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Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrin Is produce by G cells in antral portion of the gastric mucosa
are flask-shaped with broad base containing
many Gastrin granules and narrow apex reaches mucosal surface G34, G17, G14 . G17 and G14 half-lives 2- . 3min G34 half-life 15min Gastrin inactivated in kidney and SI
: Action
Stimulation of gastric acid and pepsin -1
. secretion Stimulation of growth of mucosa of -2 stomach ,small and large intestines .(trophic action )
. Stimulation of gastric motility-3
Stimulation insulin secretion only after -4
a protein and not after carbohydrate .meal Stimuli that affect gastrin secretion
Stimuli that increase gastrin secretion
Luminal :Peptides and amino acids, Distention Neural :Increase vagal discharge via GRP Blood – borne Calcium Epinephrine
produce I cells in the upper intestine , in distal
. ileum and colon
in neurons in brain cerebral cortex and in nerve in many parts of ( )the body : Action Contraction of the gallbladder-1
Secretion of a pancreatic juice rich in -2
CCK augments of the action secretin in -3
producing secretion of an alkaline pancreatic . juice
Inhibits gastric emptying ,exerts trophic-4
effect on the pancreas Increase the secretion of enterokinase and-5 .enhance the motility of small intestine and colon
Augments the contraction of pyloric sphincter -6
with secretin ,thus prevent the reflux of duodenal . contents into stomach Gastrin and CCK stimulate glucagon -7 . secretion
In the brain is involved in regulation of food-8
.intake and related to anxiety Control of secretion Is increased by contact of the intestinal-1 .mucosa with peptides and amino acids
also by presence in the duodenum of fatty
acids containing more than 10 carbon atoms . Bile and pancreatic juice stimulate further -2 . CCK secretion .positive feedback control Secretin Is secreted by S cells are located in the gland of mucosa of upper portion of small intestine Action Increase the secretion of bicarbonate by duct cells-1 of pancreas and biliary tract ,it cause the secretion . of watery ,alkaline pancreatic juice
Augment the action on of CCK in producing-2
. pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes
2-It decreases gastric acid secretion and cause
contraction of the pyloric sphincter . Control of secretion Secretion increase by the product of protein -1 .digestion and by acid GIP Produce by K cells in the mucosa of the duodenum . and jejunum Its secretion is stimulated by glucose and fat in duodenum ,and in large dose inhibit gastric secretion and motility also stimulate insulin ,). gastric inhibitory peptide ( . secretion VIP , It found in nerve in GIT and in blood stimulate intestinal secretion of electrolyte and of .water
relaxation of smooth muscle including
.. sphincters ,dilatation of peripheral blood vessels Peptide Y Y It inhibits gastric acid and motility ,it release from jejunum is stimulated by fat Somatostatin Is secreted by D cells in pancreatic islets and gastrointestinal mucosa ,also from , hypothalamus its inhibit secretion of gastrin ,VIP,GIP ,secretin , motilin , motility and gallbladder contraction and the absorption of glucose ,amino acids ,and . triglyceride