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Introduction to Networking Technologies

Keith Bogart
CCIE #4923

in Iinkcdin.com/in/koith-bogart-2a75042
Who This Course + Those thinking of pursuing a
Is For career in computer networking,
but are still investigating, this
course will identify what a
computer network is, and
common components of a
computer network

What is a Computer Network?

Components of a Computer Network
Technologies That Comprise a Network.
Computer Networking Job Roles
Computer Networking Job Specialties
Where Do I Go From Here?
+ A Desire To Learn
+ Basic Familiarity With A Course Prerequisites
/) ilXJE

What Is A Computer Network?

Topic Overview The Parts Of A Common
Computer Network
+ Common Vocabulary You
Need To Know
+ Why Do We Need
Computer Networks?
What Is A Computer Network?




A network is nothing more than two or more computing devices connected by a cable
or by a wireless radio connection so that they can exchange information

1. Prior to networking, individual users..SNEAKERNET!

2. Phones had their own network, now we have IP phones.

3. All of those host devices are cabled into what we call the network infrastructure

4. You’ll probably also have users and devices that utilize WiFi to connect to

5. Your company may also have a datacenter (explain the term)

6. Lastly, don’t forget the internet connection.

Common Vocabulary

+ LANs versus WANs

+ Node or Host
+ Local versus Remote Resources
+ The Internet


Common Terms/Vocabulary
Any device that is connected to the network is called a node
Why Do We Need Computer Networks?

Networks allow us to share tljings

+ Programs
+ Resources


When you download a new app for your phone or tablet, it’s the network that makes
that possible.
----Networked home devices (like DVRs)
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Components Of Computer Networks

Servers, NICs, Switches, Routers & Firewalls
Topic Overview + Servers & Clients
+ Local & Remote
+ Common Network

NICs, Switches, Routers, Firewalls and IPS devices

Servers & Clients

Client Client



Today, most of what we do on our laptops, PCs, tablets and smartphones requires
pulling data from another device. Such as Retrieving a website, an online calendar,
downloading music files and videos.
Local & Remote Resources

+ Local Resources:
+ Your own HDD
+ Memory
+ Keyboard
+ DVD-ROM Drive
Network Resources:
+ Networked HDDs
+ Networked Printers
+ Networked Optical Drives connected to Network

You can't tell just by looking at something if it is a LR or a NR. A printer sitting next to
you could also be on the network.

In the past, networking consisted of accessing shared resources on the local network
(shared printers, network drives, shared folders, etc) and also accessing the Internet
(primarily for research or entertainment) Today, many tasks that used to utilize shared
resources (such as Email, File Storage and Calendaring) now make use of Internet
resources instead (Gmail, DropBox, Google Calendar).
Common Network Components - NICs

+ Network Interface Cards, Connectors and Cables

45 R ji 1 INE

LAN / Ethernet NICs and cables on this page. Others on next page.
Common Network Components - NICs

Coaxial Cable NICs



Coaxial Cable

Connector type is called an SMA (SubMiniature version A) which come in Male and
Female versions. There are other types of connectors as well.
Common Network Components - NICs
+ Wi-Fi NICs

Wi-Fi NICs are frequently built-in and can’t be seen.

Guts of a Tablet (Nexus 7) are shown.
Common Components - Switches



Cisco Nexus 9508 start around $50k

Common Components - Routers



Cisco 2801 ISR

Externally a router may not look much different than a switch.

Talk about Hardware vs Software-based features. Routers are more SW-based and
so can do more things.
Common Components - Firewalls & IPS

network address (IPv4/v6) and

d-or-block decisions based off of those

acket inspection
d or block packet based on application

de services to detect malicious attacks

evention System aiNE
Common Components - Firewalls & IPS

Firepower 9000 Series

Cisco ASA 5500-X


Components Of Computer Networks

Wi-Fi & DNA Center
Topic Overview + Common Wi-Fi
+ Introduction To Cisco DNA
Common Components - Wi-Fi

+ Wi-Fi Access Points

Common Components - Wi-Fi Controllers
+ Controllers
+ Central point of management for groups of Access
+ Control Wi-Fi access for Clients
+ Controller differentiators
+ Quantity of Wi-Fi Clients supported
+ Features available
+ Appliance or Cloud-based
+ Type & quantity of uplink interfaces I

Many controllers also have integrated features such as Firewalls, ACLs and other
security features.

