• When the bell is presented enough times without being paired with
meat, the response extinguishes.
Spontaneous Recovery
• Spontaneous recovery is a phenomenon discovered by Pavlov in
which an extinguished conditioned stimulus suddenly elicits a
conditioned response again when there is a period of time between
trials in a classical conditioning experiment.
• Since responses are graphed cumulatively, the line never goes down -
when a response is extinguished, the line flattens.
Positive V/s Negative
Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement
• Positive reinforcement • Negative reinforcement
occurs when a response is occurs when a response is
strengthened because it is strengthened because it is
followed by the followed by the removal of
presentation of a an aversive (unpleasant)
rewarding stimulus stimulus.
•In positive reinforcement, a
response leads to the
presentation of a rewarding
stimulus. In negative
reinforcement, a response
leads to the removal of an
aversive stimulus.
•Both types of reinforcement
involve favorable
consequences and both have
the same effect on behavior:
The organism’s tendency to
emit the reinforced response
is strengthened.
Schedules of Reinforcement
• A schedule of reinforcement determines which occurrences of a specific response result in
presentation of a reinforcer. The simplest schedule is continuous reinforcement.
• Continuous reinforcement occurs when every instance of a designated response is
• Intermittent reinforcement, or partial reinforcement, occurs when a designated response
is reinforced only some of the time.
• A fixed-ratio schedule entails giving a reinforcer after a fixed number of non-reinforced
responses. Example: A student who gets money for every fifth “A” she receives on a test is
an example of a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement.
• A variable ratio schedule entails giving a reinforcer after a variable number of non-
reinforced responses. Example: playing slot machines is based on variable-ratio
reinforcement as the number of non-winning responses varies greatly before each time
the machine pays out.
Concept Check!
• Positive or Negative Reinforcement?
• “Most human behavior is
learned by observation through
• Observational learning occurs when an organism’s response is
influenced by the observation of others, who are called models.