Physics Project A
Physics Project A
Physics Project A
LDR CIRCUIT (2024-2025)
• This is to certify that this "Physics
Investigatory Project" on the topic “LDR
Circuit" has been successfully completed by
Akashdeep Singh Bajwa of class XII - S under
the guidance of Ms Kanika Khanna in
particular fulfilment of the curriculum of
Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE,
leading to the award of annual examination of
the year 2024-2025
• I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been
possible without the kind support and help of many individuals.
• I would like to thank my principal Mrs. Savina Bahl and school for
providing me with facilities required to do my project.
• I am highly indebted to my Physics teacher, Mrs. Kanika Khanna, for
his invaluable guidance which has sustained my efforts in all the
stages of this project work.
• I would also like to thank my parents for their continuous support
and encouragement.
• My thanks and appreciations also go to my fellow classmates and
the laboratory assistant in developing the project and to the people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.