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Topic 5

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Topic 5

Violations of Classical Linear Regression

Learning objectives
• Explain the problems of econometrics
– Assumption violations
1. Multicollinearity
2. Heteroscedasticity
3. Autocorrelation
– Terminology
– Sources
– Detection
– Consequences
– Remedies
Assumption Violation: Multicollinearity
• Multicollinearity exists when at least some of the predictor variables are
correlated among themselves so that there is a linear relationship
between two or more variables.
• Suppose there are three variables: X1, X2, X3, the variables are linearly
related if: X1 = a1 X2 + a2 X3
• Three cases can be distinguished
– Perfect Multicollinearity
• Perfect linear relationship among the variables
• Usually introduced into a problem by accident
– Near-Perfect Multicollinearity
• Almost perfect linear relationship
• Typical of economic data
– No Multicollinearity
• No linear relationship at all
Sources of multicollinearity
1. Data collection method e.g. sampling over a limited range of the values
taken by the regressors in the population.

2. Constraints on the model or in the population being sampled e.g. in a

regression of electricity consumption (X1), on income (X2) and house size
(X3); high X2 implies X3

3. Model specification e.g. adding polynomial terms to a regression model

when the range of the X variable is small.

4. An overdetermined model i.e. when a model has more explanatory

variables than the number of observations.

5. In a time series model, there may be regressors that share a common

trend i.e. they all increase or decrease over time.
Detection of multicollinearity
1. Independent variable(s) considered critical in explaining the model’s
dependent variable are not statistically significant according to the tests.
2. High R2, highly significant F-test, but few or no statistically significant t-
3. Parameter estimates drastically change values and become statistically
significant when excluding some independent variables from the
4. A simple test for multicollinearity is to conduct “artificial” regressions
between each independent variable (as the “dependent” variable) and
the remaining independent variables
5. Variance Inflation Factors (VIFj) are calculated as: VIF  1  R 
j 2

