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.Net Framework

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Introduction to .NET Framework

. NET Framework is a software

development framework for building
and running applications on
Windows. . NET Framework is part of
the . NET platform, a collection of
technologies for building apps for
Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS,
Android, and more. it is a virtual
machine for compiling and executing
programs written in different
languages like C#, VB.Net, etc.
Features of . NET
1.Automatic Resource Management
2.Cross-Language Interoperability
3.Common Type System
4.Easy and Rich Debugging Support
6.Tool Support
8.Framework Class Library
9.Elimination of DLL Hell
10.Simplified Development
Characteristics of .NET
Language Interoperability: Language Interoperability means code
written in any language can be used by other languages and there
is an access provided to COM components in the System.
2. Portable: The .NET Framework provides a common platform to
write portable programs using different languages of .NET
environment, based on open Internet standards which allow
different devices, software’s and applications to work together
across a wide and dispersed network of networks.
3. Type Safety: During program execution, the type checker
ensures that all objects and values, and the references to those
objects and values, have a valid type.
4. Performance: Its CLR environment promotes safe execution of
code, eliminates performance bottlenecks through its garbage
collector, minimizes software development conflicts through
namespaces and avoids versioning conflicts through assembly
.NET Framework Layers
Three-layer architecture is
dividing the project into three
layers that are User interface
layer, business layer and
data(database) layer where we
separate UI, logic, and data in
three divisions.
Components of .NET Framework
CLR (Common Language Runtime) – CLR helps to convert a source code into the byte code, and
this byte code is known as CIL (Common Intermediate Language) or MSIL (Microsoft
Intermediate Language). After converting into a byte code, a CLR uses a JIT compiler at run time
that helps to convert a CIL or MSIL code into the machine or native code.
CTS (Common Type System) – it specifies a standard that represent what type of data and value
can be defined and managed in computer memory at runtime. A CTS ensures that programming
data defined in various language should be interact with each other to share information. For
example, in C# we define data type as int, while in VB.NET we define integer as a data type.
BCL (Base Class Libraries) – The base class library has a rich collection of libraries features and
functions that help to implement many programming languages in the .NET Framework, such as
C#, Visual C++, and more.
CLS (Common Language Specification) – it is a subset of common type system (CTS) that defines
a set of rules and regulations which should be followed by every language that comes under the
.NET Framework. In other words, a CLS language should be cross – language integration or
interoperability. For example, in C# and VB.NET language, the C# language terminate each
statement with semicolon, whereas in VB.NET, it is not end with semicolon, and when these
statements execute in .NET Framework, it provides a common platform to interact and share
information with each other.
FCL (Framework Class Library) – It provides the various system functionality in the .NET
Framework, that includes classes, interfaces and data types etc. to create multiple functions and
different types of application such as desktop, web, mobile application, etc. In other words, it
can be defined as, it provides a base on which various applications, controls and components
are built in .NET Framework.
Visual Studio
Visual Studio .NET is an IDE from Microsoft for developing .NET based applications in supported
programming languages usually in C#. It can also be used to develop ASP Web applications, and
mobile applications. Various supporting programming languages includes, Visual Basic .NET, Visual
C++ .NET, Visual C# .NET, and Visual J#.NET, thus, enabling tools and facilitates sharing for the
creation of mixed – language solutions.
Visual Studio Components are as follows :-
• Visual Studio has a code editor with IntelliSense as well as code refactoring.
• The integrated debugger works not only as a source – level debugger but also as a machine level debugger.
• Forms designer provided in visual studio is used for building GUI applications.
• Web designer
• Class designer
• Database schema designer

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