MUCLecture 2023 9278281
MUCLecture 2023 9278281
MUCLecture 2023 9278281
• Inputting: it is the process of entering raw data ,instruction and information into the
computer with the help of input devices
• Storing : the computer has primary and secondary storage to store data and instruction
so it store the data before sending it to CPU ,and store the processed data before display
it as output.
• Processing: it is the process of converting the raw data into useful information.
• Outputting: it is the process of presenting the process data through output devices
• Controlling: this operation is performed by the conteol units that it is part of CPU
The control unit ensures that all basic operation are executed in right manner and
A microprocessor is a component that performs the instructions and
tasks involved in computer processing. In a computer system, the
microprocessor is the central unit that executes and manages the
logical instructions passed to it.
A microprocessor may also be called a processor or central processing
unit, but it is actually more advanced in terms of architectural design
and is built over a silicon microchip.
في.المعالج الدقيق هو مكون يقوم بتنفيذ التعليمات والمهام المتعلقة بمعالجة الكمبيوتر
المعالج الدقيق هو الوحدة المركزية التي تنفذ وتدير التعليمات المنطقية، نظام الكمبيوتر
قد ُيطلق على المعالج الدقيق أيًض ا اسم معالج أو وحدة معالجة.التي تم تمريرها إليه
ولكنه في الواقع أكثر تقدًم ا من حيث التصميم المعماري ويتم بناؤه على شريحة، مركزية
من السيليكون.
• It is a silicon chip that contains a CPU . In the world of personal computers ,the terms microprocessor and CPU are
used interchangeably.
• A microprocessor is a digital electronic component with miniaturized transistors on a single semiconductor integrated
circuit (IC).
• One or more microprocessor typically serve as a central processing unit CPU in a computer system or handheld
• Microprocessor made possible the advent of the microcomputer
• At the heart of all personal computers and most working station sits a Microprocessor.
• Microprocessor also control the logic of almost all digital devices from clock radios to fuel –injection system for
• Three basic characteristics differentiate microprocessor
• Instruction set: the set of instructions that the microprocessor can execute.
• Bandwidth: the number of bits processed in a single instruction
• Clock speed: given in megahertz (MHz), the clock speed determines how many instruction per second the processor
can execute.
• in both cases the higher the value , the more powerful the CPU
• In addition to bandwidth and clock speed , microprocessors are
classified as being either RISC or CISC
• IT consist of three main sections , an arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), a timing and control unit
and several registers
• The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), performs the following arithmetic and logic operations
• 1- addition
• 2- subtraction
• 3- logical AND
• 4- logical OR
• 5- logical EXCLUSIVE OR(XOR)
• 6- complement (logical NOT)
• 7-Incerment(add1)
• 8-Decerment(subtract1)
• 9- Left shift (add input to itself)
• 10-clear (result is zero)
8085Functional units
For the execution of an instruction a microprocessor fetches the instruction from the memory
and executes it
The time taken for the execution of an instruction is called instruction cycle (IC)
• An instruction cycle(IC) consist of fetch cycle (FC),and execute cycle (EC)
• The fetch operation the microprocessor gets first byte of the instruction . Which is
operation code (opcode). From the memory , the program counter keeps the track of
address of the next instruction to be executed . In the beginning of the fetch cycle the
content of the program counter is sent to the memory . This takes one clock cycle , the
memory first read the opcode . This operation also takes one clock cycle, then the memory
sends the opcode to the microprocessor , which takes one clock period
• The total time for fetch operation is the time required for fetching an opcode from the
memory . This time called fetch cycle
• Execution operation :
• The opcode fetched from the memory goes to the data register DR(data\ address buffer in
intel 8085), and then to instruction register IR , then it goes to the decoder circuitry is
within the microprocessor. After the instruction is decoded , executed