Module-1-Emerging Market
Module-1-Emerging Market
Module-1-Emerging Market
Emerging markets
• An emerging market economy is the economy of a developing nation
that is becoming more engaged with global markets as it grows.
Countries classified as emerging market economies are those with
some, but not all, of the characteristics of a developed market
Characteristics of emerging Markets
Description of BRICS countries
• BRICS is a grouping of the world economies of Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa formed by the 2010 addition of South Africa
to the predecessor BRIC
• They are countries that some believe will be the dominant suppliers
of manufactured goods, services, and raw materials by 2050.
• The BRICS countries, from 2009 to 2014, agreed on economic and
financial issues, including World Bank and IMF reforms. They agreed to
undertake measures of mobilizing sufficient resources so that the IMF
can strengthen its potential to combat all kinds of crisis.
• BRICS also coordinated together in resolving:
• Conflicts
• IMF reform
• The struggle against illicit drug trafficking
• The need, use, and development of technologies in information and
MIKT as next four Largest Markets
• MIKT is an informal consultation and coordination platform among
Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Türkiye.
• MIKT aims to contribute constructive solutions to regional and global
challenges as well as enhancing effectiveness of global governance.
Therefore, MIKT aims at strengthening its cooperation in order to
raise its voice on global issues and gain influence within the
international organizations. MIKT countries also work to strengthen
their economic and political ties.
MIKT as next four Largest Markets
(Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea &
• MIKT is a diverse and cross-regional grouping of powers that brings
together Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Türkiye
• MIKTA aims to bridge divides in the multilateral system and build
consensus on complex and challenging issues, drawing on the diverse
perspectives of its members and their shared interest in an effective,
rules-based global order.
• Working together, MIKTA countries play a constructive role in
international responses to global issues. We share a commitment to
open economies, human rights and democracy. And believe
maintaining a multilateral system that is fit-for-purpose, effective,
open and transparent and accountable to member states can best
address the challenges we face. At the same time, each partner is a
significant economic power with strategic influence in their region.
• MIKT members’ regional standing means we can draw on a range of
perspectives to better understand how diverse countries view global
issues. MIKTA’s inclusive approach, shared values and priorities
strengthens our ability to build consensus and advance the common
interests of the international community.
ASEAN-CHINA Free Trade Area as a
regional emerging market
• In 2002, China and ASEAN Countries signed the Framework
Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation which formed
the legal basis for the creation of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area
(ACFTA). Under ACFTA are three agreements aiming for free flow of
goods, services, and investments.