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Lecture - Queues Data Structures & Operations

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Queues data structures & enqueue

and dequeue operations

Lecture: Rufus Gikera

Introduction to Queues
• A queue is a linear data structure that follows
the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.
• This means that the first element added to the
queue will be the first one to be removed.
• FIFO Principle: The first element added is the
first one removed.
• Linear Structure: Elements are stored in a
sequential manner.
• Queue is a list with the restriction that insertions are done at
one end and deletions are done at the other
– First-In, First-Out ("FIFO”)
– Elements are stored in order of
insertion but don't have indexes.
– Client can only add to the end of the
queue, and can only examine/remove
the front of the queue.

Basic queue operations

– add (enqueue): Add an element to the back.

– remove (dequeue): Remove the front
– peek: Examine the element at the front.

Cont.. Basic Operations

• Enqueue: The process of adding an element to the

end of the queue.
– Operation:
• Check if the queue is full.
• If not, add the element to the end of the queue.
• Update the rear pointer to the new end of the queue.
• Dequeue: The process of removing an element from
the front of the queue.
– Operation:
• Check if the queue is empty.
• If not, remove the element from the front of the queue.
• Update the front pointer to the next element in the queue.
Enqueue (ItemType newItem)
• Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the
• Preconditions: Queue has been initialized
and is not full.
• Postconditions: newItem is at rear of
Dequeue (ItemType& item)
• Function: Removes front item from queue and
returns it in item.
• Preconditions: Queue has been initialized and
is not empty.
• Postconditions: Front element has been
removed from queue and item is a copy of
removed element.
Queue Representation
• Front: Points to the first element in the queue.
• Rear: Points to the last element in the queue.

Queues in computer science
• Operating systems:
– queue of print jobs to send to the printer
– queue of programs / processes to be run
– queue of network data packets to send

• Programming:
– modeling a line of customers or clients
– storing a queue of computations to be performed in order

• Real world examples:

– people on an escalator or waiting in a line
– cars at a gas station (or on an assembly line)
Enqueue Operation
• Check for Overflow:
– If the queue is full (i.e., no more space to add
elements), report an overflow condition.
• Insert Element:
– Place the new element at the position indicated by
the rear pointer.
• Update Rear Pointer:
– Increment the rear pointer to the next position.

Using Queues
add(value places given value at back of queue
remove() removes value from front of queue and returns it;
throws a NoSuchElementException if queue is empty
peek() returns front value from queue without removing it;
returns null if queue is empty
size() returns number of elements in queue
isEmpty() returns true if queue has no elements
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
q.add(17); // front [42, -3, 17] back
System.out.println(q.remove()); // 42

– IMPORTANT: When constructing a queue you must use a new

LinkedList object instead of a new Queue object.

Algorithm for Enqueue
Procedure Enqueue(queue, element)
if queue is full
print "Queue Overflow"
rear = rear + 1
queue[rear] = element
end if
End Procedure

Dequeue Operation
• Check for Underflow:
– If the queue is empty (i.e., no elements to
remove), report an underflow condition.
• Remove Element:
– Retrieve the element from the position indicated
by the front pointer.
• Update Front Pointer:
– Increment the front pointer to the next position.

Algorithm for Dequeue:
Procedure Dequeue(queue)
if queue is empty
print "Queue Underflow"
element = queue[front]
front = front + 1
return element
end if
End Procedure
Implementing Queue ADT: Array Queue
• Keep track of the number of elements in the
queue, size.
• Enqueue at the back of the array (size).
• Dequeue at the front of the array (index 0).

– what is bad about this implementation?

– what if we enqueue at 0 and dequeue at size?

Implementing Queue ADT:
Circular Array Queue
• Neat trick: use a circular array 7 0

to insert and remove items 6 1

from a queue in constant time.
• The idea of a circular array is 5 2

that the end of the array 4 3

“wraps around” to the start of

the array.
Q: 0 size - 1
b c d e f
front back
Linked List Queue
b c d e f

front back

// Basic idea only!

enqueue(x) {
back.next = new Node(x);
back = back.next;
// Basic idea only!
dequeue() {
x = front.item;
front = front.next;
return x;
Queue: Circular Array vs. Linked List
• Circular Array • Linked List
– May waste unneeded – Always just enough
space or run out of space
space – But more space per
– Space per element element
excellent – Operations very simple /
– Operations very simple / fast

Exercise: Linked List Queue Implementation

• Implement a queue class that stores String

values using a singly linked list with both
nodes to indicate the front and the back of the
queue as below. The queue should implement
the interface on the next slide.
b c d e f

front back

Implementing Queues in Python
class Queue: self.rear += 1
def __init__(self, max_size): print(f"Enqueued: {item}")
self.queue = []
self.max_size = max_size def dequeue(self):
self.front = 0 if self.is_empty():
self.rear = -1 print("Queue Underflow")
def is_full(self): item = self.queue[self.front]
return len(self.queue) == self.max_size self.queue = self.queue[1:]
self.rear -= 1
def is_empty(self): print(f"Dequeued: {item}")
return len(self.queue) == 0 return item

def enqueue(self, item):

if self.is_full():
print("Queue Overflow")
Implementing Queues in Python
Example usage
queue = Queue(5)

Queue: [10, 20, 30], Front = 0
Check if queue is empty: No.
Remove element at position 0: 10.
Update front pointer: Front = 1.
Queue: [20, 30]

Before Dequeue: After Dequeue:
Front → [10] [20] [30] Front → [20] [30]
^front = 0 ^front = 1

Types of Queues

• Simple Queue:
– Also known as a linear queue.
– Follows the basic FIFO principle.
• Circular Queue:
– Overcomes the limitations of the simple queue by
connecting the rear end back to the front, forming
a circle.
– Useful for fixed-size buffer management.

