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Illumination model
Illumination model, also known as Shading
model or Lightning model, is used to calculate
the intensity of light that is reflected at a
given point on surface.
There are three factors on which lightning
effect depends on:
Light Source :
Light source is the light emitting source. There
are three types of light sources:
Point Sources – The source that emit rays in
all directions (A bulb in a room).
Parallel Sources – Can be considered as a
point source which is far from the surface (The
Distributed Sources – Rays originate from a
finite area (A tubelight).
Their position, electromagnetic spectrum and
shape determine the lightning effect.
Surface :
When light falls on a surface part of it is
reflected and part of it is absorbed. Now the
surface structure decides the amount of
reflection and absorption of light. The position
of the surface and positions of all the nearby
surfaces also determine the lightning effect.
Observer :
The observer’s position and sensor spectrum
sensitivities also affect the lightning effect.
 Ambient Illumination :
Assume you are standing on a road, facing a
building with glass exterior and sun rays are
falling on that building reflecting back from it and
the falling on the object under observation. This
would be Ambient Illumination. In simple
words, Ambient Illumination is the one where
source of light is indirect.
 The reflected intensity Iamb of any point on the
surface is:
 Diffuse Reflection :
Diffuse reflection occurs on the surfaces which are
rough or grainy. In this reflection the brightness of
a point depends upon the angle made by the light
source and the surface.
 The reflected intensity Idiff of a point on the surface
 Specular Reflection :
When light falls on any shiny or glossy surface
most of it is reflected back, such reflection is
known as Specular Reflection.
Phong Model is an empirical model for Specular
Reflection which provides us with the formula for
calculation the reflected intensity Ispec:
Polygon rendering
Polygon rendering of a graphical object is
the providing proper intensity at each point
so that it looks like real object.
Different polygon rendering methods in
computer graphics:
Constant Intensity Shading
Gouraud Shading
Phong Shading
Flat Shading (per polygon)
This is the most simple and efficient way to
specify color for an object. It defines a
single color for a face. Implementations of
it may vary, but the main idea is that we
use only one surface normal per polygon.
The color itself is uniform (unchanging) on
that polygon
Gouraud shading
This Intensity-Interpolation scheme,
developed by Gouraud and usually referred
to as Gouraud Shading, renders a polygon
surface by linear interpolating intensity
value across the surface. Intensity values
for each polygon are coordinate with the
value of adjacent polygons along the
common edges, thus eliminating the
intensity discontinuities that can occur in
flat shading.
Each polygon surface is rendered with
Gouraud Shading by performing the
following calculations:
Determining the average unit normal vector
at each polygon vertex.
Apply an illumination model to each vertex to
determine the vertex intensity.
Linear interpolate the vertex intensities over
the surface of the polygon.
At each polygon vertex, we obtain a normal
vector by averaging the surface normals of
all polygons staring that vertex as shown in
Thus, for any vertex position V, we acquire
the unit vertex normal with the calculation

Once we have the vertex normals, we can

determine the intensity at the vertices from
a lighting model.

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