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Wildlife of Pakistan Introduction.......

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Wild life of Pakistan

Wild life of Pakistan

 PAKISTAN is bounded on the north and northwest by Afghanistan.
 On the northeast by Jammu and Kashmir.
 On east and south east by India.
 On the south by the Arabian sea .
 On west by Iran.
 The area of Pakistan 803943 square kilometer.

Climatic and geographical features

 Pakistan is mostly dry region characterized by great extremes or

altitudes and temperature.

 Topographically divided by Indus river.

 Enters the country in northeast.

 Flows south in Arabian sea.

Wild life of Pakistan
 The Indus forms in general the line of demarcation b/w the two main land forms of

the country

1) The Indus plains (extends principally along the east side of the river)

2) The Baluchistan high lands (lies to the west)

 Three lesser landforms of Pakistan

a) The coastal plains (is a narrow strip of land bordering the Arabian sea)

b) The Kharan basin (is west of Baluchistan high lands )

c) The desert ( which straddles the border with India in southeast ).

(Highest peak of highlands is tirich mir (7690 m) present in Hindu kush in north )
 The safed Koh range is pierced by famous Khyber pass on Pak- Afghan border.
Wild life of Pakistan
 Climate of Pakistan varies widely from place to place .

 Mountainous region has the temperature below freezing point

during winter in north and west.

 Indus plain area temperature range b/w 32-49 degree celc. In

 Indus plain area temperature range about 13 degree celc. In winter.

 Rainfall is scarce throughout Pakistan.

 Punjab region receives the most precipitation more than 508 man

per year.
 The arid region of southeast and southwest receive less than 127 mm

 Most rainfall occurs from July to September.
Wild life of Pakistan
Vegetation in Pakistan:
 Vegetation varies according to the altitude in

 Alpine flora grows on the higher slopes.
 Dense forests of spruce ,ever green oak, cheer pine

and deodar are found at lower altitude.

 About 68% of land in Pakistan is waterlogged or

suffering from salinization.

Pakistan having some of the largest and most beautiful mountains,
rivers, lakes, deserts, forests, mangroves is adorned with moderately
rich animal and plant life
Wild life of Pakistan
Biogeographical location of Pakistan:
 Biogeographically , Pakistan is located in the transition zone b/w two
of the world’s six zoogeographical regions. (palaearctic and oriental ).
 Its fauna is affinitive to these two major zoogeographical regions.
 The fauna and flora lying west of the river Indus passes affinities with
palaearctic region .
 While the one lying east of east of the Indus river resemble that of
Oriental region .
 So biogeographically Pakistan does not separate entity.
 Pakistan is bounded by man made borders.
 Its flora and fauna is not very rich .
Wild life of Pakistan
o The major groups of animals and plants represented in Pakistan are given
Number of species of major groups of animals and
Mammals 174
Birds 668
Reptiles 177
Amphibians 21
Fishes (fresh water) 198
Fishes (marine) More than 1,000
Insects More than 5,00

Flowering plants 5700

Fungi More than 45,,00

Algae 775
Wild life of Pakistan
Of the total number of vertebrate species found in Pakistan
excluding fish only 7-8 % may be regarded important as “wildlife
Status of wildlife prior to the
establishment of Pakistan:
At one time the land area, which is now called
Pakistan, was considered as “ hunter’s
paradise”. It has been reported that in the
middle of 19th century, some spectacular animals
like tigers, lions, elephants , rhinoceroses and
antilopes were common in this area. Even few
decade prior to the establishment of Pakistan in
1947, this area had a very rich wildlife.
Wild life of Pakistan
 The Himalayan ibex abundant at altitudes of perpetual
snow in the mountain range of Baltistan, Deosai and
 Herds of Sind ibex were commonly seen along the

mountain range of Mekran (Baluchistan ) and Kohistan

and Kirthar range.
Chinkara and Gazelles:
 The sandy deserts of Sind and Punjab were

termed with chinkara and gazelles , while Chagai

and Kharan with goiterd gazelles.

Gazzell Goiter Gazell Chinkara

Hog deer:
 Hog deer was found in abundance in all the riverine tracts

of sindh and Punjab.

Kashmir stag:
Kashmir stag was abundantly found in Neelam valley of
Azad Kashmir.

