Simple Pendulum
Simple Pendulum
Simple Pendulum
Simple Pendulum : A simple pendulum consists of a mass m hanging from a string of length L and fixed at a pivot point P. When displaced to an initial angle and released, the pendulum will swing back and forth with periodic motion
d U !d t
where is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, E is the angular acceleration, and U is the angle from the vertical. In the case of the pendulum, the torque is given by
X ! mgLsin U
where I ! m L
Substituting these expressions for eq(1) we get the second-order differential equation
mgl sin U
!mL d d
The easy way to solve the above Eq. is to restrict the solution to cases where the angle is small. In that case, we can make the linear approximation
sin U } U
where Uis measured in radians. In this case, Eq. becomes the differential equation for a simple harmonic oscillator,
As may be verified by direct substitution. Here U and H are arbitrary constants that depend on the initial conditions
The angle is called the maximum amplitude of the motion, and is the displacement of the pendulum from the vertical. The constant H is called the phase constant, and represents where in its motion the pendulum is at time t =0. Time period: Eq. implies that the angular frequency of the motion is since the period , we find the period for small amplitudes to be
The true period of a pendulum gets longer as the amplitude 0 (width of swing) increases
The Jacobian elliptic function is one of a number of so-called special functions that often appear in mathematicalphysics. In this case, the function sn( x;k) is defined as a kind of inverse of an integral.
Given the function
The Jacobian elliptic function is defined as the inverse of u: y=sn(u;k) Values of sn(u;k) may be found in tables of functions or computed by specialized mathematical software libraries.
An exact expression for the period is given by
which is a type of integral known as a complete elliptic integral of the first kind. The integral in the above equation cannot be evaluated in closed form, but it can be expanded into an infinite series.
The result is
We can explicitly write out the first few terms of this series; the result is
If we wish, we can write out a series expansion for the period in another formone which does not involve the sine function, but only involves powers of the amplitude U 0 . To do this, we expand sin(U 0 /2) into a Taylor series:
Now substitute this series into the series of Eq and collect terms. The result is
Ratio of a pendulums true period T to its small-angle period as a function of amplitude U 0 For small amplitudes, this ratio is near . For larger amplitudes, the true period is longer than predicted by the small-angle approximation
HISTORY: One of the earliest known uses of a pendulum was in the 1st. Century seismometer device of Han Dynasty Chinese scientist Zhang Heng. Its function was to sway and activate one of a series of levers after being disturbed by the tremor of an earthquake far away. Released by a lever, a small ball would fall out of the urn-shaped device into one of eight metal toad's mouths below, at the eight points of the compass, signifying the direction the earthquake was located. Many sources claim that the 10th century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus used a pendulum for time measurement, but this was an error that originated in 1684 with the British historian Edward Bernard. During the Renaissance large pendulums were used as sources of power for manual reciprocating machines such as saws, bellows, and pumps. Leonardo da Vinci made many drawings of the motion of pendulums, though without realizing its value for timekeeping.
Foucault pendulum
The Foucault pendulum in 1851 was the first demonstration of the Earth's rotation that did not involve celestial observations, and it created a "pendulum mania". In this animation the rate of precession is greatly exaggerated.
Clock pendulums
Longcase clock(Grandfather clock) pendulum Mercury pendulum Gridiron pendulum Ellicott pendulum, another temperature compensated type Invar pendulum in low pressure tank in Riefler regulator clock, used as the US time standard
Measuring gravity with Kater's reversible pendulum, from Kater's 1818 paper