module 5-1 (1)
module 5-1 (1)
module 5-1 (1)
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same nature as light but of very much shorter
The x-rays in the medical diagnostic region have wavelength of the order of 10 -10m.
They propagate with a speed of 3x 1010cm/s and are unaffected by electric and magnetic fields.
According to quantum theory , electromagnetic radiation consists of photons , which are
conceived as packets of energy and their interaction with matter involves an energy exchange
and the relation between the wavelength and the photon given by
Physical properties:
X rays belong to a family of electromagnetic radiations having
wavelength between 10A and .01 A
They travel with the same speed of visible light.(1,86000
They are invisible to eye and cannot be seen, heard or smelt.
They cannot be reflected , refracted or deflected by magnetic
or electric field as they do not possess any charge.
X-rays are pure energy , no mass and they transfer energy
from place to place in the form of quanta.
X-rays can penetrate various objects and the degree of
penetration depends on the quality of the X-ray beam and also
on the intensity and the wavelength of he X-ray beam.
X-rays able to penetrate through materials which readily
absorb and reflect visible light.
X-Rays are produced by collision of electrons with tungsten
atoms thus giving rise to 2 types of spectra
Continuous spectra
Line spectrum
Chemical Properties:
X-rays induce color changes. Methylene blue gets bleached.
Sodium platinocyanide which is apple green turns to dark green
and then to light brown and finally to darker brown.
X-rays brings about chemical changes in solutions that are
otherwise stable
X-rays cause destruction of fermenting power of enzymes.
X-rays produce ionization in gases and influence the electric
properties of liquids and solids. This property is made use in
construction of radiation measuring instruments.
X-rays also produce fluorescence in certain materials to help them
emit light
Fluoroscopic screens and intensifying screens have been
constructed on the basis of this property.
X-rays can affect photographic film in the same way as ordinary
visible light.
Biological Properties:
When X-rays are incident on a atom, one of the reaction it
produces is excitation.
These state of excitation in biological materials enable it to
take part in a chemical process into which in he normal state it
would not enter. This is an important cause of biological
damage produced by radiation.
2 types of biological effect by x-rays
– Somatic effect
– Genetic effect
Physiochemical Properties:
The photographic paper or film when exposed to x-rays and
then developed will be blackened.
This blackening is known as film density and degree of
blackening depends on
Amount of radiation
Quality of radiation
Characteristic of the film
Concentration and age of developing solution
Length of developing time
Use of intensifying screens.
Production of X-rays
Processing system
Data acquisition system – has precision preamplifier , current
to voltage converter, analog integrated multiplexers and A to D
converters – data transfer rate is 10mb/sec
Processing Unit: For CT images , the patient slice is divided
into numerous 3 D voxels, the image of the slice 2 D picture in
which each pixel corresponds to attenuation coefficient of a
voxel in the object slice.
Image Reconstruction
CT enables direct imaging and differentiation of soft tissue
structures, such as liver, lung tissue, and fat.
CT is especially useful in searching for large space occupying
lesions, tumors and metastasis and can not only reveal their
presence, but also the size, spatial location and extent of a tumor.
CT imaging of the head and brain can detect tumors, show
blood clots and blood vessel defects, show enlarged ventricles
(caused by a build up of cerebrospinal fluid) and image other
abnormalities such as those of the nerves or muscles of the eye.
Due to the short scan times of 500 milliseconds to a few
seconds, CT can be used for all anatomic regions, including
those susceptible to patient motion and breathing. For example,
in the thorax CT can be used for visualization of nodular
structures, infiltrations of fluid, fibrosis (for example from
asbestos fibers), and effusions (filling of an air space with
CT has been the basis for interventional work like CT guided
biopsy and minimally invasive therapy. CT images are also
used as basis for planning radiotherapy cancer treatment. CT is
also often used to follow the course of cancer treatment to
determine how the tumor is responding to treatment.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging system
• NMR is powerful imaging technique because of high
resolution and potential for chemical specific imaging.
