Book Review
Book Review
Book Review
Calligraphy by M.
Presented by
Shahab ud Din
Syed Tehsin Shah
Aila Khan
Amna Tariq
The Position of a
The Invention of paper and
1. The invention of
paper in the times of
2.Reading and Writing books became popular
amongst the public and people started to
the Abbasids gave a
learn the art of calligraphy and began
boost to the promotion
writing books by compiling the notes taken
of calligraphy as an
from the researcher’s oral lecture.
art .
11.Books on specific
topics were written on
12.The house of a Caliph was also a huge
the request of the elite
Library which had a separate section for
and the binding of
translation and the scholars used to to
The Invention of paper and
13.Some made writing
of books and 14.There was a time when the literacy rate
customised calligraphy of Muslim nations were higher than that of
their business while Non-Muslim ones. The literacy rate at
some used this Baghdad was higher than compared to
opportunity and helped Granada or Crodova. Getting educated
educate masses by became the norm amongst men and women
opening up public
schools and libraries.