Law of Supply
Law of Supply
Law of Supply
What is supply?
‘Supply refers to the quantity of a commodity
which producers or sellers are willing to
produce and offer for sale at a particular
price’, in a given market, at a particular period
of time
The three important aspects of
supply are….
10 10
12 15
14 20
16 25
The supply curve is showing a straight line and an upward slope. This implies that
the supply of a product increases with increase in the price of a product.
Market Supply schedule & Market Supply
Refers to a supply schedule that represents the different quantities of a product
that all the suppliers in the market are willing to supply at different prices.
Price of Individual Supply Market
100 750 500 450 1700
200 800 650 500 1950
300 900 750 650 2300
400 1000 900 700 2600
Market supply curve also represents the direct relationship between the quantity
supplied and price of a product.
Supply Function or Determinants of
Supply function studies the functional relationship between
supply of a
commodity and its various determinants.
Sx = Supply of a Commodity
PX = Price of the Commodity
PR = Price of the Related Goods
NF = Number of Firms
G = Goal of the Firm
PF = Price of factors of Production
T = Technology
EX = Expected Future Price
GP = Government Policy
Price of the Commodity
There is a direct relationship between price of a
commodity and its quantity supplied. When price
increases, supply also increases because it motivate
the firm to supply more in order to get more profit.
When price decreases, smaller quantity will be
supplied as profit decreases.
Price of Related Goods
Producers always have the tendency of shifting from the
production of one commodity to another commodity. If the
prices of another commodity increases, especially substitute
goods, producers will find it more profitable to produce that
commodity by reducing the production of the existing
For Example: Suppose the seller of tea notice that the price of
coffee increases . They may reduce the amount of resources
devoted to the selling of tea in favour of coffee.
Number of Firms
Market supply of a commodity depends upon
number of firms in the market.
ES = Percentage Change in quantity supplied
Percentage change in Price
= 200 x 10
5 400
ES = 1
Factors Affecting Elasticity of Supply