• It is a non invasive imaging technique.
• Uses magnetic fields and RF signals to get anatomical
information about the human body as cross sectional images in
any direction and can easily discriminate between diseased
and healthy tissues.
• CT provides information about the bones and tissue structure
of an organ whereas NMR highlights the liquid like areas in
those organs and can be used to detect flowing liquids.
• MRI systems provide highly detailed images of tissue in the
• The systems detect and process the signals generated when
hydrogen atoms, which are abundant in tissue, are placed in a
strong magnetic field and excited by a resonant magnetic
excitation pulse .
• All materials contains nucleus that have a combination of
protons and neutrons. It possesses a spin and the amount of
spin give rise to a magnetic moment.
• The magnetic moment has a magnitude and direction.
• In tissues, Magnetic moments of nuclei making up the tissue
are randomly aligned and net magnetization=0.
• Random alignment of magnetic moments of the nuclei making up
the tissue, resulting in a zero net magnetization.
E = hωo
• Permanent Magnet:
In case of the permanent magnet, the patient is placed in the
gap between a pair of permanently magnetized pole faces.
Permanent magnet materials normally used in MRI scanners
include high carbon iron alloys such as alnico or neodymium iron..
Although permanent magnets have the advantages of producing a
relatively small fringing field and do not require power supplies,
they tend to be very heavy (up to 100 tons) and produce relatively
low fields of the order of 0.3 T or less.
• Electromagnets:
– Make use of soft magnetic materials such as pole faces
which become magnetized only when electric current is
passed through the coils wound around them. Electromagnets
obviously require external electrical power supply.
• Resistive magnets:
– make use of large current-carrying coils of aluminium strips
or copper tubes. In these magnets, the electrical power
requirement increases proportionately to the square of the
field strength which becomes prohibitively high as the field
strength increases. Moreover, the total power in the coils is
converted into heat which must be dissipated by liquid
• Superconductive magnets
Most of the modem NMR machines utilize superconductive
magnets. These magnets utilize the property of certain materials,
which lose their electrical resistance fully below a specific
temperature. The commonly used superconducting material is Nb Ti
(Niobium Titanium) alloy for which the transition temperature lies
at 9 K (-264°C). In order to prevent superconductivity from being
destroyed by an external magnetic field or the current passing
through the conductors, these conductors must be cooled down to
temperatures significantly below this point, at least to half of the
transition temperature. Therefore, superconductive magnet coils are
cooled with liquid helium which boils at a temperature of 4.2 K (-
RF Transmitter System
• The system consists of an RF transmitter, RF power amplifier
and RF transmitting coils. 1. RF Transmitter System
• In order to activate the nuclei so that they emit a useful signal,
energy must be transmitted into the sample. This is what the
transmitter does.
• The RF transmitter consists of an RF crystal oscillator at the
Larmor frequency. The RF voltage is gated with the pulse
envelopes from the computer interface to generate RF pulses
that excite the resonance.
RF Power Amplifier
• These pulses are amplified to levels varying from 100W to
several kW and are fed to the transmitter coil.
RF Transmitting Coils
• The coil generates RF field perpendicular to the direction of
main magnetic field.
• Coils are tuned to the NMR frequency and are usually
isolated from the remaining system using RF shielding cage.
Detection System :-
• The function of detection system is to detect the nuclear
magnetization and generate an output signal for processing by
the computer.
• The receiver coil usually surrounds the sample and acts as an
antenna to pick up the fluctuating nuclear magnetization of the
sample and converts it to a fluctuating output voltage V(i).
• NMR signal is given by
• The receiver coil design and placement is such that Bc(x) has
the largest possible transverse component. The longitudinal
component of Bc(x) contributes little to the output voltage and
can be ignored.
• The RF signals constitute the variable measured in
magnetic resonance tomography. These are extremely
weak signals having amplitude in the nV (nano-Volt)
range thus requiring specially designed RF antennas.