Hog deer Kashmir stag

Wild life of Pakistan
Barking deers:
 The barks of barking deer were being heard

frequently in foothills of Margalla and Muree.

Musk deer:
 Are used to roam in groups in the birch and alpine

zone of mountains of chitral and northern areas.

Black –buck:
 Could be easily seen leaping in the deserts of

Wild Asses:
 Used to roam freely in the desert of tharparkar and

mudflats of Baluchistan .
Was commonly found in fields right from Sialkot to
Wild life of Pakistan
Urials (Punjabi dunba)
 Were very common in salt range and Kala Chitta of
Punjab, and so urials of sind and Baluchistan called
“Guds” all along Kirthar range and Mekran coasts.
 Was very common on the gentle slopes of

northern areas.
 In the lofty cliffs were prawled by flare

horned Markhors in the north and staight

norned Markhors in Suleman range and the
range near Quetta.
Bird fauna
This region also had a very rich bird fauna.
 Pheasants which are restricted to Asia only,

were represented in abundance by a number

of species in Pakistan.
Wild life of Pakistan
Pea fowls:
 Were represented in abundance in sindh and Punjab .
Cheer pheasants:
 were represented in Murree foothills, Margala hills and

range of Southern Swat.

Kaleej :
 White crested Kaleej were present in large numbers in hill

forests with bush growth b/w 600 to 2000 m.

Koklas pheasants:
were present in large numbers in hill forests with bush
growth 2000 to 3000 m.
Western horned Tragopan:
The western horned tragopan dwelled in blue pine zone and
birch zone while the normal pheasant from blue pine zone to
alpine zone .
Wild life of Pakistan
Snow patridge and snow-cocks:
 Inhibited from altitudes of perpetual snow

while chukors and see-see patridges were

common in arid hills of low altitudes.
Black and grey patridges and common quails:
 Repesernted the indus plain area,

abundantly found and were sold in large

numbers in poultry markets for eating .
Ducks and Geese :
 Variety of duck and Geese was also
abundant and available in the markets.
Wild life of Pakistan
Reptilian fauna :
Was abundant,
 Geckos
 Monitor lizards

 Poisonous and non poisonous snakes

 Crocodiles

 Gavials

 Tortises
Crocodiles ,gavials and pythons were ruthlessly shot in large
numbers for their skins
Wild life of Pakistan
decline in the wildlife
The decline in the wildlife of this region started with
the beginning of 20th century and the situation
aggravated further during the past 30- 35 years .the
main reasons of this decline were as
1) Rapid pace of urbanization

2) Indiscriminate shooting and hunting

3) Deforestation

4) Denudation of pasture area and hillsides due to

5) Drainage of wetland areas

6) Removal of wildlife for export

7) Pollution
Wild life of Pakistan
Present status of wildlife in Pakistan
Table below gives the status of animals in Pakistan that are
endangered, vulnerable, critical endangered , present or
absent in the region of Pakistan.
Wild life of Pakistan
Wild life of Pakistan
Wild life of Pakistan
Wild life of Pakistan
Zones of fauna and flora :
Following Is a brief of each zone and the dominant plant
species and wild animals associated with it.
a) Cold forest

