A Brief History of Science
A Brief History of Science
A Brief History of Science
20th C E
Fo r most o f human history, questions about
the w o r l d were answered by religious
first to theorize
that matter is made
up o f
“atoms.” (literally
means ‘uncutable’ i n
E rato sthen e
s(276-194 BC)
accurately measured the size /
circumference o f the earth using
2 sticks.
consisted o f 5 basic
They used
experiments a n d
records to heal the
M i d d l e Ages
(5th - 14th CE)
Science continued through the Roman
Empirical observation a n d
We have to rethink
o u r place i n the
invented Calculus.
Lifelong celibacy
Isaac Newton’s greatest accomplishment
acco r ding to Newton himself…
Universal Laws o f Science
P r i o r to Newton, science was scattered a n d explained scattered phenomena.
The Universal Law o f G rav i t a t i o n was the first truly UNIVERSAL scientific
law — applicable anywhere, n o exceptions.
Newton thought the whole universe was one big machine, a deterministic
system o f causes a n d their necessary effects. This position is k n o w n as
“ I f I have seen further than others, it is by
standing upon the shoulders o f giants.”
f o u n d e r o f psychoanalysis
( c l i n i c a l method f o r treating
psychopathology through d i a l o g u e
between a patient a n d a
Cost = Zero
T ime = Z ero
Fo r the 1st time i n
Human History
everyone has access to
Cost = Zero
T ime = Z ero