The Cisco 9800 series WLAN controllers are shown here.

Components - Cisco DNA Center

+ DNA = Digital Network Architecture

+ Cisco DNA Center is a centralized management
dashboard for complete control of a network
+ Provides a central automation and analytics
platform to facilitate “Intent-Based Networking”


Intent based networking: a new approach to networking, where special software

helps to plan, design and automatically implement on the fly changes to the network,
improving its availability and agility.

The idea here is that before a single end-user or application touches your network,
you have pre-planned how the network should respond to these things when they DO
get connected. Your “intent” (what resources users should have access to, QoS
policies for different applications, etc) is given to the Controller which then, in turn,
translates that intent into usable configurations that are pushed down to network
Cisco DNA Center

+ Appliance pre-built with Cisco DNA Center

+ A controller and analytics platform
+ Central point of GUI-based network control
+ Design your network
+ Create topology maps and diagrams
+ Identify/list “Golden Images” for software deployments
4- Create wireless profiles and SSIDs
+ GUI-based configuration of network devices
Cisco DNA Center Components


DN2-HW-APL (entry} DN2-HW-APL-L

■Cisco UCS* C22O Mb • Cisco UCS C220 M5 ■Cisco UCS C4fi0 M5

Rack Server - 44 cores Rack Server - SOcores Rack Server -112 Cores
■ iOOOSwiichcs/rtxrtcrs ■ 2000 switcftH/routers ■18.000 devices
■4000 access points • 6000 access W<nis ■100,000 chenis API
■20,000 cfcents ■40,000 clients Cisco ISE
(Identity Services



Campus Fabric
Switches Access Points Routers Wireless Controllers
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/) ilXJE

Network Math: Binary

Topic Overview + Introduction To Binary
Binary Math

Decimal (Base-10) Binary (Base-2)

1000 100
& a
8 4
2* 1

Common Binary Patterns To Memorize;

00000000 = 0
10000000 = 128
11000000 = 192
11100000 = 224
11110000 = 240
11111000 = 248
11111100 = 252
11111110 = 254
11111111 =255

Whiteboard each of these.

Binary Numbers In Networking

■interface S e ri a l l / 2
I d e s c ri p t i o n Connection-to-Backbone-Rtr
| ip address 1 . 2 . 1 . 1|255.255.255?0| J

i rout 33733?33? 255?255?255?25 2? 2r33

Sw-3Cconfig)#router bgp 444

Sw-3Cconfig-router)#network 2 3 . 1 5 0 . 1 . 3 2 mask]


Whiteboard each of these.


Network Math: Hexadecimal

Topic Overview + Introduction To
Hexadecimal Math

Decimal (Base-10) Hexadecimal (Base-16)

s s s a s 5 s s
1000 100 10 1 4096 256 16 1


Whiteboard each of these.

Hexadecimal Numbers In Networking

Rtr-l(config)#int ser 1/1

Rtr-lCconfig-if)#ipv6 address [2003: lacd : 55ef :lbcde: :1 64

Configuration register i s| 0x2142] (will be 10x2102] at next r e l o a d )

Sw-l#sho mac a d d r e s s - t a b l e
Mac Address Table

Vian Mac Address Type Ports

All 0100.0ccc.ccc c STATIC CPU iiM

Whiteboard each of these.

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/) ilXJE

Network Topology Architectures

Topic Overview + 2-Tier & 3-Tier Architectures
+ Spine-Leaf Architectures
+ WAN Architectures
+ SOHO Architectures
+ On-Premise Vs. Cloud-
Based Architectures
Network Topology Architectures

+ Networks can be designed in a variety of ways

+ Each of these ways (Le. an Architecture) will dictate
things such as:
+ Physical devices and cabling needed
+ Path of data traffic
+ Redundancy
+ Use of 3 party services


Some architectures will require that you must utilize the services of a 3 rd party such as
an ISP or WAN Service Provider. The costs of implementing these services, planning
for their failure, and accounting for any latency they might introduce must all be
factored into your planning.
2-Tier & 3-Tier Architectures
+ T h e enterprise/campus LAN networks are typically
designed as either 2-tier or 3-tier networks


Cone Layer

Distribution Layer

Access Layer


The 2-Tier network has also been called the “Collapsed Core” architecture.

