Lecture, Part II
Lecture, Part II
Lecture, Part II
Fanconi anemia
• Primary idiopathic
• Secondary
• Physical findings:
– pallor,
– petechiae,
– Feverishness
The most alarming severe bleeding from the digestive tract and
genitourinary tract and bleeding into the CNS.
Clinical picture of aplastic anemia
• Blood:
• anemia (normocytic normochromic or macrocytic anemia)
• thrombocytipenia
• neutropenia
• Bone marrow:bone marrow aspiration and biopsy,scant
cellularity,hypoplasia,fatty infiltration
Disorders in the formation of erythrocytes
– Folate
Vitamin B12
• In humans cobalamin is produced by colonic bacteria but distally from the
site of absorption.
• liver (>10µg/100g)
• fish,milk, meat and eggs (1-10µg/100g)
Vitamin B12
• Imparied absorption:
- Atrophic gastritis
- Gastrectomy
- Celiac disease
- Regional enteritis
- Infiltration of the small intestine
- Parasites
- Blind coil syndrome and diverticulosis
- Hereditary trascobalamine II deficiency
- Increased needs for B12
• Recommended entry:
• They are absorbed in the small intestine (pH 5,5)in the presence of Zn. Small
intestine has a high capacity to absorb folate.
• Abnormal leukopoiesis :
hypersegmented PMN
Bone marrow
• MGGx1000
Disorders in the formation of erythrocytes:
• Lack of iron
• The level of iron in the blood is kept within very narrow limits (10-30
mmol/L) and thus two harmful phenomena are avoided
Accumulation Lack
/siderosis/ /hyposiderosis/
Iron metabolism
• There is not a single organ that regulates the excretion of iron from the body.
• Iron is transported across the membrane of the epithelial cells of the digestive
tract with help of DMT1 (divalent methyl transporters).
Iron homeostasis in humans
Ferritin regulates the transfer of iron from the epithelial cell of the
gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream:
• Iron from foods of animal origin is better utilized than from food of
plant origin.
Sideropenic anemia
• Woman loses :
– 680-800mg of iron each time she gives birth
– and 140 mg during breastfeeding
• Newborns who are fed with mother”s milk get enough iron only up to the
fourth month of age then the needs increaseа 1,5 mg/kg ТТ.
Causes of iron deficiency
• Аtrophic gastritis
• Celiac disease
• Partial gastrectomy
• Vegetarian diet
Degrees of iron deficiency
• Blood loss greater than 10-20 ml per day exceeds the body”s absorption
capacity. The iron deficit is compensated from RES. The serum level of ferritin
or hemosiderin in the bone marrow is reduced, but as long as iron stores exist
and are mobile iron will be within the reference values.
• Sideroblastic anemia:
– Quantitative (thalassemia)
– Qualkitative
Аnemias caused by disruption of globin
synthesis : talassemia
• These anemias are the result of a hereditary disorder in the synthesis of one
on more polypeptide chains,they are inherited in an autosomal dominant
• Division of talassemia:
• This leads to the infarct of organs that are real and severe pain.