Science & Mathematics
Fariha Rahman
Class 3
Materials, substances & particles How Do Solids and Liquids Behave? Melting & Solidifying
Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives:
Learn about the processes of melting and
Differentiate between materials, Investigate how liquids change shape in solidifying.
substances, and particles. different containers, while solids don’t. Use the particle model to explain
Understand the particle model and how Understand how particle arrangement changes of state.
particles behave in solids, liquids, and affects shape and movement. Understand that these changes are
gases. Identify similarities between certain physical processes and do not alter the
Describe the properties of each state of solids and liquids based on behavior. substance’s identity.
matter with examples. Project: Students will investigate how Project : Observe changes when a
Project: Students will show how particles liquids and certain solids change shape in substance is heated or cooled (water and
of solid, liquid and gas behave using different containers ice).
thermocol ball. Assessment: Class test on 3.1 and 3.2 Assessment: Class test on 3.3
Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson
Grasp the concepts of materials, Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Main Activity: The Particle Model Plenary: Think-Pair-Share Reflection
substances, and particles. 1. Define matter, substances, In pairs, students discuss how
Explore the behavior of solids, Objective: and particles. particles move in a liquid or solid
liquids, and gases through particle Help students identify different 2. Introduce the particle model A few pairs share their thoughts
interactions. states of matter in their of matter. with the class.
Understand the processes of surroundings. 3. Use diagrams to show particle
melting and solidifying using the behavior in each state: Summary:
particle model. Instructions: All matter is made up of
Develop observation, recording, Students look around the Interactive Component: particles.
and analytical skills through classroom to find objects and • Display diagrams or Solids, liquids, and gases behave
hands-on experiments. categorize them as solids, liquids, animations showing how differently because their
Understand the basic concept of or gases. particles behave. particles are arranged
matter and how particles make up differently.
solids, liquids, and gases.
Lesson 2: Continuation Lesson
Build on the understanding of True or False Statements Main Activity: Properties of Solids Plenary: Class Discussion &
particles from Lesson 1. and Liquids + Class Experiment Reflection:
Explore how solids and liquids Display these statements and ask Review the findings from the
behave under force. students if they are true or false: Step 1: experiment.
Investigate the relationship All substances are made from Explanation – Properties of Ask students to share what they
between particle arrangement particles. Solids and Liquids observed about the water’s
and how materials maintain or Materials do not have different Step 2: shape and how it changed.
change shape. properties. Class Experiment – Changing the
Particles in solids cannot move. shape of water. Assessment: Throughout the Lesson
Liquids take the shape of their Pour water into a cup and Materials, substances & particles
container. observe its shape. and How do solid and liquids
Discussion: Pour water onto a container and behave?
• Go over the correct answers and observe how it spreads out. True / False Statements.
clarify any misconceptions. Observe its behavior. Write definitions with diagrams.
Multiple choice questions.
Project Lessons
Project Objective:
• Goal: Synthesize learning from previous lessons by engaging students in hands-on projects to demonstrate the behavior of solids,
liquids, and gases and explore melting and solidification.
Materials, substances & particles How Do Solids and Liquids Behave? Melting & Solidifying
Project 1: Project 3:
Project 2:
Particle Behavior Chart (Thermocol Balls on Melting Ice and Freezing Water-
Behavior of Sand and Water in Containers-
Chart Paper)- • Objective: Demonstrate the physical processes
• Objective: Explore how solids and liquids
• Objective: Visualize how particles behave in of melting and solidification.
behave in different containers.
solids, liquids, and gases.
• Instructions: • Instructions:
Use thermocol balls to represent particles. • Instructions:
Pour sand into a variety of containers and Melt ice using heat (e.g., by placing it in the
Arrange them tightly together to represent sun or using stove).
observe if its shape changes.
a solid. Pour water into the same containers and Freeze water by placing it in a freezer or
Spread them slightly apart to represent a over ice.
observe how it takes the container’s shape.
liquid. Record how the water changes state and
Scatter them widely to show gas particles. Record and compare observations.
how it looks at each stage.