Types of Queues
• Priority Queue:
– Elements are processed based on priority rather
than the order they arrive.
– Higher priority elements are dequeued before
lower priority ones.
• Double-Ended Queue (Deque):
– Allows insertion and deletion from both ends
(front and rear).
– Can be used to implement both stacks and queues.

Applications of Queues

• Scheduling:
– CPU scheduling and disk scheduling.
– Task scheduling in operating systems.
• Buffer Management:
– Managing data packets in network communications.
– Printer job management.
• Breadth-First Search (BFS):
– A graph traversal algorithm that uses queues.
• Simulation and Modeling:
– Managing customers in a service system (e.g., ticket
queues, call centers).
• Queues follow the FIFO principle.
• Enqueue adds elements to the rear.
• Dequeue removes elements from the front.
• Essential for various applications in computing
and real-world scenarios.

Case Study: Simulation

• Queuing System: consists of servers and

queues of objects to be served.

• Simulation: a program that determines

how long items must wait in line before
being served.
Case Study: Simulation (cont.)
• Inputs to the simulation:
(1) the length of the simulation
(2) the average transaction time
(3) the number of servers
(4) the average time between job
Case Study: Simulation (cont.)
• Parameters the simulation must vary:
(1) number of servers
(2) time between arrivals of items

• Output of simulation: average wait time.

One-dimensional arrays and multi-
dimensional arrays
An array is a data structure that stores a collection
of elements, typically of the same type, in a
contiguous memory location. Arrays are used to
store multiple values in a single variable.

Types of Arrays:
• One-Dimensional Arrays
• Multi-Dimensional Arrays (including two-
dimensional and higher-dimensional arrays)
One-Dimensional Arrays

• Definition: A one-dimensional array (1D array)

is a list of elements, all of the same type,
stored in contiguous memory locations. It can
be thought of as a row of elements.

• Syntax (C/C++): type arrayName[size];
• Example: int numbers[5];
• At Declaration: int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Accessing Elements
• Syntax: arrayName[index];
• Example: int firstNumber = numbers[0];

Example in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

cout << "Elements of the array: ";

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << numbers[i] << " ";

return 0;
Multi-Dimensional Arrays

• A multi-dimensional array is an array of arrays. The

most common type is the two-dimensional array, but
arrays can have more dimensions.

Two-Dimensional Arrays (2D Arrays):

A 2D array can be thought of as a table of elements,
with rows and columns.
• Declaration (C/C++): type arrayName[rows]
• Example: int matrix[3][4];
Multidimensional Arrays
• A multidimensional array is actually an array in which each
element is another array.
• A three- dimensional array consists of an array of two-
dimensional arrays.
• A two-dimensional array consists of an array of one-
dimensional arrays.
• For example, suppose x = new int[2] [2][5].
– x[0] and x[1] are two-dimensional arrays.
– x[0][0], x[0][1], x[1][0], and x[1][1] are one-dimensional arrays and
each contains five elements.
– x.length is 2,
– x[0].length and x[1].length are 2, and
– X[0][0].length, x[0][1].length, x[1][0].length, and x[1][1].length are 5.


int matrix[3][4] = {
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7, 8},
{9, 10, 11, 12}

Accessing Elements

Syntax: arrayName[rowIndex][columnIndex];
Example: int firstElement = matrix[0][0];

Example in C++
#include <iostream> for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
using namespace std; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
cout << matrix[i][j] <<
int main() { " ";
int matrix[3][4] = { }
{1, 2, 3, 4}, cout << endl;
{5, 6, 7, 8}, }
{9, 10, 11, 12}
}; return 0;
cout << "Elements of the
2D array: " << endl;
Higher-Dimensional Arrays
• Three-Dimensional Arrays: Can be thought of
as a cube of elements.
• Declaration (C/C++): type arrayName[size1]
• Example: int threeD[2][3][4];

Applications of Arrays

• One-Dimensional Arrays:
– Storing a list of items like numbers, names, etc.
– Implementing other data structures like stacks and
• Two-Dimensional Arrays:
– Representing matrices in mathematics.
– Storing tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or grid.
– Game boards, like chess or tic-tac-toe.


• One-Dimensional Arrays: Linear list of

• Two-Dimensional Arrays: Array of arrays,
representing a table of elements.
• Arrays are fundamental data structures used
to store collections of data efficiently.


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