C Tokens
C Tokens
C Tokens
C Tokens
5.Special Symbols
The keywords are pre-defined or reserved words in a programming language.
Each keyword is meant to perform a specific function in a program.
auto double int struct break
else long switch case enum
register typedef char extern
return union const float short
unsigned continue for signed
void default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while
Identifiers are used as the general terminology for the naming of variables, functions, and
arrays. Rules for Naming Identifiers
Certain rules should be followed while naming c identifiers which are as follows:
• They must begin with a letter or underscore(_).
• They must consist of only letters, digits, or underscore. No other special character is
• It should not be a keyword.
• It must not contain white space.
• It should be up to 31 characters long as only the first 31 characters are significant.
• Identifiers are case-sensitive so names like variable and Variable will be treated as
The constants refer to the variables with fixed values. They are like
normal variables but with the difference that their values can not be
modified in the program once they are defined.
Constants may belong to any of the data types.
const int c_var = 20;
const int* const ptr = &c_var;
Strings are nothing but an array of characters ended with a null
character (‘\0’). This null character indicates the end of the string.
Strings are always enclosed in double quotes. Whereas, a character is
enclosed in single quotes in C and C++.
char string[20] = {‘P’, ’a’, ‘v’, ‘a’, ‘n’, ‘i’, ‘s’, ‘r’, ‘i’;
char string[20] = “pavanisri”;
char string [] = “pavanisri”;
Special Symbols
The following special symbols are used in C having some special meaning and thus, cannot be used for some other purpose.
Some of these are listed below:
• Brackets[]: Opening and closing brackets are used as array element references. These indicate single and multidimensional
• Parentheses(): These special symbols are used to indicate function calls and function parameters.
• Braces{}: These opening and ending curly braces mark the start and end of a block of code containing more than one
executable statement.
• Comma (, ): It is used to separate more than one statement like for separating parameters in function calls.
• Colon(:): It is an operator that essentially invokes something called an initialization list.
• Semicolon(;): It is known as a statement terminator. It indicates the end of one logical entity. That’s why each individual
statement must be ended with a semicolon.
• Asterisk (*): It is used to create a pointer variable and for the multiplication of variables.
• Assignment operator(=): It is used to assign values and for logical operation validation.
• Pre-processor (#): The preprocessor is a macro processor that is used automatically by the compiler to transform your
program before actual compilation.
• Period (.): Used to access members of a structure or union.
• Tilde(~): Used as a destructor to free some space from memory.
Operators are symbols that trigger an action when applied to C variables and other objects. The data
items on which operators act are called operands.
Depending on the number of operands that an operator can act upon, operators can be classified as
• Unary Operators: Those operators that require only a single operand to act upon are known as unary
operators.For Example increment and decrement operators
• Binary Operators: Those operators that require two operands to act upon are called binary
operators. Binary operators can further are classified into:
• Arithmetic operators
• Relational Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operator
• Ternary Operator: The operator that requires three operands to act upon is called the ternary operator.
Conditional Operator(?) is also called the ternary operator.
The precedence and associativity of
C operators is given below:
Category Operator Associativity
Increment and Decrement Operators are useful operators generally used to minimize
the calculation, i.e. ++x and x++ means x=x+1 or -x and x--means x=x-1.
But there is a slight difference between ++ or -- written before or after the operand.
Applying the pre-increment first adds one to the operand, and then the result is
assigned to the variable on the left,
whereas post-increment first assigns the value to the variable on the left and then
increments the operand.
Operator Description
++ Increment
−− Decrement
Operator Description
== Is equal to
!= It is not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
logical operators
C provides three logical operators when we test more than one condition
to make decisions. These are: && (meaning logical AND), || (meaning
logical OR) and ! (meaning logical NOT).
Operator Description
Operator Description
<< Binary Left Shift Operator
>> Binary Right Shift Operator
~ Binary Ones Complement Operator
& Binary AND Operator
^ Binary XOR Operator
| Binary OR Operator
Assignment operators
Operator Description
= Assign
+= Increments then assign
-= Decrements then assign
*= Multiplies then assign
/= Divides then assign
%= Modulus then assign
<<= Left shift and assign
>>= Right shift and assign
&= Bitwise AND assign
^= Bitwise exclusive OR and assign
|= Bitwise inclusive OR and assign
conditional operator
Operator Description
?: Conditional Expression
special operators