• The sensitivity of an MR scanner therefore depends
on the quality of its RF receiving antenna. For a given
sample magnetization, static magnetic field strengths
and sample volume, the signal-to-noise-ratio (SN
R)of the RF signal at the receiver depends in the
following manner upon the RF-receiving antenna.
• This implies that the SNR of an MR scan can be
improved by maximizing magnetization to coil volume.
• Some of the commonly available coils are:
• Body Coils: Constructed on cylindrical coils forms with
diameter ranging from 50 to 60 cm entirely surround the
patient's body.
• Head Coils: Designed only for head imaging, with typical
diameter of 28 c
Surface coils:
• Orbit/ear coil: flat, planar ring-shaped coil with 10 cm diameter;
Neck coil: flexible, rectangular shaped surface coil (10 cm x 20
cm) capable of adaptation to the individual patient anatomy; and
Spine coil: cylindrical or ring-shaped coil with 15 cm diameter.
Organ-enclosing coils:
• Breast coil: cylindrical or ring-shaped coil with 15 cm diameter.
• Helmholtz-type coil: a pair of flat ring coils each having 15 cm
diameter with distance between the two coils variable from 12
to 22 cm.
Matching Network :
Following the receiver coil is a matching network which
couples it to the pre-amplifier in order to maximize energy
transfer into the amplifier. This network introduces a phase
shifty to the phase of the signal.
The pre-amplifier is a low-noise amplifier which amplifies the
signal and feeds it to a quadrature phase detector.
Quadrature phase detector
• The detector accepts the RF NMR signal which consists of a
distribution of frequencies centred around or near the
transmitted frequency w and shifts the signal down in
frequency by w.
• The detector circuit accepts the inputs, the NMR signal V(t)
and a reference signal, and multiplies them, so that the output
is the product of the two inputs. The frequency of the
reference signal is the same as that of the irradiating RF pulse.
The output of the phase-sensitive detector consists of the sum
of two components, one a narrow range of frequencies
centred at 2w0, and the other, a narrow range centred at zero.
• The low pass filter following the phase-sensitive detector
removes all components except those centred at zero from the
• It is necessary to convert the complex (two-channel) signal to two
strings of digital numbers by analog-to-digital converters. The A-D
converter output is passed, in serial data form to the computer for
• The use of ultrasound in the medical field can be divided into two major areas: the
therapeutic and the diagnostic.
• The major difference between the two applications is the ultrasonic power level at
which the equipment operates.
• In therapeutic applications, the systems operate at ultrasonic power levels of up to
several watts per square centimeter while the diagnostic equipment operates at
power levels of well below 100 in W/ cm'.
• The therapeutic equipment is designed to agitate the tissue to the level where
thermal heating occurs in the tissue, and experimentally has been found to be quite
successful in its effects for the treatment of muscular ailments such as lumbago.
• For diagnostic purposes, on the other hand, as long as a sufficient amount of signal
has returned for electronic processing, no additional energy is necessary. Therefore,
considerably lower ultrasonic power levels are employed for diagnostic
• Alter the logarithmic amplification, the echo signals are rectified in the
detector circuit. The detector employed could he of the conventional
diode-capacitor type with an inductive filter to have additional filtering of
the earner frequency.
• In this rectification process, the negative half-cycles in the echo voltage
waveforms are convened into positive half-cycles. This is followed by a
demodulation circuit in which the fundamental frequency signal upon
which the echo amplitude information has been riding, is eliminated.
• The output of the demodulator circuit is in the form of an envelope of the
echo signal.
Video Amplifier:
• The signal requires further amplification after its demodulation in
detector circuit before it can be given to the Y- plates of the Cathode
ray tube (CRT). The output of the detector circuit is typically around I
V. but for display on the CRT. the signal must be amplified to about 100
to 1000 V. In addition to this, the amplifier must have a good transient
response with minimum possible overshoot. The most commonly used
video amplifier is the RC coupled type, having an inductance in series
with the collector load.