• VIFj = 2, for example, means that variance is twice what it would be if

Xj, was not affected by multicollinearity
• A VIFj>10 is clear evidence that the estimation of Bj is being affected
by multicollinearity
Consequences of multicollinearity
1. OLS estimators will have large variance and covariances making precise
estimated difficult
2. Because of large variances CIs are wider
3. Because of large variances t ratio are statistically insignificant
4. R2 can be very high
5. OLS estimators and standard errors can be sensitive to small changes in
the data.
Remedies of multicollinearity
1. Do nothing; if it is a data deficiency problem we increase the sample size
with additional or new data.
2. Combine cross-sectional and time series data (pooling the data)
3. Drop a variable(s): exclude the independent variables that appear to be
causing the problem
4. Transformation of variables e.g. choose log functional form.
Assumption Violation: Heteroskedasticity
• OLS makes the assumption that Vj(ε) =σ2 for all j i.e., the variance of the
error term is constant (Homoskedasticity). If the error terms do not have
constant variance, they are said to be heteroskedastic.
– Hetero (different or unequal) is the opposite of Homo (same or equal)
– Skedastic means spread or scatter
– Homoskedasticity = equal spread
– Heteroskedasticity = unequal spread
• Assume that in the two-variable model Yi = β1 + β2Xi + ui , Y represents
savings and X represents income. Figures 11.1 and 11.2 show that as
income increases, savings on the average also increase. But in Figure 11.1
the variance of savings remains the same at all levels of income, whereas
in Figure 11.2 it increases with income. It seems that in Figure 11.2 the
higher income families on the average save more than the lower-income
families, but there is also more variability in their savings.
Homeskedastic disturbances
Heteroskedastic disturbances
Sources of heteroskedasticity
1. Following the error-learning models, as people learn, their errors of
behavior become smaller over time. In this case, σ2i is expected to
2. As incomes grow, people have more discretionary income and hence
more scope for choice about the disposition of their income. Hence, σ2i is
likely to increase with income. Similarly, companies with larger profits are
generally expected to show greater variability in their dividend policies
than companies with lower profits.
3. As data collecting techniques improve, σ2i is likely to decrease. Thus,
banks that have sophisticated data processing equipment are likely to
commit fewer errors in the monthly or quarterly statements of their
customers than banks without such facilities.
4. Heteroskedasticity can also arise as a result of the presence of outliers,
(either very small or very large) in relation to the observations in the
sample. The inclusion or exclusion of such an observation, especially if
the sample size is small, can substantially alter the results of regression
Sources of heteroskedasticity
5. Another source of heteroskedasticity arises from violating Assumption 9
of CLRM, namely, that the regression model is correctly specified, very
often what looks like heteroskedasticity may be due to the fact that some
important variables are omitted from the model. But if the omitted
variables are included in the model, that impression may disappear.
6. Another source of heteroskedasticity is skewness in the distribution of
one or more regressors included in the model. Examples are economic
variables such as income, wealth, and education. It is well known that the
distribution of income and wealth in most societies is uneven, with the
bulk of the income and wealth being owned by a few at the top.
7. Other sources of heteroskedasticity: As David Hendry notes,
heteroskedasticity can also arise because of
– incorrect data transformation (e.g., ratio or first difference
– incorrect functional form (e.g., linear versus log–linear models).
Sources of heteroskedasticity
• Note that the problem of heteroscedasticity is likely to be more common
in cross-sectional than in time series data. In cross-sectional data,
members may be of different sizes, such as small, medium, or large firms
or low, medium, or high income. In time series data, on the other hand,
the variables tend to be of similar orders of magnitude. Examples are GNP,
consumption expenditure, savings.
Detection of heteroskedasticity
Informal methods
1. Nature of the Problem: Very often the nature of the problem under
consideration suggests whether heteroskedasticity is likely to be
encountered. In cross-sectional data involving heterogeneous units,
heteroskedasticity may be the rule rather than the exception. Thus, in a
cross-sectional analysis involving the investment expenditure in relation
to sales, rate of interest, etc., heteroskedasticity is generally expected if
small-, medium-, and large-size firms are sampled together.
2. Graphical inspection of residual (scatter diagrams): If there is no a priori
or empirical information about the nature of heteroscedasticity, in
practice one can do the regression analysis on the assumption that there
is no heteroscedasticity and then do an examination of the residual
squared uˆ2i to see if they exhibit any systematic pattern.
Detection of heteroskedasticity
Formal methods
1. White’s Test
– Estimate the regression using OLS and obtain the residuals.
– Regress the squared residuals (as the dependent variables) on all the X
variables, and all squared values of the X variables. Obtain R 2 from this
– Under the null hypothesis that there is no heteroscedasticity, it can be
shown that sample size (n) times the R2 obtained from the auxiliary
regression asymptotically follows the chi-square distribution with df equal
to the number of regressors (excluding the constant term) in the auxiliary
– We can again use either the F or LM statistic to test the following
hypothesis for homoskedasticity, H0 : δ1 = δ2= 0
– The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test statistics, LM = n * R 2
– If the chi-square value obtained exceeds the critical chi-square value at the
chosen level of significance, the conclusion is that there is
heteroskedasticity. If it does not exceed the critical chi-square value, there
is no heteroskedasticity
Consequences of heteroskedasticity
• Assuming all other assumptions are in place, the assumption guaranteeing
unbiasedness of OLS is not violated. Consequently OLS is unbiased in this
• However the assumptions required to prove that OLS is efficient are
violated. Hence OLS is not BLUE in this context
• We can devise an efficient estimator by reweighing the data appropriately
to take into account heteroskedasticity
• If there is heteroskedasticity in our data and we ignore it then the
standard errors of our estimates will be incorrect
• However, if all the other assumptions hold our estimates will still be
• Since the standard errors are incorrect inference may be misleading
Remedies for heteroskedasticity
1. Generalized Least Squares / Weighted Least Squares
– In a perfect world, we would actually know what heteroskedasticity
we could expect—and we would then use ‘weighted least squares’.
– WLS essentially transforms the entire equation by dividing through
every part of the equation with the square root of whatever it is that
one thinks the variance is related to.
– In other words, if one thinks one’s variance of the error terms is
related to X1 2, then one divides through every element of the
equation (intercept, each bx, residual) by X1.
– In this way, one creates a transformed equation, where the variance of
the error term is now constant (because you’ve “weighted” it
2. Where the error variance is unknown, remedies based on assumptions
about the error variance are used but they amount to WLS
3. Respecification of the model using a different functional form e.g. log
Assumption Violation: Autocorrelation
• Autocorrelation also known as serial correlation occurs in time-series
studies when the errors associated with a given time period carry over
into future time periods.
• For example, if we are predicting the growth of stock dividends, an
overestimate in one year is likely to lead to overestimates in succeeding
• In situation like this, the assumption of no auto or serial correlation in the
error term that underlies the CLRM will be violated.
• Error term is correlated with itself (serial correlation):
Cov(ei,ej)  E(eiej)  0 ij
Sources of autocorrelation
1. Inertia - Macroeconomics data experience cycles/business cycles.
2. Specification bias- excluded variable case
Appropriate equation:Yt 1   2 X 2t  3 X 3t   4 X 4t  ut

Estimated equation: Yt 1   2 X 2t  3 X 3t  vt

Estimating the second equation implies:vt  4 X 4t  ut

3. Specification bias- incorrect functional form

Yt 1   2 X 2t   3 X 22t  vt

Yt 1   2 X 2t  ut

ut  3 X 22t  vt
Sources of autocorrelation
4. Cobweb Phenomenon
In agricultural market, the supply reacts to price with a lag of one time
period because supply decisions take time to implement. This is known
as the cobweb phenomenon.
Thus, at the beginning of this year’s planting of crops, farmers are
influenced by the price prevailing last year.

