Poster - Climate Change & Water - Nazam Maqbool (09.01.2023)
Poster - Climate Change & Water - Nazam Maqbool (09.01.2023)
Poster - Climate Change & Water - Nazam Maqbool (09.01.2023)
Organized by QAU Islamabad & Pak Environmental Protection Agency, 11-13 Jan 2023
temperature/precipitation changes, extreme weather events, and Map 2: 2022 Pakistan Floods
sea level rise) impact water resources? expected to rise by 17 percent by 2050.
Energy Security: Global warming will affect the availability of water needed for electricity
2. How can climate change affect people (agriculture/food
security, human health, human migration, energy, and generation from hydro (two-thirds currently) as well as used for thermal power plant cooling. It
women/gender)? would also increase the demand and use of electricity for pumping water for irrigation.
3. What are the ways and strategies to ensure economic Gender: Women are more prone to impacts due to limited access to resources, poor adaptive
growth in Pakistan in a way to ensure sustainable development? capacity and their traditional responsibilities.
Economy: The floods of 2010, 2011 and 2012 incurred economic costs, resulting in economic
growth on average at a rate of 2.9% instead of its potential rate of 6.5% (Saeed, 2013). By 2050,
GDP may decline by 18-20 percent due to climate change and environmental degradation (6.5-
9% due to CC) (World Bank, 2022).
Figure 1: Pakistan’s Water Sector
. APP (Associated Press of Pakistan) 2017. “Climate Change to
Significantly Affect Wheat, Rice Crop Yields.” The Nation, 26 June.
. Eckstein, D., V. Kunzel and L. Schafer. 2021. Global Climate Risk Index
2021. Bonn: Germanwatch.
. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2022. FAO AQUASTAT.
. GOP (Government of Pakistan). 2015. Pakistan National Biodiversity and
Strategy Action Plan. Islamabad: Ministry of Climate Change.
. Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD), Pakistan. 2016.
Monthly Newsletter. Feb-March 2016. Islamabad: LEAD, Pakistan.
. Saeed, A. 2013. “Floods have Halved Pakistan’s Economic Growth.”
Thomson Reuters Foundation News, 9 September.
. The Economist. 2022. Pakistan has been Hit by Its Worst Floods in
Recent Memory. 30 August.
. UNDP, Pakistan. 2022. Flood Recovery Programme (FRP). Islamabad:
. WFP (World Food Program), Pakistan. 2022. WFP Pakistan Situation
Report. 12 September.
. -----------------. 2022. “Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.”
. WRI (World Resource Institute). 2020. “RELEASE: New Data Shows
Millions of People, Trillions in Property at Risk from Flooding”. April 23,
. World Bank. 2022a. “Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Pakistan.”
Poster template by
. -----------------. 2022b. Country Climate and Development Report: Pakistan.