Burhan Ahmad(F2024266646)
Burhan Ahmad(F2024266646)
Burhan Ahmad(F2024266646)
Project Manager
Functional System
Technical Training
Operational Administrator
Heirarchy: Project
This is a hierarchy of project team
development. Manager
At the first Project Manager comes then after
the Project Manager Functional Operation
staff come then Technical Staff come then Operational
After technical staff System Administrator Functional
come then the training staff come.
This hierarchy is from the higher position to
lower positions.
Technical Training
Insert Audio In this slide.
The audio should run as
you come to this slide
From this slide onwards add any transition you would like e.g morph, split, wipe.
Secondly, make the duration 5 s and see how it effects the slides. You can see from
the preview how your transition is affected.
Make a new slide add some shapes to it for example like the one I have created in
this apply at least three type of different animations to them. The animations
should play as soon as you go to the next slide
At the end change the
transition such that all
slides change after 2 s as
you present them