CH 4 (3)
CH 4 (3)
CH 4 (3)
Q = total market demand
n = number of buyers in the market
q = quantity purchased by an average buyer per year
p = price of an average unit
e.g. If there are 100 million buyers of cassette
tapes each year, and the average buyer buys six
tapes a year, and the average price is $8, then
the total market demand for cassette tapes is
$4.8 billion (= 100,000,000 x 6 x $8).
2. Concentrated Marketing
A concentrated marketing approach aims at a
narrow, specific consumer group through one
specialized marketing plan catering to the needs of
that segment.
3. Differentiated Marketing (Multiple
Differentiated marketing combines the best
attributes of undifferentiated marketing and
concentrated marketing.
2. Increased profitability
Segmentation supports the development of niche
strategies, allowing marketing activities to focus on
the most attractive market segments.
Market leadership in selected segments improves
the competitive position of the whole organization
3. Identifying growth opportunities
Segmentation allows an organization to approach
consumer groups individually through targeted
marketing activity.
By segmenting markets, organizations can create their
own ‘niche products’ to attract additional customer
4. Stimulating innovation:
The identification of unique consumer needs through
segmentation enables a planned development of new
or improved products that better meet the wishes of
these consumer groups by offering distinctive products
and delivering superior value.
5. Targeted communication:
Segmentation enables marketers to communicate
effectively with the target market.
6. Strategic Planning
Segmentation plays a key role in the planning process
of an organization.
Bases of segmentation
Consumer Market Segmentation
What is positioning?
If you wanted to reach your prospect, the focus of
your campaign could no longer be based on internally
conceived benefits.