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Vice Chancellor

Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi

Outline of Presentation
(Focused during last two and half years)
1 Brief history of the university 11 Industry collaborations

2 Courses offered (UG and PG) 12 Research/Consultancy grants

3 Doctoral programmes offered 13 Initiatives under NEP 2020

4 Total students(UG, PG and Ph.D) 14 Automation of university functions

5 Total teaching faculty (Level wise) 15 Placement history

6 Total faculty with Ph.D ( Subject wise) 16 Unique initiatives undertaken

7 University ratings ( NAAC, NIRF, NBA etc.) 17 SWOT analysis of the university

8 Research papers published ( Subject wise) 18 Annual funding pattern

9 Research projects undertaken 19 Roadmap for next 5/10 years

10 Patents obtained
Birsa Agricultural University

We pay tribute to Dharti Late Kartik Oraon

Aba Birsa Munda Former Union Minister & Architect of
the University
1. Brief history of the University

Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, carved out of Rajendra

Agricultural University (RAU), Samastipur (Bihar) in 1980, and
was formally inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Mrs.
Indira Gandhi on 26th June, 1981.
1A. Vision and Mission

• To become an Institute of eminence for imparting quality education,

focussing on breakthrough research and disseminating technologies to

ensure food security.

• To develop human resources in Agriculture & allied sciences; generate

appropriate technology to reduce poverty and hunger and ensure

better livelihood through enhanced food and nutritional security,

optimal management of natural resources and environmental

1B. Goal
▪ Strengthen teaching programmes and services
▪ Strengthen research programmes
▪ Strengthen outreach and extension efforts
▪ Sustain and enhance an intellectually stimulating
environment and a supportive university community
▪ Establish National leadership in the integration and effective
use of Information Technology (IT) and computation services
▪ Strengthen initiative to stimulate economic development of
the area, enhancing human resources and quality of citizens'
1C. Colleges, Research Stations and
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)
I. Colleges
1. Ranchi Agriculture College, Ranchi
2. Agriculture College, Garhwa
3. Rabindra Nath Tagore Agriculture College, Deoghar
4. Tilka Manjhi Agriculture College, Godda
5. College of Horticulture, Khuntpani, Chaibasa
6. College of Agricultural Engineering, Ranchi
7. College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Ranchi
8. Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology, Hansdiha, Dumka
9. College of Fisheries Science, Gumla
10. Faculty of Forestry, Ranchi
11. College of Biotechnology, Ranchi
12. Centre for Agribusiness Management (MBA), Ranchi
II. Zonal Agricultural Research Stations (ZARSs) 3 Nos.
Dumka, Palamu and East Singhbhum
III. Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) -17 Nos.
Lohardaga, Simdega, Latehar, Palamu, Garhwa, Chatra, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Giridih, Jamtara, Hazaribagh,
Dumka, Sahebganj, Pakur, East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum & Saraikela- Kharsawa
IV. Seed Production Farm:
Goriakarma (Hazaribagh)
2. Courses offered ( UG and PG)
Programme Duration (in year)
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 4 years (08 Semesters)
B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture 4 years (08 Semesters)
B. Tech, Agril. Engg. 4 years (08 Semesters)
B.V.Sc. & A.H. 5 ½ years
B.Sc. (Hons.) Fishery Science 4 years (08 Semesters)
B. Tech, Dairy Technology 4 years (08 Semesters)
B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry 4 years (08 Semesters)
M.Sc. (Ag.) 2 years (04 Semesters)
M.V.Sc. 2 years (04 Semesters)
M.Sc. (Forestry) 2 years (04 Semesters)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology) 2 years (04 Semesters)
M. Tech. (Ag. Engg.) 2 years (04 Semesters)
M.B.A. (ABM) 2 years (04 Semesters)
3. Doctoral Programmes offered
Faculties Subject/Areas
A. Agriculture 1. Agril. Extension Education
2. Agricultural Meteorology
3. Agronomy
4. Entomology
5. Genetics & Plant Breeding
6. Horticulture
7. Soil Science
8. Plant Pathology
9. Biotechnology
B. Forestry 1. Forest Products & Utilization
2. Silviculture & Agroforestry
C. Veterinary Science & Animal 1. Livestock Production & Management
Husbandry 2. Veterinary and Animal Husbandry & Ext. Edu.
3. Veterinary Anatomy
4. Veterinary Medicine
5. Veterinary Pathology
6. Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
7. Veterinary Physiology
8. Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
4. Total students (Undergraduate)
Sr. No. Undergraduate Nos.
1. B.Sc. (Hons), Agriculture, R.A.C. 280
2. B.Sc. (Hons), Agriculture. Garhwa 185
3. B.Sc. (Hons), Agriculture, R.N.T.A.C., Deoghar 171
4. B.Sc. (Hons), Agriculture, T.M.A.C., Godda 188
5. B.Sc. (Hons), Horticulture, Chaibasa 179
6. B.Tech. (Agril. Engineering), Ranchi 152
7. B.V.Sc. & A.H, R.V.C, Ranchi 281
8. B.Tech. (Dairy Technology), Hansdiha, Dumka 97
9. B.Sc. (Hons), Forestry, Ranchi 147
10. B.F.Sc. (Fisheries Science), Gumla 104
11. B.Voc. (Human Nutrition & Dietetics) 32
12. B.Voc. (Herbal Resource Technology) 44
Total 1860
4A. Total students (PG and Ph.D)
Sr. No. Postgraduate Nos.
1. M.Sc. (Agriculture), Ranchi 87
2. M.V.Sc. (Veterinary), Ranchi 20
3. M.Sc. (Forestry), Ranchi 26
4. M.Sc. (Biotech), Ranchi 12
5. M.Tech. (Agril Engineering), Ranchi 02
6. M.B.A. (Agribusiness), Ranchi 43
Total 190

