CP Bha
CP Bha
CP Bha
Activities Under
Community-based Child
The IRC will maintain its support for two Community-Based
Child Protection Committees (CBCPCs), with fifteen
members (eight male and eight female) divided as follows:
one in Aden and one Al Dhale’e. The CBCPCs are tasked
with the early identification and referral of children with
protection concerns to Child Protection Case Workers For
comprehensive case management, in addition to promoting
community sensitization through the CBCPC. The IRC has
already provided CBCPCs with training on the various
developmental phases and the responses of children in these
age groups to adversity
Responsive Child Protection Case
Management Services
For children who meet the case management criteria, including violence, abuse,
unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), children at risk of recruitment
or who have been recruited by armed groups or forces, and children subjected
to harmful traditional practices, the child protection case management team will
persist in delivering critical case management services. Caseworkers fulfill the
unique requirements of each child through the execution of comprehensive
evaluations grounded in assessments of the child's best interests, the
formulation and execution of case strategies, the referral of cases to specialized
services when deemed necessary, and the conduction of routine monitoring
visits to ascertain the child's welfare and safety. When specific requirements are
determined for children who are at risk, the Child Protection Case Management
Emergency Fund (CMEF) is applied to each case individually.
Brighter Futures – Child Protection in
Health and Nutrition Program Integration
CP Case Management Assistants will be assigned to the Nutrition teams of the IRC, rotating daily
between four mobile and static HFs in Aden,Al Dhale'e and Hodeida. Their objective is to utilize the
Brighter Futures model to address the immediate and long-term consequences of acute malnutrition
on a child's motor, cognitive, and growth. This approach surpasses conventional medical treatment
models by prioritizing the child's overall safety and development via interventions tailored to high-risk
protection cases, reduced perinatal stress, and enhanced parental practices. (See Family Makes a
Difference below). Child protection assessments will be conducted by the case management
assistants in collaboration with caregivers using play-based and early childhood stimulation
techniques. Reducing relapse rates among children discharged from these facilities, enhancing the
psychosocial well-being of mothers and caregivers, fostering healthy child-caregiver relationships,
and expanding access to direct support services for children who have experienced harm, family
separation, or protection concerns are the primary objectives of this model. In accordance with an
integrated programmatic approach, a designated area within the centers will be optimized to provide
a secure environment for both children and their caregivers. The incentive workers designated by
MOSAL will undergo training on the curriculum pertaining to caregiver matters in order to effectively
facilitate sessions for caregivers at the centers. In accordance with identified requirements, the case
management emergency funds will be utilized to acquire fundamental hygiene supplies for minors
admitted to the center.
Safe Healing and Learning Spaces (SHLS)
The IRC will maintain the operation of two static SHLS in Aden and Al Dhale’e,
while two community-based local associations will be supported to run two
mobile spaces in Aden and Al Dhale’e. These centers provide over four
thousand children affected by the conflict with secure, nurturing, and predictable
environments. Boys and girls between the ages of six and eleven will continue
to participate in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) activities in these spaces.
The SEL curriculum is comprised of five competencies consisting of five
competencies 1) brain-building, 2) positive social skills, 3) emotion regulation,
4) conflict resolution, and 5) perseverance. Child safeguarding measures will be
maintained in all centers.
Supporting Adolescents and their Families in
Emergencies (SAFE)