Step by Step NDP-D Account Creation V2
Step by Step NDP-D Account Creation V2
Step by Step NDP-D Account Creation V2
Feras Abuzetun
Date: 3rd Apr, 2022
If you are looking to access Partner Portal begin at and start from step
3. A) Click New User
Note: Leave the browser window open while you receive the
One Time Password via email. If you close your browser
before the registration process is complete, you will need to
start over.
7. Click "Submit".
1- Fill in your
registered email
2- Fill in your NOLS 5 – Once you receive the above massage or you get a successful login it means that all the
3- Click Log in Account Password previous steps has been done correctly, now update your user creation master data with either
(OK or UnAuth) and once the data are completed to all your team members send it to Nokia