Sr. No. Ph.D. Nos.

1. Ph.D (Agriculture), Ranchi 38
2. Ph.D (Veterinary), Ranchi 04
3. Ph.D (Forestry), Ranchi 08
4. Ph.D. Biotechnology 02
Total 52
5. Total teaching Faculty (Level wise)

Level of Faculty Sanctioned Filled up

Professors and equivalent 75 2

Associate Professors and equivalent 195 2

Assistant Professors and equivalent 432 65

6. Total Faculty with Ph.D (Subject wise)
A. Faculty of Agriculture
Sl. No. Department
No. %
1. Agronomy 12 92
2. Agro Meteorology and Environmental Sciences 3 100
3. Soil Science 6 86
4. Genetics & Plant Breeding 15 100
5. Plant Pathology 3 100
6. Entomology 3 100
7. Horticulture 6 86
8. Agriculture Extension 1 100
9. Agriculture Engineering 6 100
10. Community Science 1 100
11. Agriculture Statistics 1 100
12. Agriculture Economics 1 100

B. Faculty of Forestry
1. Forest Products & Utilization 2 100
2. Silviculture & Agroforestry 7 100
3. Forest Resource Management 1 0
4. Forest Biology & Tree Improvement 3 66.6
6A. Total Faculty with Ph.D. (Subject wise)
C. Faculty of Veterinary Science & AH
Sl. No. Department
No. %
1. Veterinary Anatomy 2 100
2. Veterinary Physiology 2 100
3. Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology 2 100
4. Veterinary Pathology 1 100
5. Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology 1 100
6. Veterinary Animal Nutrition 4 100
7. Animal Genetics and Breeding 2 100
8. Livestock Production & Management 4 100
9. Veterinary Surgery & Radiology 2 100
10. Veterinary Medicine 4 100
11. Veterinary Animal Husbandry Extn. Edu. 2 100
12. Veterinary Biochemistry 1 100
13. Veterinary Microbiology 1 100
14. Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics 1 100
15. Veterinary Parasitology 2 100
16. Livestock Production Technology 1 100
7. University ratings ( NAAC, NIRF, NBA etc.)
Year ICAR Rank
2019 60th
2020 58th
2021 Awaited

University has been accredited by Indian Council of Agricultural

Research(ICAR) , New Delhi for Five Years (2021-26)

7th Convocation of the University (2nd February, 2023)

Programme Degree Awarded
Undergraduate 888
Postgraduate 226
Ph. D. 25
Total 1139
8. Research Paper published ( 2021-22)

