Lecture.1 - Numerical (Autosaved)
Lecture.1 - Numerical (Autosaved)
Lecture.1 - Numerical (Autosaved)
10/23/24 1
Introduction to numerical analysis
Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the development and analysis of algorithms
for solving mathematical problems. These algorithms are designed to approximate solutions to problems that
may be difficult or impossible to solve exactly.
A numerical method is an approximate computer method for solving a mathematical problem
which often has no analytical solution.
The branch of mathematics that deals with the development and use of numerical methods for
solving problems.
Numerical analysts are very interested in the effects of using finite precision computer arithmetic.
This is especially important in numerical linear algebra, as large problems contain many rounding
Numerical analysts are generally interested in measuring the efficiency (or “cost”) of an algorithm.
It is widely used for forecasting and predicting in the field of machine learning. Solving differential and
integral equations:
Most mathematical models (particularly in engineering) are based on the solutions obtained by partial differential
equations, ordinary differential equations and integral equations
2 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Key Concepts in Numerical Analysis
•Approximation: Numerical methods often involve approximating
a solution to a problem with a simpler, more manageable one.
•Error: The difference between the exact solution and the
approximate solution is known as the error.
•Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.
•Convergence: A numerical method is said to converge if the
approximate solutions get closer and closer to the exact solution
as the number of iterations or steps increases.
•Stability: A numerical method is said to be stable if small
changes in the input data do not lead to large changes in the
3 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Common Numerical Methods
•Root-finding: Methods for finding the roots of a function (e.g., Newton-
Raphson method, bisection method).
•Interpolation: Methods for approximating a function between known
data points (e.g., Lagrange interpolation, spline interpolation).
•Numerical differentiation: Methods for approximating the derivative
of a function (e.g., finite difference method).
•Numerical integration: Methods for approximating the definite
integral of a function (e.g., trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule).
•Linear algebra: Methods for solving systems of linear equations and
finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
•Optimization: Methods for finding the minimum or maximum of a
function (e.g., gradient descent, simplex method).
•Differential equations: Methods for solving ordinary and partial
differential equations (e.g., finite difference methods, finite element
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Errors Definition
Numerical error arise from the use of approximation to represent
exact mathematical operations and quantities
Truncation Error - approximation of mathematical procedures
Round-off error - approximation of exact numbers
The relation between exact, or true and the approximate is given
True value = Approximation + error.
True error = true value - approximation
Rounding error is an error that occurs when a number is represented with fewer digits
than required to fully capture its exact numerical value.
Truncation error is an error that occurs when limiting the accuracy and/or running time
of a program that requires an unrealistic amount of time (possibly infinite) to obtain an
accurate, true answer.
Et = true error = exact value of the error
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One way to account for the magnitudes of the quantities being evaluated is
to normalized the error to the true value by true fractional relative error:
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Why measure errors?
1) To determine the accuracy of numerical
2) To develop stopping criteria for iterative
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True Error
Defined as the difference between the true value in a
calculation and the approximate value found using a
numerical method etc.
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Example of True Error
True error is the difference between the actual, or true, value of a quantity and its
approximation. In other words, it's the error that remains after all other sources of error
have been accounted for.
Example: Measuring the Height of a Tree
•True value: The actual height of the tree, as measured by a highly accurate laser device.
•Approximate value: The height measured using a tape measure and a method of
estimating the height of the inaccessible top.
If the laser device measures the tree to be 30 meters tall, but the tape measure method
yields a result of 28 meters, then the true error is 30 meters - 28 meters = 2 meters.
Key points to remember:
•True error is often unknown, as it requires knowing the exact, true value.
•It is a theoretical concept used to evaluate the accuracy of measurements or calculations.
•Other types of errors, such as systematic errors or random errors, can contribute to the
overall error.
Another example:
•True value: The exact value of pi (3.14159...).
•Approximate value: A rounded value of pi (3.14).
•True error: The difference between the true value and the approximate value (0.00159...).