Some of the characteristics of this type of architecture:

---Utilizes several different types of devices at the Access Layer in order to
accommodate a wide variety of host devices (access points with multiple radios,
switches with several kinds of interfaces).
---Implement access-layer security protocols to allow only authorized access to the
---Quick and easy connectivity to end-user devices is a primary concern
Spine-Leaf Architectures
+ - Data center networks are typically designed as Spine-Leaf
+ Interconnections between switches can be L2 or L3

"The Fabric"

;■ iixie
Image courtesy of searchdaLac9nter.techtBrget.com

This type of architecture is best suited for data center traffic that is more likely to move
east-to-west rather than north-to-south.

Typically connections between all switches will be Layer-3 in order to prevent bridging
loops and the delays induced by using Spanning-Tree (or other similar loop-
prevention technologies).

Some of the characteristics of this type of architecture:

---Utilizes the highest speed links possible between devices (10Gbps and up)
---Resiliency and redundancy are a major factor. These types of networks are
designed to almost NEVER go down.
---The switches used here are more expensive than your typical Enterprise/Campus
switches because they utilize higher-speed connections, and have many redundant
hw/sw features built-in
WAN Architectures
WANs provide a variety of connection methods
everal transport methods:
Point-to-Point encapsulation'

+ Broadcast — ■ Telephone Company



Some of the characteristics of this type of architecture:

---Available bandwidth is much less than Enterprise LAN bandwidth
---This network is out of your control. You can’t monitor it, view its health or fix it
when it goes down.
---Almost always the actual cables that are transporting your data are also used to
transport data from other customers as well.
---Privacy of your data as it traverses these types of network is a major concern.
SOHO Architectures
+ “SOHO Small Office / Home Office
+ Less equipment demands
+ Less need for authentication and security
+ Difficult to manage and enforce policy from HQ
Home Office Network

Small Office Network

L _|

On-Premise Vs. Cloud-Based Architectures

On-Premises Network Cloud-Based Network


On-premises characteristics:
-----Majority (if not all) of resources that end-users need physically reside within the
-----The network admin has control (and responsibility) for end-to-end reachability
between end-users and the resources they need.
-----An almost endless supply of options available for controlling the network and
security implementations.

Cloud-based characteristics:
----Responsibility for cloud-based resource uptime shifted to cloud-provider
----From the perspective of the customer, choices are very limited with regards to
cloud network segmentation and security.
----Confidentiality of data sent to/from the cloud a major concern
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/) ilXJE

Power Over Ethernet (PoE)

Topic Overview + Why Do We Need PoE?
+ What Can Be Powered?
+ Benefits Of PoE
+ PSE & PD Defined
+ How Much Power Can Be
+ How Is Power Delivered?
+ PoE Detection &
+ PoE Monitoring
Why Do We Need PoE?

+ All host devices that connect to a network require

+ Laptops
+ PCs
+ Printers
+ IP Phones
+ loT devices
+ Finding available AC connections for all of these devices
can be difficult
+ PoE allows us to provide power to these devices directly
from the network switch )ir\JE
What Can Be Powered?

From this To this

Benefits Of PoE

+ Time and cost savings

+ Flexibility
+ Safety
+ Reliability
+ Scalability


Time and cost: Less cables have to be run through walls, around cabinets, into
ceilings, etc.

Flexibility: Now, if you can run an Ethernet cable to a location you can also run power
to that same location.

Safety: POE delivery is intelligent, and designed to protect network equipment from
overload, underpowering, or incorrect installation.

Reliability: POE power comes from a central and universally compatible source,
rather than a collection of distributed wall adapters. Without PoE you have to be
concerned with obtaining a power cable that has the correct pinouts and plugs for
your particular country. And what if you want to move that device to a different
country? By using PoE you don’t have to worry about that. Also, PoE power-
supplying-equipment can be backed-up by an uninterruptible power supply, or
controlled to easily disable or reset devices.

Scalability: You don’t have to worry about being limited to only a handful of power
outlets in a room. With a PoE switch in that room you now have dozens of
connections that can provide power.