Sl. No. Subject No. of Research Papers

1 Agricultural Science 37

2 Veterinary Science & AH 31

3 Forest Science 10

Total 78
9. Research projects undertaken

All India Coordinated Research Project- AICRP 75% (ICAR) : 25 % (State) funded
1. Floriculture 11. Soybean 21. PHET
2. Spices 12. Pigeon Pea 22. EAAI
3. Integrated Farming System. 13. Potential Crops 23. FIM
4. Dryland Agriculture 14. Forage Crops 24. Goat
5. Agro Meteorology 15. Tuber Crops 25. Outreach Programme (MDREP)
6. Linseed 16. Maize 26. Poultry
7. Chickpea 17. Small Millets 27. Cashew
8. Rice 18. Rapeseed-Mustard 28. Medicinal & Aromatic Plant
9. Wheat 19. Long Term Fertilizer 29. Agro-Forestry
10. MULLaRP 20. PET (PEASEM) 30. Soil Biodiversity – Biofertilizer
100% Funded
1. DA-NICRA 6. STCR 11. Mega Seed Project on Pig
2. AM-NICRA 7. RKVY 12. NHM Spices
3. Organic Farming 8. FMD 13. Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa
4. Autonomus Agricultural Robots 9. Micro Nutrients & Pollutant 14. Arid Legumes
for Rice Field in soils & Plants
5. Sesame 10. Pulse Seed Hub 15. Krishi Mantrana
Adhoc Projects
1. IFFCO, Nano DAP 2. Sharda Cropchem 3. NAHEP- CAAST
10. Patents obtained
Patent No. 422100 in the year 2023 Patent No. 376519 in the year 2021
Formulation for technology transfer: BAU Birsol Formulation for technology transfer: BAU Birsin
10A. BAU Received Prestigious Fakhruddin Ali
Ahmad Award of ICAR
11. Industry/Institutions collaborations
Sl. No. Organization Sl. No. Organization
1. Rockefeller Foundation, USA 16. IFFCO

2. Asian Vegetable Research Development Center 17. Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi
(AVRDC), Taiwan
3. International Potash Institute, Switzerland 18. Mobile Agricultural School and Services

4. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), 19. Centre for Development of Advanced
Mumbai Computing
5. Columbia Water Center, New York 20. SAIL (R & D Centre), Ranchi
6. Soka University, Japan 21. Vikas Bharti

7. IRRI, Philippines 22. Medha Dairy, Ranchi

8. GIZ, Germany 23. Ramkrishna Mission
9. Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI 24. VNR Seeds

10. Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India 25. Gramin Vikas Trust

11. Indian Institute of Technology 26. Bayer
Central Mine Planning and Design Institute
12. Syngenta 27.
(CMPDI), Ranchi
13. Indian Institute of Sec. Agriculture, Ranchi 28. Indian Inst. Agri. Biotech., Ranchi

14. ICAR-RCER, Plandu, Ranchi 29. Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi

15. Central Tasar Res. & Trg. Inst., Nagri, Ranchi 30. NBPGR, Regional station. Ranchi
12. Research/Consultancy grants received

Sl. Projects 2021-22 2022-23

No. (Rs in lakhs) (Rs in lakhs)

1. IFFCO Nano DAP 2.82 8.46

2. Sharda Cropchem 12.18 23.82
3. Hybrid Rice Testing 9.00 21.50
4. Hybrid Maize Testing 2.40 3.00
Total 26.40 56.78
13. Initiatives under NEP 2020
Sl. No. Initiatives
1. Institutional Restructuring and Consolidation- Innovative Centres- BPD units, Central
Instrumentation Facilities, Agril. Implements Facility etc.
2. Plan for Technical Leadership- RAWE, ELP, Internships, Maitri etc.
3. Optimal Learning Environments and Support for Students- UG and PG syllabus revised,
Linkage with Industries has been strengthened.
4. Financial support for students- ICAR and State Government Scholarships.
5. Motivated, Energized, and Capable Faculty- Autonomy in designing and implementing in
6. Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education- Gender sensitization programmes, special
facilities to Girl students, Translation of content in Hindi.
7. Teacher Education- Seminars, Training, Workshops etc.
8. Reimagining Vocational Education- Nos. of Vocational courses started
9. Strengthening Agricultural education- Farm extension in local and tribal languages, market
based extension, Farm Family extension etc.
10. Institutional Autonomy
 At present, BAU has no autonomy for appointment of faculty and staff since 2014.
 Hence, to implement the New Education Policy in letter and spirit, the University
expects the State Government to restore the power of appointment and also grant
latitude in financial and academic matters.
14. Automation of University functions

 Academic Management System (AMS) is fully operational.

 Implementation of Financial Management System
(FMS) and Human Resource Management System is being

15. Placement history

 Students have preference for Govt. jobs. They are being selected in
Public Sector banks, FCI, NSC, IFFCO, Govt. Departments etc.
 Last year about 100 students were selected in Jharkhand Agricultural
Services and 46 Veterinary graduates were appointed in Jharkhand
Animal Husbandry Services.
 Recently, the interest of students is changing in favour of JRF, CAT, XAT,
15A. Placement history

Sl. Organizations Nos. Sl. No. Organizations Nos.

