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Problem solving method
Vineesha Babu Physical science Roll no 83 Problem solving method
• Education has been viewed as a problem solving
procedure to enable the individual to meet and solve the problems of real life. • A problem is essentially a felt difficulty. It arises when there is no habitual or readymade solutions to a given situation or question According to B.F Skinner, “ Problem solving is a process of overcoming difficulties that appear to interfere with the attainment of a goal.” According to Gates, “A problem exist for an individual when he has a definite goal, he cannot reach by the behaviour pattern which he already has available” Characteristics of a problem in a learning situation
1. Clear and definite
2. Challenging and hence interest generating 3. Suitable to the age, needs and mental and physical capacity of pupils. 4. Related to actual life situations 5. Understandable to the learners who face it 6. Thought provoking 7. Correlated to the existing knowledge of the learners 8. Workable with resource available 9. Feasible within the time available According John Dewey identified the following steps,
1. Identification of the problem
2. Defining the problem 3. Collection of relevant data 4. Evaluating and organizing data 5. Formulation and evaluation of hypothesis 6. Formation of strategies 7. Applying solution Step-1: Identification of the problem First step in problem solving where the individual is confronted by some specific problem that requires solution. It may be a theoretical or practical problem. Step-2: Defining the problem
In order to understand the problem, the learner
start analysing the situation and defines it in definite terms. Step-3: Collection of relevant data
Collect all relevant information concerning the problem
by all possible means. This will help the individual to widen the span of his knowledge relevant to the problem. Step-4: Evaluating & Organizing
The collected information is then evaluated properly to
identify the essential data which is then organized and classified systematically. Step-5: Formulation &Evaluation of Hypothesis
By studying the organized data the investigator tries to
think of various tentative or possible solutions of the problem in hand. Those hypothesis which are not correct or practicable are discarded and eliminated one by one finally reaching the best solution of the problem. Step-6: Formation of strategies
A suitable strategy must be selected for finding the best
solution for the problem in hand. Step-7: Applying the solution
The best solution thus arrived at is then applied to solve
the problem in hand. The validity of the interference can be further verified by utilising it in the solution of various similar problems. Role of Teachers in Problem Solving
1. Help the pupils to locate and select the problem to be
solved. problem should have significance and value it should be according to the mental age of the children. It should be neither too difficult nor too easy for the class
2.Create moderate motivation in learner
Extreme motivation and excessive emotional involvement hinders productive thinking. 3. Encourage divergent thinking Encourage the students to think in various directions and searching for different solutions for a problematic situation.
4.Present the problem as a whole
Then the students will have the perception of the total situation for the solution 5. Guide the pupils Guide the pupils in collecting, evaluating and organising the relevant d about the problem from various sources.
6.Give the practice on various kinds of problems
To develop proper mental set in students so that they may transfer the skills in solving problems in future. Merits of problem solving method 1. Children get training in the art of problem solving in actual life situations. This method inculcates the problem solving attitude. 2. It develops habits of planning, thinking and reasoning power of the pupil 3. It develops the power of critical judgement as pupils have to think a lot, for arriving at correct solution of the problem through practice. 4. It is also helpful in making the students resourceful and self- reliant 5. Pupils have efficient opportunities to express themselves while discussions are going on 6. Pupils gets training in-corporation and fellow feeling 7. It inculcates the habit of open-mindedness and tolerance 8. Learning by doing and learning by observing the concrete situations
make the teaching-learning process more meaningful
9. The teacher-taught relationships are strengthened. Teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide 10. The teacher gets valuable social experiences. Demerits 1. It is difficult on the part on the teacher to organize the content of science according to the needs of the pupils. 2. It is time consuming method 3. This method is not proper for immature pupils because they cannot follow the relevant material of science properly 4. Textbooks and written material on these lines are not easily available 5. There is dearth of trained and competent teachers who can put this method into practice 6. Not all students can be expected to solve problems with their own efforts. Thank you