+ Standards-based PoE relies on the IEEE

802.3af, 802.3at and 802.3bt standards
+ PoE devices categorized as:
+ PSE - Power Sourcing Equipment
+ PDs - Powered Devices
+ PSEs are typically network switches or power

Shown here are some examples of PoE injectors. You would use these when you
have a PD that is ONLY capable of being powered by PoE but your network switch
doesn’t support PoE. In this case, you’re not really reaping any benefits from PoE
because you still need to plug a PoE injector into an AC outlet.
How Much Power Can I Get?

IEEE Standard Type Power Budge per Device

IEEE 802.3af Type 1 15.4W

IEEE 803.2at/ PoE+ Type 2 30.8W

802.3bt / Cisco UPoE Type 3 60W

IEEE 802.3bt / UPoE+ Type 4 90-95W


Here you can see that there are various PoE standards. Depending on whichever
standard(s) your PSE supports will dictate the maximum power that device can

UPoE stands for “Universal Power Over Ethernet”.

Keep in mind that each type of switch that can provide power has something called a
“Power Budget” which is the TOTAL amount of power that can be delivered via PoE.
Many switches do not have the capability to deliver maximum PoE levels across each
and every switchport.
How Is Power Delivered?

+ Ethernet cables contain four pairs of twisted cables

(8-wires total)
+ IEEE 802.3af and 802.3at standards utilize two of
these pairs (4-wires) to deliver power
+ Cisco UPoE and UPoE+ utilize all 8-pairs to deliver
30W 60W total


The graphic shown here demonstrates how UPoE delivers 60W over Category5e
twisted pair ethernet cable.

There is an IEEE equivalent to Cisco’s UPoE which is called IEEE 802.3bt (also
called 4PPoE). This is also capable of delivering up to 90W of power by using all four
pairs of UTP cabling to deliver power.
PoE Detection & Negotiation

+ PoE uses a detection technique to determine if:

+ PSE is connected to a PD or not
+ How much power the PD requires
+ General summary of initial steps
+ PSE outputs a small amount of power to detect if there is any resistance
+ PDs have a special resistor in the NIC that will respond, and limit this
incoming voltage and reflect back a certain amount to PSE
+ PSE now knows it is connected to a PD and, depending on the
currentfvoltage it receives back, performs this step a few more times to
detect the type-and-classification of PD
+ PSE finally knows just how much power to deliver

z irxje

Further steps for power negotiation

----After PD is receiving the minimum power it needs, it can send a LLDP or CDP
message to PSE
----LLD-MED option is used to indicate the actual amount of power the PD requires
----CDP can also be used for this same purpose
Monitoring PoE On Cisco Devices

Stack-1# show cdp neighbor detail

Device ID: SEP001121116D78

Entry address(es): IP address:
Platform: Cisco IP Phone 7970, Capabilities: Host Phone
Interface: GigabitEthernetl/0/2, Port ID (outgoing port): Port 1
Holdtime : 150 sec
Version : SCCP70.8-0-0-74S
advertisement version: 2
Duplex: full
[Power drawn: 10.250 Watts
Power request id: 28024, Power management id: 3
[Power request levels are: 10250 6300 0 0 0

Image courtesy of cisco.com

In this output the “Power Drawn” represents the maximum required power for this
phone, which is 10250 milliwatts (10.25 W)
However this phone has also advertised that is capable of operating with reduced
screen brightness at 6.3 W
Monitoring PoE On Cisco Devices
S t a c k - 1 # show power i n l i n e
Module Available Used Remaining
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts)

1 1 420.0 22.2 397 .8 ]

2 370 . 0 18.2 351 .8

I n t e r f a c eAdmin Oper Power Device Class Max

(Watts )

[ Gil/ 0/1 auto on 6.3 IP Phone 7960 0 15.4

Gil/0/2 auto on 10.3 IP P h o n e 7970 3 15.4
Gi2/0/l auto on 15.4 IP Phone C P - 7 9 7 0 G 3 15.4

Gi2/0/2 auto on 8.5 A I R - A P 1 2 2O-IOS n/a 15.4

/ ir\iE
Image courtesy ofdsco.com

The output of this command shows the total power budget (total power available to
be delivered) by each switch in this switch stack (grouping of switches) and how
much has been consumed so far.
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