Lecture 2 - OSHA
Lecture 2 - OSHA
Lecture 2 - OSHA
maintaining a
developing job
reporting and providing training
safety and health
recordkeeping programs to
standards and
system to keep increase knowledge
enforcing them
track of job- about occupational
through worksite
related injuries safety and health.
and illnesses
Agenda of Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, 1970
Encourage employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards and to implement new or
improve existing safety and health programs
Provide for research in occupational safety and health to develop innovative ways of dealing with
occupational safety and health problems
Establish training programs to increase the number and competence of occupational safety and
health personnel.
Provide for the development, analysis, evaluation, and approval of state occupational safety and
health programs.
OSHA standards generally fall into five
• General Industry
• Maritime
• Construction
• Agriculture
• Recordkeeping
Origin of • Consensus Standards are developed by
industrywide, standard-developing
• Training
• Basic information about the industry (including name, address, size and process detail).
• - Age/gender distribution of the workers.
• - Pattern of work (working hours, shifts, rest breaks, free days etc).
• - Eating/washing facilities available to the workers.
• - Information about the chemicals (including names, quantities used, labelling, methods of use for each chemical
substance and waste disposal facilities).
• - Occupational Hygiene controls adopted by the industries.
• - Number of workers exposed to different chemicals (through inhalation, skin, and ingestion
• routes).
• - Specific diseases mentioned by the workers or from the dispensary record, if available.
• - Magnitude of fire, explosion and spill hazard.
• - Emergency and other control measures available at the industries.
Safety and Health Hazards and
Control Measures adopted by
the Industries
• Labelling of chemicals
• Handling and storage of chemicals
• Occupational Hygiene Controls
Labelling of Chemicals
• Some industries (shoes and surgical instruments) labelled the chemicals and gave indication of the
contents inside.
• Paints and furniture industries were using containers without proper labelling. Even where a label
was provided, it was in a foreign language like English, German, Chinese, UK or French.
• It is strange that even chemicals made in Pakistan rarely bear markings in Urdu. The lack of
proper labelling can result in accidents.
• In many cases, containers meant for one chemical are used again for other chemicals
• The labels, even if present on the containers lacks the basic safety and health precautions and
emergency procedures
Storage and handling
of chemicals
• In most of the factories visited in the
survey, only enough chemicals were stored
at the premises.
• Some large industries used pumping and
other mechanical means to transfer the
• In some cases, chemical containers were
lifted on shoulders and poured in the
mixing tanks.
• Industries adopted very few engineering and other occupational
hygiene controls.
• Most factories did not have adequate local exhaust, forced or
natural ventilation.
• None had considered substitution of hazardous processes or
• In the survey proper personal protective equipment (PPE) were
rarely seen being used in most industries. The cost of such
equipment was mentioned as a barrier to their use.
Occupational • Fire fighting facilities in most factories were in state of neglect.
• First aid, emergency treatment of workers, transport in case of
Hygiene emergency, waste disposal and warning signs in most industries
were inadequate
Controls • None of the industries surveyed in the study had regular air
monitoring and biological monitoring facilities to assess the risk
Control measures adopted by Paint industries
Control measures adopted by Shoe industries
Control measures adopted by Surgical industries
Control measures adopted by Furniture industries
Facts and Figures
of Occupational
Health and Safety
in Pakistan
(2001 – 2011)
Percentage distribution of employed suffered
occupational injuries/diseases by gender and area
Percentage distribution of
employees, 10 years of
age and over, suffered
occupational deceases by
major industry division
Percentage distribution of
employees, 10 years of
age and over, suffered
occupational deceases by
major industry division
Percentage distribution of employees, suffered occupational deceases by
age and region, 2010 – 2011
Percentage distribution of
employees, 10 years of
age and over, suffered
occupational deceases by
type of treatment received
Percentage distribution of
employees, 10 years of
age and over, suffered
occupational deceases by
education level
Percentage distribution of employees, 10 years of age and over, suffered
occupational deceases by major industry division, 2001 – 2011
Percentage distribution
of employees, 10 years
of age and over, suffered
occupational deceases
by unsafe act that caused
the accident / decease
Percentage distribution
of employees, 10 years
of age and over, suffered
occupational deceases
by unsafe act that caused
the accident / decease
Percentage distribution
of employees, 10 years
of age and over, suffered
occupational deceases
by unsafe act that caused
the accident / decease
Occupational death,
diseases and injuries
reported to Punjab
Employees Social
Security Institution
2008 - 2012
Thank you