5. Lags
Consumptio nt 1   2Consumptio nt  1  ut
The above equation is known as autoregression because one of the
explanatory variables is the lagged value of the dependent variable.
If you neglect the lagged the resulting error term will reflect a
systematic pattern due to the influence of lagged consumption on
current consumption.
Sources of autocorrelation
6. Data manipulation
Yt 1   2 X t  ut Yt  1 1   2 X t  1  ut  1

Yt  2 X t  vt
This equation is known as the first difference form and dynamic
regression model. The previous equation is known as the level form.
Note that the error term in the first equation is not autocorrelated but
it can be shown that the error term in the first difference form is
7. Nonstationarity
When dealing with time series data, we should check whether the given
time series is stationary.
A time series is stationary if its characteristics (e.g. mean, variance and
covariance) are constant over time (time invariant) that is, they do not
change over time.

If that is not the case, we have a nonstationary time series.

Detecting autocorrelation
Informal methods
Graphical Method
• Plot residuals against time where residuals are estimates of disturbance
term; Can highlight violations; Look for nonrandom patterns
• We can also plot ordinary residuals against lagged ordinary residuals
• If positive autocorrelation exists
– Residuals will follow a sine wave-type
– Negative residuals tend to be followed by negative residuals while
positive residuals tend to be followed by positive residuals
– Any jaggedness due to random white noise
• If negative autocorrelation exists
– then negative numbers are followed immediately by positive numbers
in almost all cases
– Any jaggedness due to white noise
Detecting autocorrelation
Typical Residual Patterns These two panels show typical residual patterns
under positive and negative autocorrelation.
Notice how the positively autocorrelated series is smoother and more sine
wave-like than the negatively autocorrelated series.
Detecting autocorrelation
Formal methods
1. The Durbin Watson Test
t n

 (uˆ t  uˆt  1 ) 2
d  t 2 t n

 uˆ
t 1

H0 :  = 0 i.e the u’s are not auto correlated

Ha:   0 i.e. the u’s are auto correlated

• Durbin-Watson have derived a lower bound dL and an upper bound dU

such that if the computed d lies outside these critical values, a decision
can be made regarding the presence of positive or negative serial
Detecting autocorrelation
With a large sample d = 2(1- )
– But since -1 ≤  ≤ 1, this implies that 0 ≤ d ≤ 4 because:
–  = 1 implies d = 2(1-1) = 0 this is the lower bound du
and we have positive autocorrelation
–  = -1 implies d = 2(1-(-1)) = 4 this is the upper bound dL
and we have negative autocorrelation
– If the statistic lies near the value 2, there is no serial correlation
– But if the statistic lies in the vicinity of 0, there is positive serial
– The closer the d is to zero, the greater the evidence of positive
serial correlation.
– If it lies in the vicinity of 4, there is evidence of negative serial
– If it lies between dL and dU / 4 –dL and 4 – dU, then we are in the
zone of indecision.
The Durbin Watson Test

Zone of No Zone of
indecision autocorrelation indecision
+ve autoc -ve autoc

0 dL dU 2 4-dU 4-dL 4
Consequences of autocorrelation

• The OLS estimator is still unbiased.

• The OLS estimator is inefficient; that is, it is not BLUE.
• The estimated variances and covariances of the OLS estimates are biased
and inconsistent.
• If there is positive autocorrelation, and if the value of a right-hand side
variable grows over time, then the estimate of the standard error of the
coefficient estimate of this variable will be too low and hence the t-
statistic too high.
• Hypothesis tests are not valid.
Remedies for autocorrelation

• If autocorrelation is due to omission of an explanatory variable, the

solution will require the inclusion of the omitted variable
• If autocorrelation is due to misspecification of the functional form of
the model, then we need to correctly specify the model
• Transform data to correct the problem
• We can apply the method of first differences that assumes  = 1
• Durbin’s method to estimate  and parameters of the model
• Cochrane-Orcutt method that transforms the original model and applies
OLS in an iterative process

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