Inclusive for Health
Inclusive for Health
Inclusive for Health
Credit hours: 2
Course code: SNIE 1012
Contact hours: 48 Hours
Course objective and Expected Learning outcomes
• Blindness
a descriptive term referring to lack of sufficient vision for
the daily activities of life.
Legally defined as having central visual acuity of 20/200
or less using the better eye with correction. Or
having a peripheral vision contracted to an extent in
which the widest diameter of the visual field covers an
angular distance less than 20 degrees.
12/05/2024 kahsay Tareke 18
2. Hearing impairment:
Hearing impairment:
– is a generic term indicating a continuum of hearing loss from
mild to profound.
– includes the hard of hearing and deaf.
Hard of hearing
persons with enough residual hearing, which can hear using a
hearing aid.
Can acquire speech language and communicate with others
using hearing aid.
Can hear between 21 and 69 dB (decibels).
Can affect the child’s educational performance to some
Are persons whose sense of hearing is non functional for
ordinary use in communication, with or without a hearing aid.
The hearing loss is usually above 70 dB.
Can not process linguistic information which adversely affects
the educational performance
3. Specific learning disability
• Specific learning disability is a disorder in one or
more of the basic psychological processes
involved in understanding or in using language
that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to
listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do
mathematical calculations. The term does not
apply to children who have learning problems
that are primarily the result of visual, hearing,
motor disabilities, mental retardation,
emotional disturbance, and environmental,
cultural, or economic disadvantages.
Con. …Specific learning disability
– The AAMR defined intellectual disability as:
• substantial limitation in present functioning.
The physician‘s role is to manage the medical and health conditions of the
patient/consumer within the rehabilitation process
• CBR is a strategy that can address the need of peoples with disabilities
within their community which can be implemented through the combined
efforts of peoples with disabilities themselves, their families, organizations
and communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations,
health, education, vocational, social and other services.
A. The participation of people with disabilities and their representatives at
all stages of the development of the program
B. The formulation and implementation of national policies to support the
equal participation of people with disabilities
C. The establishment of a system for program management
D. The multi-sectoral collaboration of governmental and nongovernmental
sectors to support communities as they assume responsibility for the
inclusion of their members who experience disabilities.
E. CBR focuses on strengthening the capacity of peoples with disabilities,
and their families.
F. CBR focuses on challenging negative views and barriers in society to
enable equal rights and opportunities.
Con …
Three main meanings are attached to the notion of CBR
1. People Taking Care of Themselves
Services for people with disabilities in most regions
in developing countries are still limited to what
people can do for themselves
2. Concept and an Ideology As a concept and an
ideology, it promotes a decentralized approach to
rehabilitation service-delivery, whereby, it is
assumed that community members are willing and
able to mobilize local resources
3. Community Based Rehabilitation is mostly in a form
of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
Objectives of Community Based Rehabilitation
Recruitment, Workplace
Training, & Accommodations
Universal Design
Advancement and Accessibility:
Opportunities Policy & Practice
Recruitment Advancement
Recruitment Training
outreach and
hiring practices
Dimensions of Inclusive culture
Indigenous inclusion :-
is an organizational state that is embraced as a
cultural norm, with enterprise-wide workplace
strategies as well as a culture which invites the full
participation of indigenous people into all aspects
of business operations.
It is where leadership and employees are
welcoming of indigenous people, their experience
and outlooks.
Features of an indigenous inclusion:
1. Inclusion has been embraced as a core competency and embedded into the
organizational culture
2. Companies share their organization‘s experience and achievements with inclusion and
explain how it has helped their performance;
3. Human rights and responsibilities are promoted and respected. Employees are free of
concerns related to basic equity issues;
4. Comprehensive Indigenous procurement, recruitment and corporate social
responsibility strategies have been developed as part of an enterprise-wide
coordinated approach;
5. Indigenous people are employed and retained in all areas of the organization including
the senior leadership and executive positions
6. There are significant revenues and jobs gained by Indigenous people and businesses
through the organization‘s supply chain
7. Indigenes community sustainable gains have been realized as a result of the
relationships built between the company and the community
8. High levels of Indigenous employee engagement are seen and experienced in the
9. Leadership has put into place the resources needed to sustain its Indigenous inclusion
strategy and it may have introduced an inclusion policy framework or statement
10. Indigenous inclusion is integral to the mission and vision of the organization.
Chapter 5
Inclusion for Peace, Democracy and
Inclusion for Peace
peace is defined as creating mutual understanding,
positive relationship between individuals and
heterogeneous groups.
Peace can be achieved through formal and informal
inclusive education.
Inclusive education is a foundation for inclusiveness in
all aspects of life.
Educational inequalities reflect social inequalities more
Factors that increase the risk of the outbreak of conflict
could be due to discrimination on the basis of: gender.
Age, class, religion, disability, poverty, geographical
Sources of Conflict
• Spiritual sources of conflict Result of original
ancestor‘s separation from God and negative
influence from evil spiritual force
• Individual sources of conflict Disunity within the
individual and confusion of values
• Family sources of conflict Family dysfunctions
affect succeeding generations.
• National/international sources of conflict
National policies affect future generations and
can lead to conflict within or between nations
Sustaining Peace
If we develop true and practical inclusive education we can create citizens those
are unselfishness and living for the wellbeing of others
Fostering inclusion, ensuring access to justice, strengthening the social fabric
and delivering good governance have repeatedly been shown to be essential to
achieving development outcomes.
Foster social resilience by strengthening inclusion and addressing inequality
Reaffirm a commitment to human rights
Think local and act global
Protect and support civil society in fostering sustainable peace
Skills of sifting the truth from propaganda or bias that surrounds them in every
Respect for the wise use of resources and appreciation for more than just the
materialistic aspects of quality of life
Respect for different points of view and the ability to see the world through the
eyes of others
Skills to resolve conflict in non-violent ways
The desire and ability to participate in shaping society, in their own community,
their nation and the world.
Inclusion for Democracy
Democracy means the rule of the people, by the people, for the
people; and where ―people‖ is to mean all human being, regardless
of the diversities.
Schools are the ideal place to promote democracy
Inclusive education sees young people not as passive recipients of
knowledge, but rather as active co-creators of their own learning
that help to exercise democracy
Inclusive education aims to develop real democracy through active
Inclusive education (when practiced well) is very important because:
All children are able to be part of their community
develop a sense of belonging
become better prepared for life in the community today as
children and tomorrow as adults.
Inclusion for Development