God Imagination or Reality
God Imagination or Reality
God Imagination or Reality
Imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Mona Lisa
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Artist: David Copenhagen
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Artist: John Green
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Space Technology
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Control Room
Secrets of Success
Satellite Monitoring
Mass: 6x10 metric tons Speed around the Sun: 106,000 kmph
Eart h
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Who is in control?
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
The Power of 10
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Bon Voyage!
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
0 10
1 meter
Distance to a bunch of leaves in the garden
Secrets of Success
1 10
10 meters
We start our journey upwards .... we can see the foliage
Secrets of Success
2 10
100 meters
At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the buildings
Secrets of Success
3 10
1 km
We pass from meters to kilometers... Now we can jump down with a parachute ...
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
4 10
10 km
The city can still be observed, but we cant really see the houses
Secrets of Success
5 10
100 km
At this height, we can see the state of Florida, USA
Secrets of Success
6 10
1000 km
Typical view from a satellite
Secrets of Success
7 10
10,000 km
The northern hemisphere and part of South America
Secrets of Success
8 10
1,00,000 km
The Earth has started looking small...
Secrets of Success
9 10
1 million km
Now we can see the Earth and the Moons orbit (marked in white)...
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
10 10
10 Millons km
Heres part of the Earths orbit (marked in blue)
Secrets of Success
11 10
100 millons km
Secrets of Success
12 10
1 billion km
The orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter
Secrets of Success
13 10
10 billons km At this height, we can observe the Solar System
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
14 10
100 Billons km
Now the Solar System has started looking small...
Secrets of Success
15 10
1 trillion km
The Sun is now a small star among thousands of stars...
Secrets of Success
Who created thousands of stars? Can they come into existence on their own?
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
16 10
1 light-year
We can barely locate the sun at this distance
Secrets of Success
18 10
100 light-years
Only stars and nebulae now...
Secrets of Success
20 10
10,000 light-years We continue to travel inside the Via-Lctea
Secrets of Success
22 10
1 million light-years
At this tremendous distance we can see all the other galaxies
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
22 10
Secrets of Success
20 10
Secrets of Success
18 10
Secrets of Success
16 10
Secrets of Success
14 10
Secrets of Success
13 10
Secrets of Success
12 10
Secrets of Success
11 10
Secrets of Success
10 10
Secrets of Success
9 10
Secrets of Success
8 10
Secrets of Success
7 10
Secrets of Success
6 10
Secrets of Success
5 10
Secrets of Success
4 10
Secrets of Success
3 10
Secrets of Success
2 10
Secrets of Success
1 10
Secrets of Success
0 10
We arrived at our starting point.
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Artificial Intelligence
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
Human Brain
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
The human brain can store more information than all the libraries in the world. MD -Dr Richard Restak,
Author, The Brain
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
The human brain is made of a trilliion brain cells and each one of these is more powerful and sophisticated than most computers around the planet today.
- Dr. Tony Buzon, British psychologist and author
Secrets of Success
Who created the intelligence of this incredibly complex natural computer THE HUMAN BRAIN?
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Rs 16,000 Crores
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Is it happening by chance?
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Laws of Mechanics
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Laws of thermodynamic s
Secrets of Success
Macro world
When our world is governed by precise mathematical laws at every level Micro world
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Albert Einstein
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
If you think strongly enough, you will be forced by science to believe in God.
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
This most
Secrets of Success
beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.
God: imagination or reality?
Some FAQs
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
anadir adir govindah sarva karana karanam He has no beginning, for He is the beginning of everything; He is the ultimate cause of all causes.
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Mistake No.1
Secrets of Success
Mistake No.2
Secrets of Success
Mistake No.2
Radio Waves
Visible Range
God: imagination or reality?
Electro-magnetic spectrum
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Existence of God is not a belief It is a concrete reality God is supreme creator and the cause of all causes
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Q and A
Secrets of Success God: imagination or reality?
Thank you
Secrets of Success