9 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example—True Error
The f (x) of a f (x) can be
approximated by the function
f ( x h) f ( x)
f ' ( x)
If f ( x) 7e an h 0.3
0.5 x
10 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example (cont.)
a) For x 2 and h 0.3
f ( 2 0.3) f ( 2)
f ' ( 2)
0 .3
f (2.3) f (2)
7 e 0 .5 ( 2 .3 ) 7 e 0 .5 ( 2 )
22.107 19.028
11 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example (cont.)
: b) The exact value f ' ( 2) can be found by
of knowledge of differential
our usingcalculus.
f ( x ) 7 e 0.5 x
f ' ( x ) 7 0.5 e 0.5 x
3.5e 0.5 x
So the true value f ' ( 2) is
0.5( 2 )
of f ' ( 2 ) 3.5e
True error is calculated as
Et True Value – Approximate
5140 10.263 0.722
12 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Relative True Error
Defined as the ratio between the
true error, and the true value.
True Error
Relative True Error(t ) =
True Value
Relative True Error = (|Approximate Value - True Value|) / True
13 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example—Relative True Error
Following from the previous example for true
find the relative true error f ( x) 7e 0.5 x at f ' (2)
wit h 0.3
h From the previous example,
Et 0.722
Relative True Error is defined
as t True Error
True Value
as a percentage,
t 0.075888 100% 7.5888%
14 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Relative true error is a measure of the accuracy of a
measurement or approximation compared to the true value. It's
expressed as a ratio of the absolute error to the true value.
Relative True Error = (|Approximate Value - True Value|) / True
Let's say you're measuring the length of a table. The true length
is 2.5 meters, but your measurement comes out as 2.48 meters.
•Absolute Error: |2.48 - 2.5| = 0.02 meters
•Relative True Error: (0.02 / 2.5) = 0.008 = 0.8%
Interpretation: The relative true error of 0.8% indicates that
your measurement is 0.8% off from the true value.
15 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Approximate Error
What can be done if true values are not known
or are very difficult to obtain?
Approximate error is defined as the difference
between the present approximation and the
previous approximation.
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Example—Approximate Error
For f ( x) 7e 0.5 x at x 2 find the
a) f (2) usin h 0.3 following,
b) f (2) gusin h 0.15
c) approximateg error for the f (2) for part
value of
Solution: b)
a) x 2 and h 0.3
For f ' ( x ) f ( x h ) f ( x )
f ( 2 0.3) f ( 2)
f ' ( 2)
0 .3
17 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example (cont.)
Solution: (cont.)
f (2.3) f (2)
7 e 0 .5 ( 2 .3 ) 7 e 0 .5 ( 2 )
22.107 19.028
b) x 2 and h 0.15
For f ' (2)
f (2 0.15) f (2)
f (2.15) f (2)
18 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example (cont.)
Solution: (cont.)
7e 0.5( 2.15) 7e 0.5( 2 )
20.50 19.028
c) So the approximate E a is
Ea Present Approximation – Previous
.8800 10.263
19 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Relative Approximate Error
Defined as the ratio between the
approximate error and the present
Approximate Error
Relative Approximate a) =
Error ( Present Approximation
20 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example—Relative Approximate Error
For f ( x) 7e 0.5 x
at x 2 , find the relative
error using values approximate
h 0.3 and h 0.15
From Example 3, the approximate f (2) 10.263
usin hof
0.3 and f (2) 9.8800 usin h 0.15
g Ea Present Approximationg– Previous
.8800 10.263
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Example (cont.)
(cont.) Approximate Error
Present Approximation
as a
a 0.038765 100% 3.8765%
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How is Absolute Relative Error used as a stopping
If |a | s wher s is a pre-specified tolerance,
no further e iterations
then are necessary, and the
process is stopped.
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Table of Values
0.5 x
For f ( x) 7e at x 2 with varying step h
h f (2) a m
0.3 10.263 N/A 0
24 http://numericalmethods.eng.usf.edu
Example 2. Determine Et , and Ea when approximating the
derivative of f (x) = −x2 + 5x at x = 2, using the approximation