No. (2021-22) (2022-23)
1. IIM 01 1. IIM 02
2. Bank PO 04
2. XLRI 01 3. Bank AFO 19
3. IRMA 01 4. JRF 09
4. NIAM 02 5. GATE (IIT Kharagpur) 05
5. Bank PO 02 6. BRLPS 08
6. Bank AFO 23 7. Jharkhand Milk 18
7. GATE (IIT Kharagpur) 05 8. Nestle 01
8. JSLPS 06 9. PRADAN 07
9. BRLPS 03 10. Tata Steel Foundation 03
10. Syngenta 01 11. Godrej Agrovet 01
11. ICFRE, Dehradun 01 12. FCI 02
13. UPSC- CAPF 01
15B. Placement Fair & BAU-Industry Meet
(June 02-03, 2023)

Counselling Poster
 By Alumni ( IFS, Renowned
Scientist, Technocrat).
 Interaction with Business Leaders (
Vice President, FJCCI, Ranchi; Vice
President, Corteva Agri Science,
USA; Co-Lead, FDRVC, New Delhi;
MD, MASS, Ranchi).
 Interaction with Bureaucrats
(Divisional Commissioner, Special
 Counselling by top Coaching
15C. Placement Fair & BAU-Industry Meet
(June 02-03, 2023)

Placement Glimpses
 Altogether 370 students registered
themselves for placement.
 Over 50 students were recruited
by companies like Virbac, Khety
and NABCONS; and NGOs like
SHARDA, Aryabhatta, and
 President, FJCCI agreed to sign
MoU with BAU, Ranchi for
industrial attachment and
internship programme.
16. Unique initiatives undertaken

Aloe vera village (Mentioned by Hon’ble Prime Minister in ‘Mann Ki Baat’)

Centre for Giloy Processing and Research
Technology Resource Centre on Agri-informatics and Agri-electronics
Birsa Hariyali Radio Station
Low cost poly house and shade net
Integrated Farming System for Jharkhand state
Registration of two breeds of pig namely Banda and Purnea
Release of new varieties of crops
Developed one variety of Dual type Chicken named Jharsim
Developed one variety of Pig named as Jharsuk
16A. List of Crop Varieties Notified and Released
Crops Salient features Photographs
Birsa Gehun-4 • Average seed yield : 51.72q/ha
(JKW-261) • Maturity : 110-136 days
• Fe & Zn cont. : Iron (38.9 ppm), Zinc (32.2 ppm)
Moderately resistant to foliar disease
Birsa Babycorn-1 • Average Seed Yield : 1670 kg/ha
(BVM - 2) • Maturity : 48-65 days
• Protein content : 10.3%
Moderately resistant to Maydis & Turcicum leaf blight

Birsa Marua-3 • Average Seed Yield : 27-30 q/ha

(BBM-10) • Maturity : 110-115 days
• Seed colour : Brown
Moderately resistant to neck and finger blast and resistant to
brown spot, leaf blight and foot rot

Birsa Arhar-2 • Average seed yield : 25-30 q/ha

(BAUPP-09-22) • Maturity : 230-250 days
• seed colour : Brown
Resistant to wilt under artificial condition and also found
resistant to Sterility Mosaic disease (SMD).

Birsa Urd-2 • Average seed yield : 12 q/ha

(RUB 12-02) • Maturity : 82-85 days
• Pod size : Long (6-7 seeds/pod)
Tolerant to Powdery Mildew, Moderately resistant to
defoliators and Nematodes
16A. List of Crop Varieties Notified and Released contd..
Crops Salient features Photographs
Birsa soybean-3 • Average seed yield : 25-28 q/ha
(BAUS-40) • Maturity : 115-120 days
• protein content : 38.80%
• Oil content : 19.5 %
Tolerant to drought condition, Resistant to pod borer
Birsa Bhabha • Average seed yield : 1556 kg/ha
Mustard-1 • Maturity : 114-121 days
(BBM-1) • Oil content :39-40%
Drought tolerant and mod. resist. to Alternaria blight
Linseed (Divya) • Average seed yield : 1562 kg/ha
(BAU-06-3) • Maturity : 128-130 days
• Oil content : 41.31 - 43%
• Omega-3 fatty acid : 60.56%

Linseed (Priyam) • Average seed yield : 1200-1300kg/ha

(BAU-12-01) • Maturity : 128-129 days
• Oil content :38.99 - 42.34%
• Omega-3 fatty acid :52.54%
Linseed (Birsa Tisi-1) • Average seed yield : 1200-1300 kg/ha
(BAU-15-03) • Maturity : 128-130 days
• Oil content : 34.54 - 39.52%
Highly resistance to Alternaria blight, rust and wilt
and moderately resistant to PM and budfly
16A. List of Crop Varieties Notified and Released contd..
Crops Salient features Photographs

