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Lesson 1 Vocabulary-1

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Vocabulary Lesson 1

Common Terms to know:

• Noun-A word that is a person, place, thing, or idea=dog, book, love, hatred,

• Adjective- An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing,

identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or
the pronoun which it modifies=happy, elegant, kind, proud,

• Verb-a verb express actions, events, or states of being. (For our purposes,
there will be no linking verbs as vocabulary. All will express ACTION.) =smile,
jump, acquire, hammer, destroy,

• Adverb-modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. An

adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers
questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much". Most commonly
known as –ly words=slowly, compassionately, weirdly, strangely,

• Synonym-words with the same or similar meanings= A synonym for pretty is

1) Admonish (v)
• To caution or advise against something; to
mildly scold;

• Syn: Reprimand, call on the carpet

• Ex: I admonished my students not to forget to

complete their summer reading assignments.
2) Breach (n)
• An opening, a gap, a rupture, rift; a violation
or infraction

• Syn: break

• Ex: Because of a serious breach in security, the

entire airport was shut down and evacuated.
3) Brigand (n)
• A bandit, robber, outlaw

• Syn: bandit, robber, outlaw

• Ex: The brigand held us at gunpoint and stole

our valuables and money.
4) Circumspect (adj)
• Careful, cautious

• Syn: Wary, guarded,

• Ex: My cat frequently jumps up on a narrow

railing in our house and walks around with
circumspect attention.
5) Commandeer (v)
• To seize for military or official use

• Syn: take over, requisition

• Ex: Under certain circumstances, the U.S.

government has the ability to commandeer
private property.
6) Cumbersome (adj)
• Clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving

• Syn: difficult, bulky,

• Ex: I am usually cumbersome with all the bags

I carry home when I leave school.
7) Deadlock (n)
• A standstill resulting from the opposition of two
equal forces that cannot reach a compromise

• Syn: standoff, impasse

• Ex: The vote for the new chairman resulted in a

deadlock because no representative would
change his or her vote.
8) Debris (n)
• Scattered fragments, wreckage

• Syn: remains,

• Ex: There was a great deal of debris on the

beach after the storm.
9) Diffuse (v)
• To spread or scatter freely or widely

• Syn: disperse

• Ex: When you spray perfume or cologne, the

molecules diffuse throughout the air and
10) Dilemma (n)
• A difficult or perplexing situation or problem

• Syn: predicament, pickle, quandary

• Ex: I had a dilemma on my hands when I had

to decide between a fiction and a non-fiction
book for my reading assignment.
11) Efface (v)
• To wipe out; to keep oneself from being

• Syn: erase, expunge, blot out

• Ex: Time had effaced all of the glorious details

of the sixth century church.
12) Muddle (v)
• To make a mess of; stumble through; to get by

• Syn: jumble, mess up

• Ex: I muddled through the interview and made

up my mind to get help with interview skills.
13) Opinionated (adj)
• Stubborn and often unreasonable in holding
to one’s own ideas; having a closed mind

• Syn: pigheaded, obstinate

• Ex: Opinionated people can be difficult to

work with in scenarios with group tasks or
14) Perennial (adj)
• Lasting for a long time, persistent

• Syn: enduring, recurring,

• Ex: I never plant anything but perennial plants

in my yard.
15) Predispose (v)
• To be open to beforehand; susceptible to

• Syn: tending to, liable to

• Ex: People are predisposed to heart disease or

diabetes if these kinds of diseases run in their
16) Relinquish (v)
• To let go, to give up

• Syn: surrender

• Ex: The CEO of the company relinquished his

annual bonus and half of his salary in an effort
to help the company not go bankrupt.
17) Salvage (v)
• To save from fire or shipwreck; to save or

• Syn: recover, retrieve, reclaim

• Ex: The divers were able to salvage the 18th

century cannon from the murky depths.
18) Spasmodic (adj)
• Sudden and violent but brief; fitful;

• Syn: irregular, occasional

• Ex: The spasmodic twitch in my calf muscle

was a surprise after I ran my usual five miles.
19) Spurious (adj)
• Not genuine, not true, not valid; fake

• Syn: false, counterfeit, bogus

• Ex: The city streets of New York are full of

vendors selling spurious watches and
20) Unbridled (adj)
• Lacking in restraint

• Syn: unrestrained, unchecked

• Ex: I ate the birthday cake with unbridled

enthusiasm because it tasted so good!
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