Urinary Tract Infection Drugs
Urinary Tract Infection Drugs
Urinary Tract Infection Drugs
Urinary tract
Dr Aigbepue Stephen
Urinary tract infections(UTI’s)
• It is the 2nd most common
• 1. Upper urinary tract (kidney infection ( after RTI’s).
&ureters) infections: pyelonephritis • It is often associated with some
obstruction of the flow of urine.
• Lower urinary tract (bladder, • It is more common in women
urethra & prostate): cystitis , more than men
urethritis & prostatitis. • 30:1 (Why?).
• Incidence of UTI increases in old
• ** Upper urinary tract infections age(10% of men & 20% of
are more serious. women).
What are the causes
of UTI’s
• Normally urine is sterile. Bacteria comes from • Bacteria responsible of urinary tract
digestive tract to opening of the urethra.
• Obstruction of the flow of urine(e.g. kidney
• Gm- bacteria (most common):
• E.coli (approx. 80% of cases)
• Enlargement of prostate gland in men(common
cause) • Proteus
• Catheters placed in urethra and bladder. • Klebsiella
• Pseudomonas
• Not drinking enough fluids.
• Gm+ bacteria :
• Waiting too long to urinate.
• Staphylococcus Saprophyticus
• Large uterus in pregnant women.
• Poor toilet habits(wiping back to front for • Chlamydia trachomatis ,Mycoplasma & N.
women) gonorrhea
• Disorders that suppress the immune • (limited to urethra, unlike E.coli may be sexually
system(diabetes & cancer chemotherapy). transmitted)
Urinary tract infections can be:
• Simple: Non-catheter associated(community-acquired).
• Do not spread to other parts of the body and go away readily with
treatment ( Due to E.coli in most cases).
• Complicated: Catheter- associated(nosocomial) , immune-
suppression, stones, renal disease, diabetes)
• Spread to other parts of the body and resistant to many antibiotics
and more difficult to treat.{Due to hospital- acquired bacteria(E.coli,
Klebsiella,, Proteus, Pseudomonas, enterococci, staphylococci)}
Classification of drugs used for UTI
• Fluoroquinolones • Inhibitors of Folate reduction
• Ciprofloxacin • Pyrimethamine
• Delafloxacin • Trimethoprim
• Gemifloxacin
• Levofloxacin
• Combination of Inhibitors of
• Moxifloxacin folate synthesis and reduction
• Ofloxacin • Cotrimoxazole(trimethoprim +
• Inhibitors of Folate Synthesis
• Mafenide • Urinary tract Antiseptics
• Silver sulfadiazine • Methenamine
• Sulfadiazine • Nitrofurantoin
• Sulfaslazine • Nalidixic acid
Mechanism of action • Numerous mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance exist
in clinical pathogens. High-level fluoroquinolone resistance
• Most bacterial species maintain two distinct type is primarily driven by chromosomal mutations within
II topoisomerases that assist with topoisomerases, although decreased entry, efflux systems,
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication, DNA and modifying enzymes play a role. Mechanisms
gyrase, and topoisomerase IV. DNA gyrase is responsible for resistance include the following:
responsible for reducing torsional stress ahead of 1. Altered target binding
replicating forks by breaking double-strand DNA • Mutations in bacterial genes encoding DNA gyrase or
and introducing negative supercoils. topoisomerase IV (for example, gyrA or parC) alter target
site structure and reduce binding efficiency of
• Topoisomerase IV assists in separating daughter
chromosomes once replication is completed. 2. Decreased accumulation
Following cell wall entry through porin channels, • Reduced intracellular concentration is linked to
fluoroquinolones bind to these enzymes and 1) a reduction in membrane permeability or
interfere with DNA ligation. 2) efflux pumps.
• Alterations in membrane permeability are mediated
through a reduction in outer membrane porin proteins, thus
• This interference increases the number of limiting drug access to topoisomerases. Efflux pumps
permanent chromosomal breaks, triggering cell actively remove fluoroquinolones from the cell.
lysis. In general, fluoroquinolones have different
targets for gramnegative (DNA gyrase) and gram- 3. Fluoroquinolone degradation
positive organisms (topoisomerase IV), resulting • An aminoglycoside acetyltransferase variant can acetylate
in rapid cell death fluoroquinolones, rendering them inactive.
Fluoroquinolones Spetrum of Activities
Pharmacokinetics 2. Distribution
• Binding to plasma proteins ranges from 20% to 84%.
1. Absorption Fluoroquinolones distribute well into all tissues and body
• Fluoroquinolones are well absorbed • Concentrations are high in bone, urine (except
after oral administration, with moxifloxacin), kidney, prostatic tissue (but not prostatic
levofloxacin and moxifloxacin having a fluid), and lungs as compared to serum.
• Penetration into cerebrospinal fluid is good, and these
bioavailability that exceeds 90% (Figure agents may be considered in certain central nervous
31.3). system (CNS) infections.
• Ingestion of fluoroquinolones with • Accumulation in macrophages and polymorphonuclear
leukocytes results in activity against intracellular
sucralfate, aluminum- or magnesium- organisms such as Listeria, Chlamydia, and
containing antacids, or dietary Mycobacterium.
supplements containing iron or zinc can 3. Elimination
reduce the absorption. • Most fluoroquinolones are excreted renaly. Therefore,
• Calcium and other divalent cations also dosage adjustments are needed in renal dysfunction.
• Moxifloxacin is metabolized primarily by the liver, and
interfere with the absorption of these while there is some renal excretion, no dose adjustment is
agents required for renal impairment.
Adverse reactions
• In general, fluoroquinolones are well tolerated
• Common adverse effects leading to discontinuation are; nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness.
• These agents carry boxed warnings for tendinitis, tendon rupture, peripheral neuropathy, and CNS
effects (hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, and seizures).
• Patients taking fluoroquinolones are at risk for phototoxicity resulting in exaggerated sunburn reactions.
• Patients should use sunscreen and avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. Arthropathy is
uncommon, but arthralgia and arthritis are reported with fluoroquinolone use in pediatric patients.
• Use in the pediatric population should be limited to distinct clinical scenarios (for example, cystic
fibrosis exacerbation).
• Hepatotoxicity or blood glucose disturbances (usually in diabetic patients receiving oral hypoglycemic
agents or insulin) have been observed.
• Identification of any of these events should result in prompt removal of the agent. Fluoroquinolones
may prolong the QT interval, and these agents should be avoided in patients predisposed to arrhythmias
Dihydropteroate Sulfonamides
Dihydrofolate Trimethoprim