BY- Reju Ravindran
• Introduction
• The role of the Judiciary
• What is an independent Judiciary?
• Separation of Powers
• The structure of courts in India
• State (Delhi Administration) vs.
Laxman Kumar and Others (1985)
• The different branches of the legal
• Does everyone have access to the
• In India, there are certain
laws that apply equally to
all persons and a certain
set of fixed procedures
need to be followed
when a law is violated. To
enforce this rule of law,
there is a judicial system
that consists of the
mechanism of courts
What is the Role of the Judiciary
• (i) In principle, all citizens of India can access the courts in this country.
This implies that every citizen has a right to justice through the courts.
• (ii) Legal procedures involve a lot of money and paperwork which take
up a lot of time. Poor people often avoid to go the court to get justice.
• (iii) The Supreme Court devised a mechanism of Public Interest
Litigation or (PIL) to increase access to justice in 1980’s. It allowed any
individual or organization to file a PIL in the High Court or the Supreme
Court on behalf of those whose right were being violated.
• (iv) The legal process was simplified and even a letter or telegram
addressed to the Supreme Court or the High Court could be treated as
a PIL.