• Time base will begin to move the spot across the CRT face at the same
moment as the SCR is fired. If desired, in special cases, the start of the
trace can be delayed by the time delay unit so that the trace can be
expanded to obtain better display and examination of a distant echo.
Time Base:
• The Time base speed is adjusted so that echoes from deepest
structures of interest will appear on the screen before the beam
has completely traversed It.
• Taking the speed of ultrasound in soft tissue to be about 1500
m/s, a time of 13.3 micro sec. must be allowed for each
centimeter that the reflecting interlace is below the surface.
• In many applications, distance markers appropriate to each time-
base setting appear directly on the screen, which greatly simplifies
distance measurements.
• Several standard circuits are available for generating the sawtooth
waveform to provide a time base suitable for horizontal deflection
of the spot on the CRT screen. The horizontal sweep generator is
controlled by the PRF generator as die sweep starts at the moment
that the transmitting pulse is applied to the transducer.
Time Marker:
• The time marker produces pulses that are a known time apart
and, therefore, respond to a known distance apart in human
tissues. These marker pulses are given to the video amplifier
and then to the Y plates for display along with the echoes.
• After amplification in the video amplifier, the signal is given
to die Y plates of die CRT. CRT is not only a fast-acting device
but also gives a clear presentation of the received echo signals.
• Ultrasound waves are vibrations or disturbances consisting of
alternating zones of compression and rarefaction in a physical
medium such as gas, liquid, or solid matter.
• All waves, including both acoustical and electromagnetic (or
ocean waves, for that matter) possess three related attributes:
frequency (F). wavelength (X), and velocity (V).
• Frequency: is defined as the number of complete cycles per unit
of time. The basic unit of cycles is the hertz (Hz), which equals
one cycle per second (1 Hz = 1 cps);
• Wavelength: is the distance traveled by one cycle propagating
away from the source and is expressed in meters (m), or
subunits centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm). The wavelength
is also the distance between successive identical features on
successive cycles.
• Velocity: is the speed of propagation of the wave. In radio signals, the
velocity is the speed of light (c), or 300.000,000 m/s. In human tissue,
ultrasound propagates at a much slower rate. i.e.. around 1500 m/s.
• The two forms are
1. Longitudinal Propagation
• In the longitudinal form, the waves propagate in the same direction as the
zones of compression and rarefaction.
2. Transverse Propagation
• In transverse propagation, the waves propagate in a direction orthogonal
(at right angles) to the direction of the zones of compression and
rarefaction. Transverse propagation occurs when the wave propagate
along the surface of the medium, as on the surface of a container of water
or the surface of a bone.
• In medical ultrasound both forms are seen. While the main mode is
longitudinal propagation, a mode conversion to transverse propagation
can occur. Mode conversion is associated with a significant loss of signal
• Ultrasound travels freely through fluid and soft tissues. However,
ultrasound bounces back (is reflected back) as echoes when it hits a more
solid (dense) surface.
• For example, the ultrasound will travel freely though blood in a heart
chamber. But, when it hits a solid valve, a lot of the ultrasound echoes
back. Another example is that when ultrasound travels though bile in a
gallbladder it will echo back strongly if it hits a solid gallstone. So, as
ultrasound 'hits' different structures of different density in the body, it
sends back echoes of varying strength.
• Ultrasonography (sonography) uses a probe containing multiple acoustic
transducers to send pulses of sound into a material. Whenever a sound
wave encounters a material with a different density (acoustical
impedance), part of the sound wave is reflected back to the probe and is
detected as an echo. The time it takes for the echo to travel back to the
probe is measured and used to calculate the depth of the tissue interface
causing the echo. The greater the difference between acoustic impedances,
the larger the echo is. If the pulse hits gases or solids, the density
difference is so great that most of the acoustic energy is reflected and it
becomes impossible to see deeper.
• Figure given below illustrates the situation for reflection and
• At the boundary between two zones of different density,
some of the wave energy is reflected back into the
original medium, and some propagates into the second
medium but is refracted (i.e.. changes its direction of