Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Conflict is
Conflict Cycle
Words that Promote Conflict
• “You must…”
• “You lied to me”
• “This is so typical of you…”
• “You always / you never”
• “The problem is…”
• “If you don’t do this, then…”
• “You’ll never change”
• “You’re being hysterical”
Philosophies of Conflict
• Traditional Philosophy: All conflicts are
negative and potentially destructive for the
organization. Conflict should be
• Behavioral Philosophy: Conflict is
inevitable in organizations and should be
accepted as a part of organizational life.
Philosophies of Conflict
• Interactionist Philosophy:
a) Conflict is essential to the survival of the
b) Conflict should not only be accepted but
encouraged in organizations.
c) Effective conflict management includes both
stimulation and reduction of conflict.
d) Conflict management is a major
responsibility of the manager.
The Nature of Conflict
• Conflict inevitable when together for time
• Different people will have different
viewpoints, ideas, and opinions
• Occurs when no internal harmony within a
person, or whenever there is a dispute
between individuals
• When you hear conflict, what kind of
picture comes to mind?
Conflict Occurs
Within an individual
Between 2 or more individuals -
At home and affects work.
Often when least expected.
Sources of Conflict
• Different values and beliefs
• Role pressure or clarification
• Perception differences
• Diverse goals or objectives
• Group status or identity
• Race, ethnicity, or gender differences
Sources of Conflict
• Personality clash
• Competition for limited resources
• Disagreement on how things done
• Personal, self, or group interest
• Tension and stress
• Power and influence
The implications and cost of
taking no action
Reduced morale, productivity,
performance, teamwork, job satisfaction
Increased absenteeism, presenteeism,
staff turnover
Frustration, anger, cynicism
Negative Factors of Conflict
• Diverts attention from important issues
• May damage morale
• May cause polarization
• Reinforces differences in values
• Produces regrettable behaviors
Positive Factors of Conflict
• Stimulates interest
• Forum for discussions
• Increases cohesiveness
• Promotes change
• Provides means to work together
Methods of Managing Conflict
• Denial or Avoidance
• Suppression
• Power or Dominance
• Third Party Intervention
• Compromise or Negotiation
• Integration or Collaboration
How to Resolve Conflict
Provide consideration for results.
Compete / Confront –
exercise your power to get the
decision to go your way.
(high results; low relationship).
Avoid -ignore or stay silent on the
issue. (low results; low relationship).
How to Resolve Conflict
Provide equal consideration for
relationship and results.
• Compromise –
both parties give some
in order to resolve the conflict.
(medium relationship;
medium results).
How to Resolve Conflict
Provide consideration for relationship.
Be as calm as possible.
Describe the conflict as a mutual problem.
Offer to negotiate differences.
Brainstorm alternative solutions.
Evaluate the brainstormed solutions.
Decide on the best solution.
Plan the implementation of solution.
Beliefs That Help Resolve
There IS a mutually acceptable solution.
Cooperate rather than compete.
Both parties have rights and needs.
Differences of opinion are helpful.
Trust is important.
Styles of Conflict Management
Approach Objective Your Posture Supporting Likely Outcome
Forcing Get your way. “I know what’s It is better to risk You feel
right. Don’t causing a few hard vindicated, but
question my feelings than to other party feels
judgment or abandon a position defeated and
authority.” you are committed possibly
to. humiliated.
Avoiding Avoid having to “I’m neutral on that Disagreements are Interpersonal
deal with conflict. issue. Let me think inherently bad problems don’t get
about it.” because they resolved, causing
create tension. long-term
manifested in a
variety of ways.
Accommodating Don’t upset the “How can I help Maintaining Other person is
other person. you feel good harmonious likely to take
about this relationships advantage of you.
encounter? My should be our top
position isn’t so priority.
important that it is
worth risking bad
feelings between
Styles of Conflict Management
Approach Objective Your Posture Supporting Rationale Likely