79 Noninvasive Ventilation Short
79 Noninvasive Ventilation Short
79 Noninvasive Ventilation Short
Israel E. Priel, MD, FCCP The Edith Wolfson Medical Center Holon
History of NIV
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul GENESIS
Diaphragmatic Pacing
Frog Breathing
Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
PO2 < 60 mm Hg on high flow O2
Mechanical Ventilation
Standard of Care until use of NIV Numerous complications Lung injury, VAP, GI Bleeding, superinfection etc. Uncomfortable : sedation and paralysis High Mortality > 30 % High Cost Prolonged LOS (length of stay )
Non-Invasive Ventilation
Negative-pressure ventilation Lower the pressure surrounding the chest wall during inspiration and reversing the pressure to atmospheric level during expiration. These devices augment the tidal volume by generating negative extrathoracic pressure Non- invasive Positivepressure ventilation Provided by a volume ventilator, pressure-controlled ventilator, a bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or a continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP)
Noninvasive Ventilation
Potential of providing mechanical ventilatory assistance with greater: Convenience Comfort Safety and Less Cost Than conventional ventilation May reduce infectious complications associated with mechanical ventilation
Modalities CPAP
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation Improves oxygenation by recruiting collapsed alveoli Pressures commonly used to deliver CPAP to patients with acute respiratory distress range from 5 to 12.5 cm H2O.
Modalities BiPAP
BiPAP Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation Provides a boost of pressure during inspiration Pressure Support ( IPAP EPAP) IPAP (Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure ) assists in improving TV EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure) helps to recruit more alveoli / prevents closure of alveoli Differential in pressure between inspiration and expiration (PS ) allows for better patient- ventilator synchrony -> more comfort
What distinguishes PSV from other currently available ventilator modes is the ability to vary inspiratory time breath by breath, permitting close matching with the patient's spontaneous breathing pattern. A sensitive patient-initiated trigger signals the delivery of inspiratory pressure support, and a reduction in inspiratory flow causes the ventilator to cycle into expiration. In this way, PSV allows the patient to control not only breathing rate but also inspiratory duration. As shown in patients undergoing weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation , PSV offers the potential of excellent patient-ventilator synchrony, reduced diaphragmatic work, and improved patient comfort.
Volume limited Modes ( A/C , SIMV) Time cycled Adjustable Trigger Sensitivity, Rise Time (time to reach peak pressure), Inspiratory Duration : to increase patient ventilator synchrony and comfort Backup Rates
Bi-level devices
Limited Pressure generating capabilities (20-35 cm H2O) Lack Oxygen blender Lack sophisticated alarm or backup systems Newer versions suitable for acute care: sophisticated alarm, graphic display, monitoring, oxygen blender Ideal for home use: portability, convenience, low cost Leak Compensation - able to vary and sustain inspiratory airflow Rebreathing Single tube with passive exhalation valve
Patient interfaces
Nasal Mask More air leaks Requires a cooperative patient who can keep his/ her mouth closed More comfortable for claustrophobic patients
Nasal Masks
Widely used, particularly for chronic application (CPAP or NPPV) Triangular or cone shaped clear plastic device that fits over the nose and utilizes a soft cuff to form an air-seal over the skin Multiple sizes and shapes The standard mask exerts pressure over the bridge of the nose, in order to achieve an adequate air seal, often causing skin irritation and redness and occasionally ulceration Modifications to minimize this complication:
forehead spacers or the addition of a thin plastic flap that permits air sealing withy less mask pressure on the nose Nasal masks with gel seals that may enhance comfort
Minimasks ( reduce claustrophobia, allows to wear glasses Custom molded individualized masks
Straps that hold the mask in place are also important for patient comfort. Many types of strap assemblies are available. Most manufacturers provide straps that are designed for use with a particular mask. Straps that attach at two or as many as five points on the mask have been used, depending on the interface. More points of attachment add to stability. Strap systems with Velcro fasteners are popular Elastic caps that help to keep the straps from tangling or sliding have been well received by patients.
Nasal Pillows
An alternative type of nasal interface, nasal "pillows" or "seals," consist of soft rubber or silicone pledgets that are inserted directly into the nostrils. Because they exert no pressure over the bridge of the nose, nasal pillows are useful in patients who develop redness or ulceration on the nasal bridge while using standard nasal masks. Also, some patients, particularly those with claustrophobia, prefer nasal pillows because they seem less bulky than standard nasal masks.
Patient Interfaces
Full Face mask Delivers higher ventilation pressures without leaks Allows for mouth breathing Requires less patient cooperation Less comfortable , impairs speech comprehensibility, may limit oral intake
Oronasal Masks
Oronasal masks may be preferred for patients with copious air leaking through the mouth during nasal mask ventilation. Improvements in oronasal masks, such as more comfortable seals, improved air-sealing capabilities, and incorporation of quick-release straps and antiasphyxia valves to prevent rebreathing in the event of ventilator failure, have increased acceptability of these interfaces for chronic applications. The Total" face mask is made of clear plastic, it uses a soft cuff that seals around the perimeter of the face, avoiding direct pressure on facial structures.
