Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
The definition of Deep learning is that it is the branch of machine learning that is
based on artificial neural network architecture. An artificial neural network or
ANN uses layers of interconnected nodes called neurons that work together to
process and learn from the input data.
Use Cases:
1. Computer Vision
example: object detection, Image classification, Image
2. NLP
example: Automatic Text Generation, Speech Recognition,
Sentiment Analysis.
3. Reinforcement Learning
example: Game playing, Robotics, Etc.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence and growing technology that
enables machines to learn from past data and perform a given task automatically.
Machine Leaning allows the computers to learn from the experiences by its
own, use statistical methods to improve the performance and predict the output without
being explicitly programmed.
We can understand the working of deep learning with the same example of
identifying cat vs. dog. The deep learning model takes the images as the input and feed it
directly to the algorithms without requiring any manual feature extraction step. The images
pass to the different layers of the artificial neural network and predict the final output.
A scalar is just a single number or value. It’s the simplest form of data with
no dimensions (0D).
Example:Scalars can represent parameters like a bias in a neural network or
a single activation value.
A vector is a one-dimensional array of numbers. It has only one axis (1D).
example: A vector can represent the weights of a single layer in a neural
network, or a set of features from a single input (e.g., a list of pixel values from a
grayscale image).
• The slope becomes steeper at the starting point or arbitrary point, but whenever
new parameters are generated, then steepness gradually reduces, and at the
lowest point, it approaches the lowest point, which is called a point of
• If we move towards a negative gradient or away from the gradient of the function at
the current point, it will give the local minimum of that function.
1. The model is too simple, So it may be not capable to represent the complexities
in the data.
2. The Size of Training Data is not Enough
1. High variance and Low bias.
2. the model is too complex.
3. The size of the Training Data is too High
•Learning rate: How fast the model learns from the data.
•Batch size: How much data the model processes at once during training.
•Number of epochs: How many times the model sees the full dataset during training.
Validation Set:
a validation set is a portion of the data used to evaluate a model while it is being
Data were Split into for Training and Testing.
> The Bias is Known as Difference between the Input(actual) Value and
Output(predicted) value.
> High Bias Lead to Underfitting.
> It Gives Larger Error in Training As Well as Testing Data.
> It Measures spread in Data form its Mean position.
> Model have High Variance has very Complex to Fit the Training Data.
> High Variance leads to Overfitting of Data.
Deep Feed Forward Neural Network:
> A Deep Feedforward Neural Network is a type of artificial neural network
where connections between the nodes do not form cycles.
> The network consists of an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output
> Information flows in one direction—from input to output—hence the name
Types Of Neural Networks:
> Deep Learning models are able to automatically learn features from the data.
> The most widely used architectures in deep learning are,
1.Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) are the simplest type of ANN, with a linear flow
of information through the network. FNNs have been widely used for tasks such as image
classification, speech recognition, and natural language processing.
2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are specifically for image and video
recognition tasks. CNNs are able to automatically learn features from the images,
3. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of neural network that is able to process
sequential data, such as time series and natural language. RNNs are able to maintain an
internal state that captures information about the previous inputs
> Regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting in machine
learning models.
> Regularization adds a penalty (or regularization term) to the loss function
(the function that measures the error of the model). This discourages the model from
learning overly complex patterns.
> Common types of regularization:
•L1 Regularization (Lasso): Adds the sum of the absolute values of the weights as a
penalty. It encourages some weights to be zero, making the model sparse.
•L2 Regularization (Ridge): Adds the sum of the squared values of the weights as a
penalty. It discourages large weights, keeping the model small.
Optimization is the process of minimizing the loss function of a model. In machine
learning, the goal of optimization is to find the best model parameters (weights) that reduce the
error between the model’s predictions and the actual data.
•Goal: To find the best parameters for the model that minimize error or loss.
•How it works: Optimization algorithms adjust the model’s parameters step by step to
minimize the loss function.
•Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): An updated version of gradient descent where updates
are made using one data point at a time, which is faster and can handle large datasets.