Prepared by :
Richard M. Mangune
Camba High School
English Language Teacher
What am I?
I am a word. A special verb in particular.
I behave very differently from normal
My present and past forms can be
combined to be-phrase or verb phrase.
With this they also call me ‘auxiliary’
I am a 6 letter word.
Modals do not take the –s in the third
E.g. He can speak Chinese.
She should be here by 7:00.
You use “ not” to make modals negative,
even in the simple present and simple
past tense.
E.g. He should not be late.
They might not come to the party.
Many modals cannot be used in the past
tenses or future tenses.
E.g He will can go with us. NOT CORRECT
She musted study hard. NOT CORRECT
The present and past forms of the
common modals are as follows;
can could
will would
shall should
may might
must had to
I am MODALS, I express a variety
of meanings
1. Can denotes a) ability, b) permission or
request, or c) possibility.
a) Mylene can design dresses. She could work for hours.
b) Can I call you up? Could you turn off the radio?
c) Life can be difficult. Traffic could be heavy.
2. Will indicates a) futurity or b) willingness or
a) The meeting will begin early.
b) I will see you tomorrow. Will you be ready?
Would expresses a) willingness in a
potential way b) polite question or
request, c) future intention from the
past point of view, or d) past habitual
a) I would apply If I were you.
b) Would you help me?
c) The lawyer said he would study it.
d) When they were small, they would go camping.
3. Shall expresses a) suggestion, b) in the
same way as will, but is often used in
ceremonies where protocol is an
important factor.
a) Shall we dance? Shall we leave at seven?
b) We shall begin with an invocation. The Prime Minister
shall welcome the delegates.
Should expresses obligation.
Citizens should serve the country.
4. May expresses a) permission, b) wish, or
c) probability.
a) You may leave now. May I walk with you.
b) May God bless you. May there be peace in this world.
c) The balloon may burst. It may rain tomorrow.
Might is used to express less probability.
a) She said she might come.
b) The balloon might burst.
5. Must is used a) to express very strong
obligation or necessity or b) in making
inferences or conclusions.
a) We must pay taxes.
b) They must have scholarships.
c) ( It barks. It wags its tail. ) It must be a dog.
d) ( Leda wears a school uniform. She carries books. )
She must be a student.
Let’s try this!
Complete each sentence with the right modal. The intended meaning
is given in the parentheses.