to every user and provides an effective mechanism for placing a
future date in context.

(3) Design Issues


(3) Design Issues

It is far better to establish each as a design issue to be considered at the beginning

of software design, when changes are easy and costs are low.

• System Response Time

• Help Facilities
• Error Handling
• Menu and Command Labelling
• Application Accessibility
• Internationalization
Design Evaluation
• The implementation phase of user interface includes creation of
prototype that enables user to evaluate usage scenarios.


Builds 1st Prototype

Build nth Prototype

User Evaluation

Design Modifications Study of

are done Evaluation done by 36
Interface design is complete User
• This evaluation is necessary to determine whether created
interface satisfies user demands or not.
• After evaluating the usage scenario the user immediately submits
his comments to the designer.
• The designer then makes corresponding modification in the
interface and then again it is submitted to further evaluation.
• This design evaluation of user interface is an iterative process.
• After creation of first prototype it is evaluated by the user.
• The evaluation made by the user is then submitted to the designer
who then make necessary changes in interface and builds the next
• This process is repeatedly performed until the user gets satisfied
completely and no further modifications are necessary in interface.
• Thus prototype approach proves to be effective for design

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