Linseed • Average seed yield : 13-14 q/ha

(Birsa Tisi-2) • Maturity : 128-130 days
• Oil content : 41.67%
Resistant to rust, wilt, moderately resistant to
Alternaria blight

Soybean • Average Seed Yield : 22-25 q/ha

(Birsa Soybean-4) • Maturity : 105-110 days
• Protein content : 40.30%
Elongated (oval) light yellow Seed

Field Pea • Average Seed Yield : 14-15 q/ha

(Birsa Matar-1) • Maturity : 114-116 days
• Medium Pod size (5-6 seeds)
• Pale yellow seed colour
Suitable for all rainfed areas of Jharkhand for Kharif

Brinjal  diameter : 6-7 cm

(Birsa Chianki Baigan-  Average fruit weight : 130-160 g
3)  Fruit length : 11-18 cm
Resistant to Bacterial wilt Tolerant to shoot and
fruit borer Oblong to long light green colour fruits
16B. Improved Agricultural Implements
Birsa Ridger
(Field capacity – 0.173 ha/day
Av. draft – 426 N)

Birsa Seed drill

(Field capacity – 0.035 ha/h
Av. draft – 376 N)

Birsa Potato digger

(Field capacity – 0.244 ha/day
Av. draft – 452 N)

Birsa Lac Sheller

(Output capacity – 4.73 kg/h
Shelling efficiency– 90%)
16B. Improved Agricultural Implements contd..

Birsa Dryland Weeder

(Field capacity – 0.072 ha/h
Weeding efficiency – 79.05%)

Birsa Dutch Hoe

(Field capacity – 0.036 ha/day
Weeding efficiency – 75.62%))

Birsa SRI Marker

(Field capacity – 0.03 ha/h
Av. draft – 60 N)

Birsa Bullock Cart

(Attached with brake system,
Weight = 90 kg.
Av. draft – Tar Road : 350 N
Kachha Road : 400 N)
16B. Improved Agricultural Implements contd..

Birsa Seed-cum-Fertilizer Drill

(Field capacity – 0.069 ha/h
Av. draft – 416 N)

Birsa Zero till Seed Drill

(Field capacity – 0.013 ha/h
Av. draft – 70 N)

Birsa Yoke
(Length = 1900 mm
Thickness = 50 mm
Weight : 6 Kg)
16C. National Identity

National Identifier/ Indigenous Collection (IC)

Number of 30 Germplasm(IC- 0639889 to IC-
0639918) of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) has
been allocated by ICAR- National Bureau of Center for Giloy Processing and Research
Plant Genetic Resources , New Delhi. Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)
16D. Aloe vera Village: Hon’ble PM Mann Ki Baat
on 26th September, 2021
MOU with Overseas
Vice-chancellors Conference

45th Indian Agricultural Universities MoUs with Soka University, Japan

Association (IAUA) for mutual cooperation in the fields
Vice-chancellors Conference of academics, research and training.
Held at BAU on 20-21, December, Japanese Delegation visited to BAU
2021 on April 20-21, 2022.
17. SWOT analysis of the University
Strength Weakness
Talented, committed and experienced Insufficient number of teaching and
faculty non-teaching staff
Location advantage Inadequate fund for maintenance of
Satisfactory infrastructure infrastructure
Dynamic leadership

Opportunity Threat
Untapped agricultural potential of state Lack of autonomy
Government support Delayed promotion of teaching and
Scope for linkages and collaborations non-teaching staff
18. Annual Funding Pattern

Sl. No. Funding Agency Amount

(Rs. in Lakh)
1. State Government 13800
2. ICAR, New Delhi 3228
3. Others 266
Total 17294

Source: Annual Fund & Accounts

Appraisal Report (2021-22)
19. Roadmap for next 5/10 years
Implementation of NEP 2020 in letter and spirit.

Research on Doubling farmers income, Climate Change, Natural farming, Secondary

Agriculture, Robotics, Mechanization, Nano fertilizer, Water Management and
Strengthening diagnostic and advisory services.

Real time & actualization of plot to plot data of farmers with their Agri-analytics

Establishing linkages and collaborations with national & international Institutes.

Creating environment for innovation, publication and patent.

Enhancing productivity of manpower.

Improving Ranking and Visibility of University.

Exchange of Faculty and Students to the National and International Organizations.

Enlightened Students
Motivated Faculty
Improved Technology
Developed Farmer, Jharkhand and India


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