Nasal Mask Less claustrophobia Less dead space Allows for expectoration Allows for oral intake Vocalization Facial Mask Dyspneic patients usually mouth breathers More dead space
Heated humidification versus HME (heat and Moisture exchanger) The jury is still out HME may reduce the efficacy of NIV/ increase WOB
Location of NIV
DEM ICU Intermediate Care Unit Medical Ward Home
Advantages of NIV
Application (compared with ET intubation)
Easy to implement Easy to remove Intermittent application is feasible
Improves patient comfort Reduces the need for sedation Oral Patency
Preserved speech, swallowing and cough Reduced need for NE Tubes
Avoid the resistive work induced by ET tubes Avoid the complications of ET intubation
Early (local trauma, aspiration) Late (injury to the the hypopharynx, larynx, and trachea, nosocomial infections
Initiating NIV
Decide to initiate NIV Select mode of Ventilatory Support Use CPAP if the main problem is hypoxemia Use BiPAP if the main problem is hypercarbia Explain what s your plan Hold the mask in place without securing it at first Once synchrony is achieved, secure the mask with straps Avoid too tight fit
Initiation of Therapy
CPAP : start at 5 cm H2O BiPAP: start with IPAP of 8-10 cm H2O and EPAP of 3-5 cm H2O Increase these parameters gradually , usually by 2 cm H2O at a time , until an exhaled tidal Volume (TV) of 5-10 ml/ kg is achieved and Respiratory Rate falls below 25 bpm Adjust EPAP (PEEP) for hypoxemia Monitor SpO2 , heart rate, respiratory rate
Spontaneous/ Timed (S/T) Increases pressure when the patient breathes in and decreases pressure when the patient exhales. Machine will trigger a breathe if the patient does not breathe within a preset time. Spontaneous (S) As above but there is no automatic delivery of breath if the patient fails to inhale. Timed (T) The machine controls both inhalation and exhalation independent of spontaneous breathing. Pressure Control (PC) Average Volume Assured Pressure Support (AVAPS) Auto adjusts to provide a constant tidal (lung) volume. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
Need to monitor response Physiological
Continuous oxymetery Exhaled Tidal Volume Obtain ABG-s within an hour and q 2-6 h or as needed
MASK Fit, Comfort, Air leak, Skin Necrosis, Secretions RESPIRATORY MUSCLE UNLOADING
Accessory muscle activity Paradoxical abdominal motion
Respiratory Rate Blood Pressure Pulse Rate
Gastric Distention
Dyspnea Mental alertness Comfort
Initial Assessment
In Patients who benefit from NIV : Improvement of the dyspnea Improvement of signs of respiratory failure These changes may occur within an hour after initiation of NIV A Rapid decrease in Respiratory Rate is an excellent indicator of successful Rx. Follow : level of consciousness, SpO2 and ABG-s
Uses of NIV
COPD acute exacerbation COPD home Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema Acute Asthma Post extubation RF Neuromuscular disorders
Hypoxemic acute respiratory failure (mixed results) Obesity and ARF In do not intubate patients
* *
* p < 0.05
What is NIV ?
A technique looking for indication ? The best thing under the sky for those who need ventilatory assistance ? -------------------------------------Not a panacea ! Nor is it a poor man s technique
After initiation of NIV plan how to recognize a treatment failure and what to do for the failing patient No convincing evidence that a failed NIV trail is harmful NIV should be viewed as a preventive measure rather than an alternative to mechanical ventilation via ET .
First 30 minutes of NIV is labor intensive Presence of skilled personnel, familiar with this mode at bedside is essential Provide reassurance, adequate explanation Be ready to intubate and mechanically ventilate if the non invasive approach fails
On the role of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) to treat patients during the H1N1 influenza pandemic
Giorgio Conti*,MD, Anders Larrsson Stefano Nava+ MD, , Paolo Navalesi&, MD MDsc, DEAA From: * Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Catholic University School of Medicine, Rome, Italy , Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Uppsala University Sweden+Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Fondazione S.Maugeri, Pavia, Italy, &Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Maggiore della Carit, Eastern Piedmont University, Novara, Italy Correspondence address: Stefano Nava, MD Respiratory Intensive Care Unit Fondazione S.MaugeriVia Maugeri n.10 27100 Pavia, Italy phone 0382 592806 e-mail: stefano.nava@fsm.it
Thank you
Immunocompromised patients
Immunosuppressed patients with fever/ARF and CXR infiltrates: RCT in Canada
52 patients with Neutropenia, transplant, hematological malignancies or chemo Method: NIV for 45 minutes every 3 hours for 24 hrs RESULTS:
Immunocompromised patients
The use of NIV should be considered in immunocompromised patients at high risk for infectious complications from ETI , i.e. hematologic malignancies AIDS, following solid organ transplant or BMT In a randomized trial of patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure following solid organ transpantation, the use of NIV decreased intubation rate (20% versus 70% p< 0.002 and ICU mortality (20% versus 50%, p=0.005) compared with conventional therapy with O2
Antonelli M, JAMA 2000; 283: 2239-2240
NIV in Asthma
No randomized controlled studies Several reports of successful treatment High success rate Think of Heliox
NIV >8h /day for 48 hrs vs. standard care NIV group had 12% lower mortality, 16% lower reintubation rate and LOS Reintubation was associated with 60% increase mortality in ICU CONCLUSION : USEFUL MODALITY IN SELECT HIGH RISK PATIENTS
Potential cause
Air Leak Autocycling Increased WOB
Corrective measure
Adjust mask or change type Reduce trigger sensitivity Adjust trigger sensitivity or change to a flow trigger if pressure trigger is used Reduction of pressure rise time. Increase Inspiratory Pressure Adjust mask or consider switching from nasal to face mask. Increase end inspiratory flow threshold and set time limit for inspiration Use 2 lines and use nonrebreathe valve Lower Respiratory rate Add PEEP to Lavage mask Reduce Dead space with padding
Pressure rise time too long Pressure support too low Air leak leading to Inspiratory hang up High end inspiratory flow
CO2 rebreathing
Single circuit with no true exhalation valve High Respiratory Rate No PEEP Large Mask Dead space