English Investigatory Project Class 12th
English Investigatory Project Class 12th
English Investigatory Project Class 12th
Session 2023-24
Topic :- Child Labour
Name :- Subhendra Kumar Nayak
Class :- XII ‘A’
Roll no :- 1231
AISSCE Roll no. :-
I am very grateful to everyone who supported me to
complete my project effectively and moreover on
time. My deep acknowledgment and gratitude go to
all those who helped me present these ideas well. I
respect and thank J. S. Mahalik sir for giving us an
opportunity to do this project and providing us all the
I am makingsupport and guidance
this project not only which made
for marks usto
also increase the project
my knowledge on time.
. Thanks Again To All
who Helped Me .
This is to certify the English project on the
topic Child Labour has been successfully
completed by Subhendra Ku.Nayak of class
12th A under the guidance of Mr. J.S. Mahalik
Sir. All the works related to the project was
done by Sincerity in the academic year 2023-
24 __________________
Mr. J.S. Mahalik sir Mrs. Kabita Kar Mam
PGT English Principal
What is child labour?
Child Labour means the employment of children in any kind of work that
hampers their physical and mental development, deprives them of their
basic educational and recreational requirements. A large number of
children are compelled to work in various hazardous and non-hazardous
activities such as in the agriculture sector, glass factories, carpet
industry, brass industries, matchbox factories, and as domestic help. It is
a blot on our society and speaks immensely about the inability of our
society to provide a congenial environment for the growth and
development of children. Childhood is considered to be the best time of
one’s life but unfortunately, this does not hold true for some children
who struggle to make both ends meet during their childhood years.
According to the Child Labour project and 2011 census, 10.2 million
children are engaged in child labour in India, out of which 4.5 million are
girls.Earlier, children helped their parents in basic chores in agriculture
such as sowing, reaping, harvesting, taking care of the cattle, etc.
However, with the growth of the industries and urbanization, the issue of
child labour has increased. Children at a very tender age are employed
Contributing Factor of Increasing child Labour:-
There are a number of factors that contribute to the rise of this
peril. Poverty plays a major role in the issues of child labour. In poor
families, children are considered to be an extra earning hand. These
families believe that every child is a bread-earner and so they have more
children. As these children grow up, they are expected to share their
parents’ responsibilities. illiteracy is an important factor that contributes to
this problem. The illiterate parents think that education is a burden
because they need to invest more in comparison to the returns that they
get in the form of earnings from their children. Child labourers are exposed
to unhygienic conditions, late working hours, and different enormities,
which have a direct effect on their cognitive development. The tender and
immature minds of the children are not able to cope with such situations
leading to emotional and physical distress. Unethical employers also prefer
child labourers to adults because they can extract more work from them
and pay a lesser amount of wage. Bonded child labour is the cruellest act
of child labour. In this type street beggars
labour, the. children are made to work to
Role of Government :-
The government has a very important role to play in
the eradication of child labour. As poverty is the major
cause of child labour in our country, the government
should give assurance to provide the basic amenities
to the lower strata of our society. There should be an
equal distribution of wealth. More work opportunities
need to be generated to give fair employment to the
poor. The various NGOs across the nation should come
forward and provide vocational training to these
people in order to jobs or to make them self-
This lower stratum of our society should understand and
believe in the importance of education. The government and
the NGOs should reach out to such people to raise
awareness and initiate free education for all children
between the age group of 6-14 years. The parents must be
encouraged to send their children to schools instead of
work. Educated and affluent citizens can come forward and
contribute to the upliftment of this class of society. They
should spread the message about the harmful effects of
child labour. Schools and colleges can come up with
innovative teaching programmes for poor children. Offices
and private and government institutions should offer free
education to the children of their staff. Moreover, awareness
of family planning needs to be created among these people.
Child Labour is A crime :-
Despite the strict law about child labour being a crime, it is
still widely prevalent in India and many other countries
worldwide. Greedy and crooked employers also lack
awareness of human rights and government policies among
the people below poverty. Children in certain mining
operations and industries are a cheap source of labour, and
the employers get away with it because of corruption in the
bureaucracy. Sometimes low-income families may also
ignore basic human rights and send their children to earn
extra money. It is a systemic problem that needs to be
solved by addressing issues at many levels. However, to
protect young children from such exploitation, the Indian
government has come up with a set of punishments. Any
person who hires a child younger than 14, or a child
between the ages of 14 and 18 in a dangerous job, they are
Eradicating child Labour:-