BC 2 Unit 6 Trade Letters
BC 2 Unit 6 Trade Letters
BC 2 Unit 6 Trade Letters
The aggrieved party complains for the following purpose:
• Poor quality or improper quantity of goods received.
• Goods arriving late
• Goods arriving in damaged condition
• Defective packaging
• Goods differ from the sample
• Goods differ from those specifically ordered
• Higher price
• Mistake in bill or invoice
• Poor service, discourtesy shown by staff of seller
• Reminders for payments
• Goods delivered to the wrong party or place &
• Poor after sales service
4) Legalistic content: the letter must sound from a legal point of view, which means the
complaint must be genuine. If the matter goes to the court of law, the claim made by the
writer must prove legally effective.
5) Specific and firm Demand for Adjustment: specify the manner in which an adjustment
must be made. Eg: if the new TV set is defective, specify what you want – to be replaced,
repaired or cash back.
6) Tolerant Attitude: if an appeal is made in fair play to the reader, the claim is certain to
be met and his complaint adjusted.
1) Prompt Reply: ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. It may take several days or weeks
to investigate the complaint. But this is not the pretext to delay the reply. Reply
immediately, assuring that the complaint will be investigated. The purpose of the letter
is to restore faith, confidence and goodwill which has been lost.
3) Avoid argument: avoid entering into an argument. Even if you are right, it is not
profitable to get into a heated argument with him. You may win the argument but lose
The aim of adjustment letter should be threefold:
a) Try to make the complainant believe that he is being fairly treated.
b) Try to re-establish the confidence of the complainant in the goods, product or service
of the seller.
c) To regain his goodwill and try to restore the customers faith in the company.
4) Avoid detailed explanation of the error: Just give a brief explanation. Do not repeat the
fault in your letter already mentioned in the complaint.
5) Frank & Cheerful tone: the general tone of the letter should be frank & cheerful. Helps
to build goodwill and increase business. N
6) Correct language: Don’t be too blunt and loose a valuable customer. ‘The customer is
always right”.
1) Complainant at fault: when the complainant is at fault, the claim is not granted.
Explain the position fully before refusing to grant the claim. Appeal a sense of fair
3) Third party at Fault: clearly state 3rd party is at fault in a friendly manner. End the
letter with a promise to take up the matter with the 3rd party. Where this is not
possible, suggest alternatives to the complaint.
4) Fault under investigation: when fault has not been found out, make an unconditional
apology. Ask for the co-operation of the complainant in investigating the fault.
5) Fault Divided: sometimes fault is of both the complainant and the writer. Explain the fault
clearly but tactfully. Suggest the adjustment the writer is going to make and explain why he
cannot make the full claim.
1) Pay back in whole or part
2) Reduce the price
3) Give extra discount
4) Supply substitute goods
5) Give some extra service or repair the damaged goods.
Sales Letter
A letter that attempts to sell something.
• is compared to a salesman. (Focused customers)
• Reaches the client however busy he may be. (cost effective).
g) Fear: desire to protect family and self is a natural instinct. Insurance companies & bankers
exploit this appeal. (Warranty)
h) Getting something free: Eg: scrubber free with cleaning liquid
i. Facts & Figures: Statistical appeals are more effective with educated people.
j) Testimonials: film star or sports persons endorsing a product. Eg: hair oil, health drinks,
perfumes, soaps etc.
k) Guarantees: uarantee with free service for a period of time.
III] DESIRE : from ‘I like it’ to ‘I want it’.
● Arousing desire is the next function of the sales letter. The reader needs to be made
aware of a need, not considered before.
● Eg: a customer of 21 years has not considered the problem of old age. A sales letter
addressed to the young by insurance co. will mention problems, arouse a desire to
provide for retirement period.
● Step 3) draft the complaint stating facts necessary to establish a cause of action.
● Step 5) mention name, description and address of the complainant and name, address of
● Step 6) copies of documents supporting allegations – copy of bill, warranty, guarantee, copy of
● Step 7) Ask compensation cost alleged in the complaint. Consumer can also ask for refunds,
● Step 9) complaint must state as to what relief is sought against the opposite party.
● Step 10) the Act provides for limitation period of 2 years from date of cause of action.
● Step 11) you are required to file an affidavit along with the complaint that facts
● Step 12) the complainant can present the complaint in person or registered post.