b) Alpine meadows

c) Sub- Alpine forests

d) Dry Temperate coniferous forests

e) Himalayan moist temperate forests

f) Sub-tropical pine forests

g) Tropical deciduous forests

h) Dry sub-tropical Habitats

i) Monsoon influenced arid subtropical zone

j) Sand dune desertscrub

k) Coastal areas
Wild life of Pakistan
a) Cold forests:
1. In the north of Pakistan and Baltistan distt.
Highest mountain rages are situated.
2. These mountain bear 5000 meters above at sea
level , ice caps, glaciers and permanent ice fields.
3. These constitute a special type of habitat which is
cold and arid and hence known as “cold deserts”.
4. During summer some herbaceous vegetation that is
shot lived grows around the glaciers.
5. The typical plant species includes Salix sp. ,Sedum
sp., Potentilla sp., Primula sp. And Mertensia sp.
6. Himalayan ibex ,snow leopard, bharal, lynx, snowcock
and snow patridges
Wild life of Pakistan
Alpine meadows:
1) Alpine scrubs and pastures are developed above
the subalpine zone for 200 meters b/w 4200 and
4500 meters.
2) Located in northern Hazara district, dir, swat.
Gilgit, chitral and Azad Kashmir.
3) The vegetation consists of grasses of genus Poa
and shrubs like Lonicera sp., Rhododendron sp.,
Saxiferaga sp.
4) Snow leopards, Himalayan ibex, Red bear,
Hodgeson’s pipit, snow pigeon, snow patridges,
monal pheasants and blue fronted redstart etc.
Wild life of Pakistan
Sub- alpine forests:
1) Located in northern Hazara district, dir, swat,
chitral and Azad Kashmir.
2) These forms the uppermost habitat in
Himalayas ranging b/w 3500 and 4500 meters at
sea level.
3) Vegetation , Betula sp. , Rhodendron sp.,
Sorbus sp. , Abies sp. , juniperus sp.,
Alopecurus sp. , and so on.
4) Musk deer, Markhor, Snow leopard , Stone
marten, Hodgson’s finches, Chukor, Tragopan
and Mona pheasants etc.
Wild life of Pakistan
Dry temperate coniferous forests
1) West of the Indus river and in small patches towards
east where monsoon rains do not reach .
2) Low rainfall is confined to winter rains.
3) Snow are found dry coniferous forests.
4) Found in upper reaches of Kaghan and Jabba valley ,Dir,
Chalas, Gilgit and Baluchistan.
5) In these forest canopy is open and trees are stunted.
6) Plants include Picea sp., Pinus sp. , Cedrus sp. , Sorbaria
sp., Fraxinus sp., Pistacia sp., Caragana sp., etc.
7) Animals like Black bears , Gazelle, Stone marten,
Common Leopard, Markhor, white capped Buntings,
Magpie, Rose finches, Black throated jays and chakor
Wild life of Pakistan
Himalayan moist temperate forests :
1) The high level conifers belogeing to the temperate
zone range in altitude from 1650-3000 m .
2) During summer precipitation is received in the form
of monsoon rains .
3) In winter mostly snow.
4) Located in lower Kaghan valley, Shogran, Neelam
valley and Murree hills.
5) Vegetation like Taxus sp., Cedrus sp., pinus sp.,
Abies sp.,Quercus sp., Populus sp., Indigofera sp.,
Acer sp.
6) Wildlife includes Grey goral, Rhesus, Langur, Black
bear, yellow throated marten,Hill babbler, Jungle
crow , Bulbuls, Grey winged black birds and Koklas
pheasant .
Wild life of Pakistan
Sub tropical pine forests:
1) Fairly narrow zone confined b/w about 900- 1650m
2) Located in Gora Gali, Muree- kahota hills, abbot
Aabad, Mansehra, Muzaffar Abad, Mirpur and
3) Plant species includes Pinus sp., xylosma sp.,
Machilus sp., Smilax sp., Quercus sp., Dodonaea
sp., Baberis sp., and Zanthoxylum sp.
4) Wild animal species as Grey goral, common
leopard , yellow throated matren ,spotted doves,
large cuckoo shrikes, babblers, brown fronted
woodpeckers, Kaleej pheasant, and fantails etc.
Wild life of Pakistan
Tropical deciduous forests:
1) Largely associated with Jhelum valley ,Rawalpindi
foothills and outer Margala hills b/w 500-100 meters
2) Early spring and summer is hot and dry.
3) There is much rain in late summer.
4) Major plant species. Acacia sp., Bauhinia sp., Cassia
sp., Ficus sp., Sterculia sp., Punica sp., Dodonea sp.,
Shorea sp., Salmalia sp, etc.
5) Fauna consists of Grey Goral, Barking deer, Caracal
cats, wildboars ,yellow throated marten ,common
leopard, Kaleej, Cheer pheasant,chakor, and grey
patridge etc.
Wild life of Pakistan

Dry sub tropical habitats:

