SRS Notes
SRS Notes
SRS Notes
• Name:
• Reg No:
• Branch:
• Semester: Fall 24_25
• Year:2024
• Date
• Month
What is an SRS?
• SRS is the official statement of what the system developers should
• SRS is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be
• SRS should include both a definition of user requirements and a
specification of the system requirements.
• The SRS fully describes what the software will do and how it will be
expected to perform.
What is the purpose of an SRS?
• The SRS precisely defines the software product that will be built.
• SRS used to know all the requirements for the software
development and thus that will help in designing the software.
• It provides feedback to the customer. For example :
communication between the Customer, Analyst, system
developers, maintainers, ...
contract between Purchaser and Supplier
firm foundation for the design phase
support system testing activities
support project management and control
controlling the evolution of the system
Users of a Requirements Document
Types of Requirements
• Functional requirements: It will describe about the inputs and
outputs of the designed system.
• Non functional requirements: It will describe about how the
system should work under certain circumstances. It is more specific
then functional requirements.
– Performance requirements
– Interface requirements
– Design constraints
– Other requirements
Other Requirements
• Security
• Safety
• Environmental
• Reusability
• Training
What is not included in an SRS ?
Project requirements
o cost, delivery schedules, staffing, reporting procedures
Design solutions
o partitioning of SW into modules, choosing data structures
Product assurance plans
o Quality Assurance procedures, Configuration Management
procedures, Verification & Validation procedures
Structure of The Requirements Document
Product Perspective
If the product is independent and totally self-contained, it should be stated here.
Describe the functions of each component of the larger system or project, and identify
Product Functions
Provide a summary of the functions that the software will perform.
Block diagrams showing the different functions and their relationships can be helpful.
User Characteristics
Describe those general characteristics of the eventual users of the product that will affect the
specific requirements.
Provide a general description of any other items that will limit the developer's options for
designing the system.
1. The software system will run under Windows.
2. All code shall be written in Java.