Label each section to explain the behavior.
Master Copy
By addressing multiple learning styles, worksheets ensure that students can engage with content in diverse ways and
apply their understanding, leading to more effective retention and comprehension
Teaching Aids and Props
These props serve as powerful learning tools by breaking down complex concepts into accessible, interactive
activities. They allow students to explore, experiment, and reflect, building a stronger foundation in understanding
the behavior of matter and state changes.
Class 3
Identify angles and categorize them as Understand and identify different types Understand and estimate the size of
acute, right, or obtuse. of angles (acute, right, and obtuse). angles.
Use protractors to measure angles Learn to compare angles to determine if Use a decision tree and a protractor
accurately. they are acute or obtuse. diagram to identify and classify angles.
Apply angle comparison skills to arrange Create and use an angle maker to classify Apply knowledge of angles in practical
angles from smallest to largest. angles. situations, such as navigating directions.
Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson
Grasp the concepts of materials, Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Students will be provided with a Plenary: Think-Pair-Share Reflection
substances, and particles. worksheet of geometric shapes In pairs, students discuss how
Explore the behavior of solids, Objective: and they will name all the particles move in a liquid or solid
liquids, and gases through particle Help students identify different shapes of the worksheet. A few pairs share their thoughts
interactions. states of matter in their with the class.
Understand the processes of surroundings. Students will write definitions of
melting and solidifying using the 2D shapes and tessellation with Summary:
particle model. Instructions: examples on C.W. copy. All matter is made up of
Develop observation, recording, Students look around the particles.
and analytical skills through classroom to find objects and Solids, liquids, and gases behave
hands-on experiments. categorize them as solids, liquids, differently because their
Understand the basic concept of or gases. particles are arranged
matter and how particles make up differently.
solids, liquids, and gases.
Project Lessons
Tangram Project – Exploring and Labeling Shapes Labeling Angles with Foam Sheet and Arrow
Understand the concept of Recap with Visual Discovery: Introducing Symmetry: Class Reflection and Next Lesson
symmetry and identify lines of Review what symmetry means Preview:
symmetry in various 2D shapes. Show images of real-life Use a butterfly or a simple shape
Explore horizontal, vertical, and symmetrical objects (butterflies, on the board to demonstrate Discussion: “What new kinds of
diagonal symmetry using leaves, squares). symmetry. symmetry did you discover
different shapes and patterns today?”
Create tessellations using Ask the students to fold those Mosaic Symmetry Challenge:
different shapes to form new images to find symmetrical Provide students with mosaic Symmetry Search Game: Have
patterns. patterns. patterns and ask them to find students search the classroom
Develop spatial awareness and label horizontal, vertical, for objects with symmetry and
through reflection and pattern and diagonal lines of symmetry. describe them.
Practice drawing lines of
symmetry on grids and simple
Master Copy
Master Copy (Continue)
By addressing multiple learning styles, worksheets ensure that students can engage with content in diverse ways and
apply their understanding, leading to more effective retention and comprehension
Teaching Aids and Props
These props serve as powerful learning tools by breaking down complex concepts into accessible, interactive activities.
They allow students to explore, experiment, and reflect, building a stronger foundation in understanding the shapes
and symmetry.
Teaching Focus
Hands-on activities, experiments, and collaborative projects make abstract concepts more tangible and engaging.
Promote critical thinking, inquiry, and observation skills, essential for developing a scientific mindset.
Align with curriculum standards by focusing on key concepts in science & in mathematics.
Use group activities with cut-out shapes and mosaic patterns to explore tessellation and symmetry.
Engage students with physical tools (mirrors, tracing paper) to draw and identify lines of symmetry.
Foster collaboration through group tasks and discussions to deepen understanding. • Use quizzes, worksheets,
Expected Outcome: By Day 19, students should confidently conduct group projects, explain
Creating a final project showcasing their knowledge of shapes, symmetry, and angles.