Topic 5
Topic 5
Topic 5
Yt 1 2 X 2t ut
ut 3 X 22t vt
Sources of autocorrelation
4. Cobweb Phenomenon
In agricultural market, the supply reacts to price with a lag of one time
period because supply decisions take time to implement. This is known
as the cobweb phenomenon.
Thus, at the beginning of this year’s planting of crops, farmers are
influenced by the price prevailing last year.
5. Lags
Consumptio nt 1 2Consumptio nt 1 ut
The above equation is known as autoregression because one of the
explanatory variables is the lagged value of the dependent variable.
If you neglect the lagged the resulting error term will reflect a
systematic pattern due to the influence of lagged consumption on
current consumption.
Sources of autocorrelation
6. Data manipulation
Yt 1 2 X t ut Yt 1 1 2 X t 1 ut 1
Yt 2 X t vt
This equation is known as the first difference form and dynamic
regression model. The previous equation is known as the level form.
Note that the error term in the first equation is not autocorrelated but
it can be shown that the error term in the first difference form is
7. Nonstationarity
When dealing with time series data, we should check whether the given
time series is stationary.
A time series is stationary if its characteristics (e.g. mean, variance and
covariance) are constant over time (time invariant) that is, they do not
change over time.
(uˆ t uˆt 1 ) 2
d t 2 t n
t 1
Zone of No Zone of
indecision autocorrelation indecision
+ve autoc -ve autoc
0 dL dU 2 4-dU 4-dL 4
Consequences of autocorrelation