assessment of ears
assessment of ears
assessment of ears
Assessment of
Presented by:
Kaneez Fatima
Sajida Sharif
• Identify the structures and functions of the Ear
• Discuss how the nurse focus and prioritize
subjective /objective data collection.
- pt safety issues
• Identify normal and abnormal findings
• Identify teaching opportunities for health promotion and
risk reduction r/t the ear system
• Demonstrate application of the knowledge:
• like Nurse & Act like Nurse:
• Pulling it ALL together:
• Reflection and critical thinking
Ear Anatomy
• Sensory organ of the body
• Used for hearing and maintaining
• Composed of 3 sections
– External ear
– Middle ear
– Internal ear
Structure and Function
• External ear
– External auditory canal
– Tympanic membrane
• Middle ear
– Malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes
– Eustachian tube
• Inner ear
– Vestibule
– Vestibule and semi circular canals
– Cochlea
– Frequency range of 20–20,000 Hz
– Decibel range 0–140
Structure and
• Hearing
– Levels of auditory system
– Peripheral; The peripheral auditory system consists of the outer,
the middle, and the inner ear, which are responsible for capturing and
analyzing sound signals and converting them into information that can
be experienced as an auditory percept. تصور, گمان,احساس.
– Air conduction
– Bone conduction
Middle Ear
Inner Ear
Structure and
• Hearing loss
• Equilibrium
Structure and Function
• Developmental Care
– Infants and children
– The adult
– The aging adult
• Cross-Cultural Care
– Otitis media
– Cerumen
– Hearing loss
• Otoscope
• Nasal speculum
• Penlight
• Tuning fork in 256 , 512 and
1024 Hz
• Tongue blade
• Watch
• Gauze square
• Cotton-tipped applicators
Assessment of the Ears
• Subjective Data-
– Hx. Earaches
– Infections
– Discharge (otorrhea)
– Hearing loss
– Environmental noise
– Tinnitus
– Vertigo
Assessment of the Ears
•Objective data:
•Inspect and palpate external ear:
•Note color, lesions, tenderness,
•If S/S of ear infection, inspect
unaffected ear first to avoid
transferring infected material.
1. Ask the client to sit comfortably with the back
straight and the head tilted slightly away from you
toward his or her opposite shoulder.
2. Choose the largest speculum that fits comfortably
into the client’s ear canal (usually 5 mm in the
adult) and attach it to the otoscope. Holding the
instrument in your dominant hand, turn the light on
the otoscope to “on.”
3. Use the thumb and fingers of your opposite hand
to grasp the client’s auricle firmly but gently. Pull
out, up, and back to straighten the external auditory
canal. Do not alter this positioning at any time
during the otoscope examination.
– Romberg test
•stand with feet together and arms at
sides, close eyes should hold
position for 20 seconds without
loosing balance
– Developmental Care
– Infants and young children
Ear Drum (light reflex)
ght cone (Reflex) Tympanic membrane
• Normal findings:
– Tympanic membrane is pearly gray
with well-defined landmarks
– Light reflex present at 5 o’clock in
right ear and 7 o’clock in left ear
– Tympanic membrane moves when
patient blows against resistance
– No redness, swelling, tenderness,
lesions, drainage, foreign bodies
Normal TM
Otomycosis: Fungal Infection
Cerumen obstructing TM
Retraction of
Infection-red, bulging TM with
Otitis Media
Hearing •Conductive
Lossof sound
•Transmission •Transmission of sound waves
through the external & middle ear
waves in the inner ear is
is referred to as “Conductive
referred to as
“Sensorineural Hearing”
•Mechanical dysfunction of
external /middle ear
•Pathology of inner ear, •Examples include:
CNVIII, temporal lobe of impacted Cerumen, foreign
brain body, pus or
perforated TM,
•Example: presbycus- • Otosclerosis; is a term
gradual nerve derived from oto, meaning “of the ear,”
and sclerosis, meaning “abnormal
degeneration( gradual loss of hardening of body tissue.” The
condition is caused by abnormal bone
is the perception by an individual that a sound
is being heard on one side due to a timing and
intensity difference, when in fact the sound
was presented bilaterally. This is a normal
phenomenon that occurs in everyone, but it
can be more pronounced in people with
hearing loss. پس منظر
ایک فرد کا یہ تاثر ہے کہ وقت اور شدت کے فرق کی وجہ
جب کہ حقیقت میں،سے آواز ایک طرف سنائی دے رہی ہے
آواز کو دو طرفہ طور پر پیش کیا گیا تھا۔ یہ ایک عام
لیکن یہ سننے سے،رجحان ہے جو ہر کسی میں پایا جاتا ہے
محروم لوگوں میں زیادہ واضح ہو سکتا ہے۔
Pathways of Hearing
The cochlea is a fluid-filled, spiral-shaped
cavity found in the inner ear that plays a
vital role in the sense of hearing and
participates in the process of auditory
transduction. Sound waves are transduced
into electrical impulses that the brain can
interpret as individual sound frequencies.
سرپل نما گہا ہے جو،کوکلیا ایک سیال سے بھرا ہوا
اندرونی کان میں پایا جاتا ہے جو سماعت کے احساس
میں اہم کردار ادا کرتا ہے اور سمعی نقل و حمل کے
عمل میں حصہ لیتا ہے۔ صوتی لہروں کو برقی تحریکوں
میں تبدیل کیا جاتا ہے جسے دماغ انفرادی آواز کی تعدد
سے تعبیر کر سکتا ہے
Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss due to middle ear
• Otitis media:
is inflammation or infection located in the middle ear.
Otitis media can occur as a result of a cold, sore throat,
or respiratory infection.
• Serous otitis media:
(SOM) is a common inflammatory process of the
middle ear, frequent in early childhood.
• Otosclerosis:
is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal bone
growth inside the ear. It is one of the common reasons of the
hearing loss in young .
Hearing loss due to inner ear causes
•Whisper test:
•Test one ear at a time
•Press on tragus
•Whisper words from 1-2 ft. away
•Person should be able to repeat back the
Weber Test
•Weber test- valuable when person
reports hearing better with one ear.
• States hearing is good.
• No earaches,
• NO infections, discharge,
• NO hearing loss,
• tinnitus or vertigo
Sample Charting
• Objective
• Pinna - skin intact with no masses, lesions,
tenderness, or discharge.
• Otoscope- external canals are clear with no
redness, swelling, lesions, foreign body, or
discharge. Both tympanic membranes are pearly
gray, with light reflex and landmarks intact, no
• Hearing- whispered words heard bilaterally,
Weber test: tone heard midline without
lateralization. Rinne test: AC> BC and =
Sample Nursing
• Diagnoses
Wellness Diagnoses
• Readiness for enhanced communication r a t e d t o use of
hearing aid as evidence based (AEB)…
• Risk Diagnoses
• Risk for injury r/t hearing impairment
• Risk for loneliness r/t hearing loss
• Actual Diagnoses
• Disturbed Sensory Perception: Auditory r/t
conductive or sensorineural hearing loss AEB…
• Acute pain r/t infection of external or middle ear AEB….
• Impaired social interaction r/t inability to
interact effectively with others secondary to hearing
loss AEB…..
• Disturbed body image r/t concern over appearance
• Assessment of the ear includes:
1.Inspection & palpation of external ear
2.Otoscopic exam including ear canal
and tympanic membrane
3.Testing hearing acuity
4.Sample documentation
1. Bickley, L. S., Szilagyi, P. G., & Bates, B.
(2007). Bates' guide to physical examination
and history taking (11th Edi). Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter
No.06 & 07 p.n 171-250