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1 Library Automation

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Library Automation

Library Automation - Definition

• Libraries are known for using Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) both for automation of its
routine activities as well as for providing search services.

• The term automation was first introduced by D. S. Harder in

1936 - handling of parts between progressive production

• Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences (Kent,

1977) Library Automation is the use of automatic and
semiautomatic data processing machines to perform
traditional library activities as acquisitions, cataloguing and
Library Automation - Definition
• Library automation is the conversion of a library's procedures
from manual to computerized, such as from a card catalog
to an OPAC, or from manual circulation cards to an
integrated library system. Automation is a process of using
machinery for easily working and saving human power and
• ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science defines
automation as "the performance of an operation, a series of
operations or a process by self-activating, self-controlling, or
automatic means. Automation implies the use of automatic
data processing equipment such as a computer or other labor
saving devices".
Library Automation - Objectives
1) To maintain bibliographic records of all the materials in a computerized
2) To provide online catalogue
3) To reduce the duplication of housekeeping operations
4) To prepare various types of reports / statistic within a short time
5) To maintain the circulation section effectively
6) To maintain various types of materials (books, non-book materials,
serials etc.) available in library
7) To increase the operational efficiencies of library staff
8) To provide the speed, quality services to the users
9) To save the time of the users
10) To reduce the manpower
11) To share the resources through library networking
12) To access other networks on the web
13) To facilitate wider access to information
Library Automation - Needs and Purposes
• Information is playing a vital role in all walks of human life today.
• All of us need faster and accurate information to achieve academic and
professional goals.
• The automated library systems satisfy the expectations of the users better
than the manual system.
1) Accuracy and Reliability
• Manual processing can do any sort of error, while the computer performs
all set of data processing in error free and reliable manner.
• Library automation removes the possibility of data error and yields the user
a reliable service. Hence improve the efficiency of library staff.
2) Time Saving
• It saves the staff time in doing the manual work and speed up the process
of all in-house activities and saves the times of user in finding needed
materials within as well as outside the library.
Library Automation - Needs and Purposes

3) Statistics Generation
• Automated in-house activities generate numerous data, which assist to
generate multiple statistics.
• Statistics help to formulate policies to manage the library and information
4) Library Service
• It helps to give better access to resources within library and elsewhere and
improve the quality of library services.
• The automated library provide bibliographic search facility through OPAC
to its users.
• Catalogues when made accessible through internet then the user can search
the resources anytime irrespective of location.
5) Resource Sharing
• It makes resource sharing possible as data of the library becomes sharable
among libraries.
Library Automation - Needs and Purposes
6) Dissemination of Information
• The automation provides capability to disseminate information about the
resources and services of the library through web.
• Saves the time and efforts of the users as they are able to accesses required
information remotely with the help of computer, laptop, smart phone, etc.
• The Online Public Access Catalogue provides the facility to search
bibliographic information of the Library resources which helps in locating
desired publication / material.
8) Enhancement of Library Management
• Enhances the library management as reports and statistics become
available with the click of mouse.
• The automated system gives the management input and feedback on
various services and also monitors the human resources of the library
effectively and efficiently.
Library Automation - Advantages
Improved Customer Service
• Automation of the library helps librarians and other staff members in the areas
of acquisitions, cataloging and circulation, which in turn allows them to better
serve their patrons.
• This extra time can lead to more programs being facilitated in the library and
make library staff available to answer reference questions and help people
having trouble researching or finding the right information.
Cataloging Improvements
• Automated cataloging standards, such as MARC (Machine Readable
Cataloging - use brief numbers, letters, and symbols within the cataloging
record itself to mark different types of information. Thus avoid duplication),
allow for quicker cataloging of library items.
• Sharing of materials from location to location much easier and much more
Easier Access
• Easier to find books
• Easier to access journals and some books online from a home computer or
Library Automation - Advantages
• Allows for an improvement in the variety, amount and quality of materials.
• Help in weeding out old, outdated and irrelevant books and materials from
the collection, which helps keep the library’s collection more streamlined
and easier to find the right item.
Lasting Effects
• Preparing the collection to become sustainable with the ever-increasing
shift to a technology-based society, in terms of information dissemination,
paired with the ever decreasing amount of funding for libraries.
• Help libraries who begin to struggle and are forced to lay off staff.
• Switching to an automated system allows libraries to add on features when
they become available in the future, in stead of having to do a complete
overhaul of their collections and cataloging methods.
Library Automation - Limitations
Employee Cut-Backs
• Less funding left in the budget for employees. Also, fewer employees are
Increased Costs
• Install and maintenance is costly
• Library automation leads to increased building and maintenance costs.
• Increase power consumption due to increased heating and air conditioning
• The noise and heat levels generated costs more than what a library is used
to paying for its maintenance and power costs
Rising Building and Maintenance Costs
• Automated systems added into a library added power consumption and the
changes in heating and air conditioning needs results to high maintenance
Library Automation - Limitations
Library Closings & Hour Shortages
• Many libraries are closing their doors because of economic pressures.
• Funding can no longer be afforded to keep them all up and running.
• Library closings mean less library access for all patrons.
• Library closings mean job closings, less children's story hours, book club
closings and cancelled after-school reading clubs to help keep kids off of
the streets.
• Government grants cannot cover all of the branches with rising technology
costs and smaller libraries cannot always afford to pay for the automation
costs on their own.
Book Budgets
• A higher budget percentage being spent on automated library systems
means less money is being spent on books.
• Library Automation - Definition • Library Automation – Advantages
• Library Automation - Objectives – Improved Customer Service
• Library Automation - Needs and – Cataloging Improvements
Purposes – Easier Access
– Accuracy and Reliability – Collections
– Time Saving – Lasting Effects
– Statistics Generation • Library Automation – Limitations
– Library Service – Employee Cut-Backs
– Resource Sharing – Increased Costs
– Dissemination of Information – Rising Building and
– OPAC Maintenance Costs
– Enhancement of Library – Library Closings & Hour
Management Shortages
– Book Budgets

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