1) This habitat is characterized by rocky and hilly country b/w sea
level and 900m .
2) This may again be subdivided into three zones.
a) Monsoon influenced arid subtropical zone
b) Subtropical less influenced by monsoon
c) Baluchistan desert scrub areas
a)Monsoon influenced arid subtropical zone :
 Habitats are typified by karachi, Malir, Lakhi hills ,Kohitan,
kirthar,and Lasbela region.
 Plant includes Acacia sp., Euphorbia sp., zizyphus sp.,
commiphora sp., Capparis sp., Caragana sp., Haloxylonsp., and
Nannorrhops sp.
 Animals, Indian fox, desert cats, Chinkara, pangolin,wild
boar,hyaena, Ratel, sind ibex,peafowl,Grey and black
Wild life of Pakistan
b) Subtropical zone less influenced by monsoon:
 Regular winter showers with frost and rather hot
dry summer.
 Habitat is typified by salt range, Kala Chitta,
Jhelum, and mountains of Dera Ghazi Khan.
 These areas are heavy over grazed .
 Dominant plants are Acacia sp., dodonea sp.,
Monotheca sp., Withania sp.,
 Animals as hyaena ,pangolin hedgehogs,
porcupines, chakor,see-see patridge,grey
patridge and sandgrouse.
Wild life of Pakistan
c)Baluchistan desert scrub areas:
 Usually associated with high hills and stony plateaus .
 Very cold in winter
 No monsoon influenced but occassional winter showers
 Habitat comperises of northern Kalat,lower parts of
Sulaman hills, most of Baluchistan valley ,Kurram valley,
and Waziristan.
 These are heavy overgrazed and felled and with vegetation
 Important plants, Olea sp., Haloxylon sp., Pistacia sp.,
Bromus sp., Quercus sp., monotheca sp.
 Wild animals includes Black bears, Hyeana , common
leopard, Caracal cat, Urial, red fox, Goitered Gazelle,
Chakor,see-see patridges and sandgrouse.
Wild life of Pakistan
i)Tropical thorn forests:
 Indus plains covered with thick thorn forests has been

cleared for cultivation and urbanization.

 Last remnants of forest are heavily degraded due to

overgrazing and felling.

 Some intact habitats still remain.

 These include b/w jhang and shor kot, around kasur on

border of India and in Sind on the right bank of the Indus

around Kashmore.
 Plants includes Prosopis sp., Tamarix sp., Salvadora sp.,

Chenopodium sp., Suaeda sp.

 Wild life comperises Jungle cat, wild boars, wolf ,

pangolin, Chinkara, Black cuck, nilgasi,peafowl, Chukor,

gery and black patridge, common quails and sandgrouse.
Wild life of Pakistan
j) Sand dunes desert scrub:
 Extensive area of undulating sand dunes often associated
with the absence of cultivation and extensive semi-
 These areas are typified by thal and Cholistan deserts of
Punjab and by thar desert of sindh.
 Plants species, Calligonum sp., tamarix sp., Capparis sp.,
pennisetum sp., Acacia sp., Alhagi sp., Eragrostis sp.,
Haloxylon sp and leptadaenia sp.
 Animals , Desert fox, Indian civet, Caracal, wolf,hyaena ,
Chinkara, black buck,Mongoose, Hoopoe,larks, spotted
doves, Houbara bustard,Indian bustard, Grey and Black
patridge and sandgrouse.
Wild life of Pakistan
k) Riverine plains or Indus basin inundation zone:
 These includes areas lying in the immediate vicinity of the
Indus river and the rivers of Punjab up to the foothills in the
 There are a number of inundated areas which are flooded
during summer and then gradually dry up.
 The permanent swampy areas include east Nara,Gauspur
and Manchar; Balloki (Punjab) and Lal suhanra ( Bhawalpur)
 Swampy areas are heavily infested with aquatic weeds.
 Plants, Saccharum sp., Erianthus sp., Typha sp., phragmites
sp., Ipomoea sp., Marsilea sp., Arundo sp., Tamarix sp.,
Populus sp., and Acacia sp.
 Animals, Jungle cat, Hogdeer, Otters, Fishing cat, wild
Boars, nilgai, Dolphin, crocodiles, peafowl, Grey and black
patridges. Quails and Sandgrouse.
Wild life of Pakistan
L) Coastal areas:
 The mangrove forests or coastal forests are
located in shallow water along the coastal near
the mouth of the river Indus and bays along the
Mekran coast.
 Plants and vegetation is, Avicenna sp.,
Rhizophora sp., Ceriops sp., Salsola sp., and
Bruguiera sp.
 Animals , fishing cat, hogdeer, Otter, Herons,
Stork, Flamingo, Sandpiper,Sandplover,Pellican,
Gull, make up important wild life fauna.

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